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November 2015 Challenge - Solitary.


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Perhaps a little tenuous, but I'm trying to think a little outside the box. You are (or at least feel) solitary when a relationship breaks up.



A more literal interpretation - a lone man fishing early in the morning.



Another on the beach theme that seems very popular.


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I don't envy your job Mickfly, there are so many great shots popping up for this months challenge. I can't recall the last time I saw that almost every picture submitted was a possible finalist.


Thanks Colin, I think it will be very difficult, but, my wife will help me, and at least we only have to choose a shortlist, the rest of you make the decision for the final winner.

Some great shots coming in though, thanks.


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Not much time left and I personally think that minimum 25 Pictures are worth finalists and I would find it very difficult to decide between them.


Any last minute additions?

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