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What FTP system do you use to upload your images?

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Hi folks, I’m a newbie and just got my first 3 images approved by QC and now I am ready to load some full size images @ jpeg level 12. I have been using Hightail to send files to clients without any problems and since I have a subscription to Hightail and never had any problems with it I'd like to continue using it.

Is anyone else out there familiar with Hightail and do you use it to send files to Alamy?
I have looked at Filezilla and see that it is a free open source client but I don’t like the idea that some types of malware specifically look for ftp addresses in plaintext files leading to problems.  Now I’m sending photos and I hope they avoid the malware because I had some malware issues on this Mac. I’m about to use a new Mac and the last thing I need is more complications.
I’d like to hear other people’s views on what they use and especially if you are a Hightail user but I’m open to all suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
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I usually upload directly from PhotoMechanic as I can caption my selection and then send it to Alamy. Very occasionally I use FileZilla for Alamy but I have extensive virus/malware protection; I do use FileZilla frequently for maintaining web sites. I have used it for many years and it is used by a many, most?, Linux developers and system managers.

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I normally send my files via the web and now with the new AIM it's easier than it was in the past.


If I were to use ftp I'd go with Transmit even though it does cost money. I've tried Filezilla and don't care for the Mac interface,

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I normally send my files via the web and now with the new AIM it's easier than it was in the past.


If I were to use ftp I'd go with Transmit even though it does cost money. I've tried Filezilla and don't care for the Mac interface,


it's actually harder for me to send then with the new AIM, it's much slower and images get stuck.  I always used web upload before but now I have to use FTP

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I normally send my files via the web and now with the new AIM it's easier than it was in the past.


If I were to use ftp I'd go with Transmit even though it does cost money. I've tried Filezilla and don't care for the Mac interface,


it's actually harder for me to send then with the new AIM, it's much slower and images get stuck.  I always used web upload before but now I have to use FTP



Much harder for me too - images get stuck on every upload - will start using filezilla

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I only started to FTP recently. I use Fetch on a Mac, without any problems so far.

I tend to pay extra for my software, over free open source, because of the potential malware problems you mention.
You also avoid potential quirks from some open source software that may present themselves when you try to use the software at its limits.
More expensive in the short run, but cheaper in the long run if you can avoid malware.
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Thanks everyone, I'm still considering my options. Most of the malware that appeared on my old iMac was Windows based but there was some specific malware for Macs including a Trojan horse type. This Mac is about to die so in future I'll be on a new iMac but I definitely don't want to mess with a program that is open to malware problems. That looks as if Filezilla is out for me. 


As a newbie I have a lot to learn. I'm trying to concentrate on editing pictures at the moment but there is so much to take in when it comes to doing stock photography. 


Thanks for the help everyone, it's encouraging to see such positive feedback.

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This seems to be a bit like horses for courses. After CD's I uploaded directly to Alamy but then ran into some problems so I changed to FileZilla. This worked well for a few years then I started to get interruptions and timeout issues so changed back to direct upload to Alamy early last year. Have had no problems since.

Jim. :)

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Malware & Open Source Programs


If you download from a reputable source (https://filezilla-project.org/ for example, or Sourceforge) then Filezilla is no more prone to malware problems than any other software (including a lot of the stuff you have to pay for). True of many other open source applications. 

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I'm new here. When I FTP files it's usually via Photo Mechanic. My backup FTP client is FileZilla, never had any problems with it. As a fellow Mac user it's always worth being prepared for the worst and having Malwarebytes for Mac downloaded and in your dock.  It's a free download. As already mentioned above, always download from the producers website and you will be fine. Never from other sites, as some pack their downloads with adware and other junk, it's how they generate revenue to cover their operating costs.

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Thanks for all the comments everyone. It's all very helpful to this newbie! Currently I'm going through lots of images and unsharpening as requested by Alamy before submitting them. They need to pass QC before I do any more so I can see if everything is working as it should. I should get some idea tomorrow how it's going. So far I have only loaded 130 or so pictures using My Alamy because I am not in a hurry to tackle anything else right now. Putting together 50 tags per photo and associated stuff is keeping me occupied. There is a lot more to this stock photography business than I thought!  :D


Thanks for all the advice, I am serving my apprenticeship all over again. Your comments are much appreciated!

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I use FileZilla but mainly use Photo Mechanic due to the enhanced features and purpose designed for image management along with Captions, Meta Data, License info and more. PM has been around for a LONG time, great tool. I use PM before and after I edit in Light Room... 


All the best!

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sb photos, and everyone else...... sorry for the delay in answering. I'm loading pictures every night just by using My Alamy upload because I have so many images to go through and check first for QC  that it's taking me a lot of time. I'm figuring this stuff out as I go along. Malwarebytes on this iMac is unable to remove any malware and I am reluctant to risk it with the new iMac.


I only upload at night because they load easily then do captions etc. the next day. Slow but steady. All the images since the initial submission have passed with no problems. I'm still trying to find out how to improve "discoverability" works. I have read all the manual, tips etc. and currently have 217 images on sale with "poor discoverability" 


Any pointers to what I'm doing wrong would be welcome.



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Images of people shouldn't be listed as RF unless you have releases. That goes for the Sydney Opera House as well.

You also have a lot of similars, which will hurt your rank. I count 30 of the same singer. Four or five is plenty, a few each of landscape and portrait.

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Thanks spacecadet! I shoot for a lot of non-profits making me a non-profit photographer. In shooting concerts you usually get three songs, four if you are one of the official photographers. Usually the photo pit is full with everyone one trying to get the best position. Often if you get a good spot it's difficult/silly to move because then you have little chance. I get what you are saying but I'm trying to give the customer some options. I was one of the official photographers in 2010 and 2012. It would be nice to get some return on the photo shoots because I paid all my own expenses


I see some food photos where they show the same plate many more times just turned to a different angle. 


I'm still figuring this stuff out so thanks for the advice.

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