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52 minutes ago, losdemas said:



Two sales with only 75 images up is quite amazing - I'd say that you were very fortunate. You really need 625 x 5 to count on regular sales here (some would say many more). Tags, captions, quality, quantity, variety - keep going.

No zooms might suggest you need to rework tags. For example M1XY5D is tagged sandwiches, but doesn’t have any, while M1XY56 is tagged water bottles and soft drinks but doesn’t have any. If the images are different, you need to be more specific with tags and captions I think. 

Not impossible to have a sale with less than 1,000 images, but it’s due to a number of factors eg content of your portfolio, what clients are looking for, good tagging and captions etc, so don’t assume it’s the quality of your images. Persistence, determination and constant review are, IMHO based on only a year’s worth of experience, key factors.

Edited by Sally
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2 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


Keep uploading and uploading and uploading.;)





Thank you Allan, I know,  I only have 179 images,  I'm loosing motivation my little creativity goes in waves ;)

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On 06/02/2018 at 09:09, Futterwithtrees said:

What a relief: I have just had my first sale ever on Alamy after 12 months of uploading and waiting. I had almost given up all hope. Its a small sale.$20 to me after commission but it's a welcome start. It wasn't zoomed



It might have been zoomed, just not by a 'registered' Alamy customer.


Congratulations, by the way.



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I have appreciated all the very positive comments and words of encouragement so thanks to all. I am in a bit of a dilemma however. Alamy is not the only stock agency I use and am enjoying reasonable success with microstock etc. I think I have some personal indicators that some of my images are being viwed and occasionally zoomed on Alamy and then downloaded elsewhere. I have now resolved to keep a percentage of every shoot for Alamy alone to see if that makes a difference. One of the questions I keep asking myself is "Why would anyone pay more for any of my images on Alamy when the microstock market is full of similar and sometimes better images"

My photography is not niche. My subjects are not exclusive and I don't see buyers saying I must have this image and nothing else. Perhaps what I am really saying is that i don't believe in myself enough to go exclusive with Alamy. 

Comments appreciated.:unsure::rolleyes: 

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On 2018-02-08 at 08:52, Kelv said:

Congratulations, I'm still waiting and waiting and waiting :)


It will happen that elusive first sale, you have really good images, the key is to upload more of the same quality. Try and set a goal to have a thousand images by a time you can achieve. Good luck.

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Congratulations on making your first sale! I also remember my first, and the fact that it totally sold me on Alamy. It was from a set of images that were rejected by my previous stock agent. There was no reason given and I couldn't see any legitimate reason for the rejection, so I switched. The several sales since from that set have convinced me it was the right decision.

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17 hours ago, Normspics said:


It will happen that elusive first sale, you have really good images, the key is to upload more of the same quality. Try and set a goal to have a thousand images by a time you can achieve. Good luck.

Thank you, I've got a long way to go but it will be worth it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome, emi!


Might be a bulk sale of some sort, or a small sale through a distributor; both reduce your share. I decided long ago to stay away from the various 'schemes' at Alamy. I get 50% of sales (except "affiliate sales") and rarely get a sale under $20. There are many factors involved, so it is best to wait until you have many sales in your history to draw conclusions.

Edited by KevinS
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Thanks KevinS,  I just have to study this various schemes here at Alamy. Do photos which are RM or editorial have higher price and if photo is RM can you  sell it somewhere else? Is it some kind of exclusivity?


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50 minutes ago, emi said:

Thanks KevinS,  I just have to study this various schemes here at Alamy. Do photos which are RM or editorial have higher price and if photo is RM can you  sell it somewhere else? Is it some kind of exclusivity?


Emi,  RM stands for Rights Managed, and means that the license is granted (and priced) for a specific use, unlike RF. I don't know much about RF as mine are all RM. RM images can be sold elsewhere, and it is up to the photographer to "manage" the rights as Alamy doesn't do that, AFAIK. By manage I mean you can't license the same rights to different customers. I have one calendar customer who always sends a message in advance asking if the image is available for a certain use. I respond that it is, then I do not license those rights to another calendar company.      

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11 hours ago, KevinS said:

Emi,  RM stands for Rights Managed, and means that the license is granted (and priced) for a specific use, unlike RF. I don't know much about RF as mine are all RM. RM images can be sold elsewhere, and it is up to the photographer to "manage" the rights as Alamy doesn't do that, AFAIK. By manage I mean you can't license the same rights to different customers. I have one calendar customer who always sends a message in advance asking if the image is available for a certain use. I respond that it is, then I do not license those rights to another calendar company.      

Thank you for answer!

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On 2/10/2018 at 11:23, Futterwithtrees said:

Funkyworm! Point well made and received. Portavogie here I come and maybe Kilkeel and Ardglass as well. Thanks. Niche... All Thinks fish, nets and trawlers.

Too late. You've already given your Portavogie niche away to SS. 

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First sale...little one, but I am happy as I am just getting started! I have set this year as a challenge to get a certain number uploaded rather then sold.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations on your first sale.


I had one sale in 2016 from a set of 25 images uploaded in 2011......thats a good ratio but what a time span!

(nothing since by the way)


So its a slow process but this is giving me the impetus to get out there and make more pictures...which I'm going to enjoy.....I'm getting towards uploading most of what I have- still only 150 uploaded so far but I only started that on Tuesday.


Good luck!



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