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Pretty good for me. 6 sales at $483.35 gross 


Doesn't seem much, or any, rhyme or reason to this. I have increased images in my portfolio on Alamy in past couple of years  but all these sales bar one are from images taken/uploaded more than 3 years ago. Most recent image in these stats was taken two months ago  - a friend shopping in supermarket - which just goes to prove that you must always have the camera with you.





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Three so far this month and one of them was for $180.   Interesting that several people have reported sales at this price.  In the early part of the year I had many newspaper sales at  $6 and I am pleased to say these seem to have stopped now.


On average for me the last week of the month produces 40% of sales so looking forward to good times coming...

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Likewise John, slow here. But, its only the 18th, so plenty of time yet. Think positive!


I'm agree with you Richard. This month I haven't sales yet, but who knows what could happen tomorrow? ;) We'll keep working.

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Three so far this month and one of them was for $180.   Interesting that several people have reported sales at this price.  In the early part of the year I had many newspaper sales at  $6 and I am pleased to say these seem to have stopped now.


On average for me the last week of the month produces 40% of sales so looking forward to good times coming...


Another sale today and if I could have the 40% in the last week I would be happy  :D  Keeps that graph going in the right direction!!! Not far off matching last month now.

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You know the answer guys, upload more images. It seems to be the only answer to slow sales.

I agree with this statement ............ up to a point.


It's pointless uploading too many similars or just uploading anything just to get the numbers up - that will just damage your ranking.


One needs a variety of different subjects, tight editing, good keywording and the indefinable 'good vision' to make your images stand out in a very crowded marketplace.




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I keep clicking on Summary of items sold, but no more sales are coming up. Is there a fault at Alamy's end?




 No. The problem is at your end. You are eating too many peanuts ;)



:) I think the problem is that I'm spending too much time on here (there are those who would agree, judging by some rather random red marks of death I've got to all my posts on another thread!) rather than taking pictures of the peanuts!  Probably why I'm making peanuts!  Pass the popcorn.


Anyhoo, despite my BME, looks like everyone is overtaking me (not that difficult :D) and a good thing too.  Best of luck all!

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I keep clicking on Summary of items sold, but no more sales are coming up. Is there a fault at Alamy's end?




 No. The problem is at your end. You are eating too many peanuts ;)



:) I think the problem is that I'm spending too much time on here (there are those who would agree, judging by some rather random red marks of death I've got to all my posts on another thread!) rather than taking pictures of the peanuts!  Probably why I'm making peanuts!  Pass the popcorn.


Anyhoo, despite my BME, looks like everyone is overtaking me (not that difficult :D) and a good thing too.  Best of luck all!



'Peanuts' - 9231 results. maybe try some other snack

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Enjoyable though it is, I think I may be getting a bad reputation for taking things OT here.  Apologies to John and hope that you end up with a BME.


I'm off for some keywording therapy, treatment, rehabilitation, healing, remedy, cure, analysis, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy.

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I've had a couple more sales materialize since I started this thread, so the slow month is slowly picking up, which is encouraging.


That's good..... the last time you posted "just got another sale" I ended up getting one the next day.......... Now waiting patiently for another 2 to appear in my sales bucket  ;)

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