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James' Blog very, very quiet...

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Literally quiet talk from James. I turned everything up as high as I could and could hardly hear him. Not much content either. I was hoping for a lowering of the payment threshold as I am just under it now. So by the end of the year something will happen and then more in the next six months. Guess I just have to sell more!!!!



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Turned mine up and listened hard - just don't get the bit about newspapers having syndication arrangements with other organizations around the world -


Yes James they do, and they are commercial arrangements for the re-use of their content - the problem is that the word content may be written by their staffers but the picture content is not theirs - it is licensed from us via you  - and you thus allow them to SELL on our images often for a profit. It is now accepted practice by you and I can see no way back.


That, and the fact that the question on 'Group' usage,  which seemed to have received approval from contributors, failed to get a mention, makes me question whether you are really listening.


But you are a hell of a lot better than any other agency/library - I don't know any of them that would get their top man to put his head above the parapet ....... thanks !

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No problems here in Denver.  Be sure the volume is turned up on the You Tube video itself, and then be sure the volume is turned up on your computer (then if you have external speakers with volume control, be sure they are turned up as well).

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I only can say business is hard. Knowing from experience sometimes you have to do somethings that you would never do in normal situations. Our world is rapidly changing.


And i like to listen to this videos. Who has the possibilty to ask directly questions to the CEO and getting response. I can imagine how much work such kind of position requires and still trying to find time to listen to the contributors even if you can not make everybody happy. This no politician can.



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I do appreciate the way he is willing to talk to us and I know for sure the economy is wretched these days and it's great that Alamy survives and still brings us at least some money if not what we would like. I feel that I am treated very well here.


I will say again that I turned up the sound on the video itself and my computer. I do not have external speakers. Of course, we Yanks also think he has a funny accent so maybe that takes a bit more concentration too. I know my hearing is pretty OK because EVERYTHING in New York seems too LOUD for me these days.



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Yes, that's what I heard too.




OOOps. Talking at the same time as Allan. So sorry. No need to speak up.


Sorry Paulette, I'll keep quite now. Hows that?



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Sounded OK on my big imac with you tube and built-in volumes up full. A descent mike at James end might help with both volume and clarity. They are cheap enough!


James manner of speech wouldn't quite hack it for a broadcast test but I can't see how anyone could call that an odd "accent". The key to listening is, don't panic, just tune into what whoever is actually saying. When I first came to the UK some people seemed to have trouble understanding me; I know I was speaking pretty clearly with perhaps a bit of Canadian twist, just that they weren't used to it and shut down their ears enough that they lost my thread.


I find Texans hard to follow sometimes, but I think that's because my brain is being confused by expecting some dialogue out of an old "Western" or maybe too much George W Bush speak.

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American regional accents are far less pronounced than they once were. I'm from Brooklyn and have lived in Dallas, Oxfordshire, Rome, Mallorca and Saigon. One never hears a real Brooklyn accent any more. I had a weekly spot  for 2.5 years on BBC Radio Oxford, and no one complained that they couldn't understand me. And I normally have no trouble following James . . . but the volume on this video is very very low. 

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Sorry, just realized that I strayed off-topic by commenting on the content - gone to stand in the naughty corner......(Sound on my Mac was fine, once I'd switched the default 'mute' off....)

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Sounds like he's in a toilet, too (I think that used to be a Roland guitar reverb effect: loo echo)! Maybe that's why he's being so quiet (mind you, I wouldn't be very happy with all those folk walking by the door)!

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Literally quiet talk from James. I turned everything up as high as I could and could hardly hear him. Not much content either. I was hoping for a lowering of the payment threshold as I am just under it now. So by the end of the year something will happen and then more in the next six months. Guess I just have to sell more!!!!



I found exactly the same both on the Video window and the main volume slider - both set to max on a Macbook Pro

Will listen again



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James is coming through loud and clear on my 20-year-old budget speakers (think they cost me under 10 bucks). Problem is that I don't have the patience to listen to the whole thing right now, but I've apparently got up to 28 working days to do so. <_<

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LOL, Paulette, and I loved James West's "dog's dinner" double-take.


Audio was okay with YouTube and my computer (separate speakers) volume levels turned to max.


Good to hear payment threshold will be lowered by end of year, and then lowered again first half of 2014.



NYCat:   Actually I'm an Anglophile and I love James' accent. It is an accent, you know, to those of us in the US of A. We, of course have no accent.


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