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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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I like to listen to ClASSIC FM and SMOOTH UK on the radio. Not at the same time though.


Also I sometimes get 'Hey Google' to play JAZZ MIX Station on You Tube which plays slow easy instrumentals like "The Shadow of your smile" and "In all honesty, Ido."





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1 hour ago, Allan Bell said:

I like to listen to ClASSIC FM and SMOOTH UK on the radio. Not at the same time though.


Also I sometimes get 'Hey Google' to play JAZZ MIX Station on You Tube which plays slow easy instrumentals like "The Shadow of your smile" and "In all honesty, Ido."






Have you tuned into Radio 3 in the mornings Allan?  They have pinched the bits and pieces format from Classic FM, but I much prefer the Radio 3 presenters, more knowledgeable and less condescending,  while, big plus,  there are no adverts.  Tends to get a bit heavier in the afternoons.

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9 hours ago, Bryan said:

My wife plays keyboard, conventional piano and a keyboard which can be set up as a harpsichord, which is appropriate for renaissance and baroque music. She also plays accordion for a local folk dance group.


My dad played clarinet, and I followed that tradition, but for early music, I have a collection of recorders. In some ways the recorders are harder to play as they don't have that assortment of keys that make playing the accidentals so much easier.  I'm very much an amateur, I've never taken any exams or performed for cash.


We play at the local National Trust property and the start of the new season isn't too far away, so must get up to speed !


I have quite wide musical tastes, grew up with the Beatles etc, but now mainly listen to classical and folk., tend to listen to Knopfler etc in the car.  Never say never, but I find rap hard to appreciate.



Rap, nope, nope. Insults my ears and morality.

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Knopfler has amazing unique fingering, Bryan -- a guitar virtuoso. There are a fat dozen or so pop-rock recordings I'm addicted to. But I'm from the jazz and classical world -- Miles and Mozart. 


I played trumpet, drums, standup bass, and finger-style guitar. As half of a duo, I worked the same clubs in Greenwich Village as Bob Dylan and the Clancy Brothers during the short folk music revival era in the early '60s. For a time, I was . . . like a rolling stone.

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I used to toot the flute and the recorder. I'm thinking that I'd like to get back into playing the recorder, but I fear that I've forgotten how to play and how to read music properly. Perhaps it's like bicycle riding -- i.e. you never forget how to do it. I can appreciate where rap came from originally, but I still can't listen to it. That said, I'm sure there are some very talented rap poets out there, along with the bad and the ugly.

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On 11/02/2024 at 18:54, John Mitchell said:

I used to toot the flute and the recorder. I'm thinking that I'd like to get back into playing the recorder, but I fear that I've forgotten how to play and how to read music properly. Perhaps it's like bicycle riding -- i.e. you never forget how to do it. I can appreciate where rap came from originally, but I still can't listen to it. That said, I'm sure there are some very talented rap poets out there, along with the bad and the ugly.


Modern plastic ( are they plastic ? ) recorders are very good and reasonably priced, but the pros use wooden instruments which can cost a fortune. All of mine are by Aulos, but others, for example Yamaha, are, I'm sure, just as good.  Also there is a wealth of music available to play.  Go for it !

Edited by Bryan
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2 hours ago, John Mitchell said:

I used to toot the flute and the recorder. I'm thinking that I'd like to get back into playing the recorder, but I fear that I've forgotten how to play and how to read music properly. Perhaps it's like bicycle riding -- i.e. you never forget how to do it. I can appreciate where rap came from originally, but I still can't listen to it. That said, I'm sure there are some very talented rap poets out there, along with the bad and the ugly.


Yes, rap was born out of the inner cities, to "illustrate" the struggles of the modern ghetto.  Somewhat like the blues coming from the fields of the American South.  Back in the early 80s, I went to a live show of a rap artist named Grandmaster Flash.   When I got there, there was no band set up on the stage, only two turntables and a microphone.  I thought the band must have cancelled and just a DJ was playing. I was young and curious... I didn't know much about rap, record sampling and "scratching" so I was surprised when the artist came out and made all the music from the turntables and his voice rapping to the music.  I have to say, I was pretty entertained!  Grandmaster Flash did the rap anthem "The Message".  Now, I do agree, as a musical art form, it can be very hard to follow and I am not a fan of any foul language and any glorification to violence, gang or otherwise.  


If anyone is curious, this is "The Message", came out in 1982.  




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"if willing, details."


Other than telling that it was on Decca . . . 


I won't divulge the names of the two songs, the name of the publisher, the year of the recording, or the name I used.  


Sorry, Jeff. I prefer to think no living person has or will hear that recording. 

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21 hours ago, Bryan said:


Modern plastic ( are they plastic ? ) recorders are very good and reasonably priced, but the pros use wooden instruments which can cost a fortune. All of mine are by Aulos, but others, for example Yamaha, are, I'm sure, just as good.  Also there is a wealth of music available to play.  Go for it !




Nice collection you have there. I know I have at least one plastic recorder (soprano), plus I may still have an old wooden one as well. It's all stuffed away in a trunk with my Yamaha flute, sheet music, music stand, and even an old mechanical metronome. Perhaps I'll open the time capsule one of these years...🗝️

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20 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:


Yes, rap was born out of the inner cities, to "illustrate" the struggles of the modern ghetto.  Somewhat like the blues coming from the fields of the American South.  Back in the early 80s, I went to a live show of a rap artist named Grandmaster Flash.   When I got there, there was no band set up on the stage, only two turntables and a microphone.  I thought the band must have cancelled and just a DJ was playing. I was young and curious... I didn't know much about rap, record sampling and "scratching" so I was surprised when the artist came out and made all the music from the turntables and his voice rapping to the music.  I have to say, I was pretty entertained!  Grandmaster Flash did the rap anthem "The Message".  Now, I do agree, as a musical art form, it can be very hard to follow and I am not a fan of any foul language and any glorification to violence, gang or otherwise.  


If anyone is curious, this is "The Message", came out in 1982.  





Some good lyrics there, much tamer than what you hear today. Makes me think how little has changed in our urban jungles since 1982. I watched an interesting documentary on the history of rap not long ago. Can't remember the name of it. Unfortunately, when a music genre becomes over-commercialized, it starts to turn away from its roots and morph into something else, which seems to be what has happened to rap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last Friday morning, just before we were about to drive to assist our younger son with child minding, my desktop PC decided not to start, it had been behaving erratically since the last Microsoft update, but this was total death. More on this later.


Then my wife drew my attention to a strange chirping sound in the kitchen. I climbed up above the cabinets to see what was happening but nothing. However the sound appeared to be coming from an electric socket box. I felt it and it was warm, not good. I took the lid off and saw drops of water inside the box, and it appeared that the noise was due to moisture within the connections. Could this be condensation ?  Nothing else appeared to be damp. But then my wife drained the bath in the bathroom above and I could hear water running in the cavity above my head. It transpired that the people who fitted our new bathroom, had left the original bath overflow connected to the waste pipe and it had fallen to a level below the waste. Problem solved.


Back to the computer, I took it to a local repair place where they plugged it in and it burst into life. I left it  with them to do some diagnostics. 


Spent the weekend child minding then drove home through the night. 


Back to the problem of a leaking water butt. Hopefully the computer can be fixed.



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7 hours ago, Bryan said:

Last Friday morning, just before we were about to drive to assist our younger son with child minding, my desktop PC decided not to start, it had been behaving erratically since the last Microsoft update, but this was total death. More on this later.


Then my wife drew my attention to a strange chirping sound in the kitchen. I climbed up above the cabinets to see what was happening but nothing. However the sound appeared to be coming from an electric socket box. I felt it and it was warm, not good. I took the lid off and saw drops of water inside the box, and it appeared that the noise was due to moisture within the connections. Could this be condensation ?  Nothing else appeared to be damp. But then my wife drained the bath in the bathroom above and I could hear water running in the cavity above my head. It transpired that the people who fitted our new bathroom, had left the original bath overflow connected to the waste pipe and it had fallen to a level below the waste. Problem solved.


Back to the computer, I took it to a local repair place where they plugged it in and it burst into life. I left it  with them to do some diagnostics. 


Spent the weekend child minding then drove home through the night. 


Back to the problem of a leaking water butt. Hopefully the computer can be fixed.



We’re having a decidedly warm spell, so I decided to turn on my sprinkler system for the lawn since it’s been very dry lately. It didn’t come on. I’ve tried everything & even had my son-in-law look at it. No love.

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My helper, out walking my dog, found someone dumping four puppies out with garbage one street west.  He rescued them while the man who was doing the dumping yelled out not liking puppies.  My helper found people to take in three of the four and came back to my house with a little female pup.  Her eyes were open so at least three or four weeks old.   Luis and I talked and if the vet is willling, I'll pay for her care at the end of March after I take care of some other financial stuff like credit card bill and identity card renewal.   Sigh.  I've sortt of wanted to have a good and bad category.   If the pups are as old as six to eight weeks old, then they were probably getting out and making puppy messes all over.  I can crate train unless Siry Cat's other household needs a crate to get one of their cats to the vet.  Siry cat spent Saturday/Sunday night inside my house unwilling to go out, then went to his other house for food in the morning, and stayed over there Sunday night. 


It's a zoo here.  The fish tank also needs a filter cleaning and a partial water change  And spent flower spikes on the Laelias need to be cut, leaving three spikes with developing seed pods.

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In the "bad things happening that may become funny stories in the future" category, my husband managed to trip in the bathroom a few days ago, knocking the tank of the toilet onto the floor, where it broke in half, spewing water (luckily clean) everywhere. The shutoff valve at the base of the toilet would not shut off, sending me scrambling to the other end of the house where the main valve for the whole house lives. Since it has never been used, it took me several minutes to get it shut off. Took at least 20 towels to mop up the water and 24 hours with no water in the house before we were able to get everything fixed.

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Our motorhome is going to a garage for some TLC, so we have hired a car for a few days. It can only be locked and unlocked via an APP! The key is merely to start the engine. How can anyone survive without a cell phone these days?? 



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I had major dental surgery yesterday. I have two dental implants. My first one was done by an amazing guy who has a fabulous reputation as a dentist and is also an amateur singer who won first prize at the Apollo. That's a big deal for singers. His name is Matthew Hashimoto if you want to look him up. That implant is on the side of my mouth where the teeth all behave themselves and I have had no problems. The other side of my mouth is the one where I do most of my chewing and has a tooth at the back that tends to drift backwards and leave a gap where food gets caught. My second implant was done there and the gap did eventually appear. Something must have gotten under the implant and I got an infection in the gum. The gum had become tender and my hygienist cleaned carefully last month and then a few weeks later my dentist did a deeper cleaning. Yesterday I went in to see the periodontist who did the implant. Dr. Hashimoto has moved to San Francisco so this is a dentist I don't have as much confidence in, alas.  He found the infection and shot me up with a bunch of pain killers and cleaned out way under the gum. For some reason it is hard to numb me on the bottom jaw so that is always a big deal. When he finished cleaning out the infection he needed to add a bone graft. Fortunately the implant is still firm but I may be losing some bone due to age. I'll see him again next month. If this repair doesn't work I'll have to get the implant redone, alas. So I have stitches and some pain. Definitely a bad thing but hoping for the best and intending to start doing most of my chewing on the good side. Those sorts of habits seem to be hard to break. Of course my bank account is suffering big time. Definitely a bad something.



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47 minutes ago, NYCat said:

I had major dental surgery yesterday. I have two dental implants. My first one was done by an amazing guy who has a fabulous reputation as a dentist and is also an amateur singer who won first prize at the Apollo. That's a big deal for singers. His name is Matthew Hashimoto if you want to look him up. That implant is on the side of my mouth where the teeth all behave themselves and I have had no problems. The other side of my mouth is the one where I do most of my chewing and has a tooth at the back that tends to drift backwards and leave a gap where food gets caught. My second implant was done there and the gap did eventually appear. Something must have gotten under the implant and I got an infection in the gum. The gum had become tender and my hygienist cleaned carefully last month and then a few weeks later my dentist did a deeper cleaning. Yesterday I went in to see the periodontist who did the implant. Dr. Hashimoto has moved to San Francisco so this is a dentist I don't have as much confidence in, alas.  He found the infection and shot me up with a bunch of pain killers and cleaned out way under the gum. For some reason it is hard to numb me on the bottom jaw so that is always a big deal. When he finished cleaning out the infection he needed to add a bone graft. Fortunately the implant is still firm but I may be losing some bone due to age. I'll see him again next month. If this repair doesn't work I'll have to get the implant redone, alas. So I have stitches and some pain. Definitely a bad thing but hoping for the best and intending to start doing most of my chewing on the good side. Those sorts of habits seem to be hard to break. Of course my bank account is suffering big time. Definitely a bad something.




Sorry to hear that Paulette, I am getting an implant too, in a couple of months, once the extraction heal up and bone graft takes hold.  Yes, big drain on the bank account.

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I’m not sure which is more painful, the implant process or the drain on the bank account. It’s been awhile since I had my third implant, but I still remember the process being stressful all around. Sorry you are each having to deal with these issues, Paulette and Michael. I sure hope the efforts from the dentist will clear up your problems, Paulette. 

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1 hour ago, NYCat said:

I had major dental surgery yesterday. I have two dental implants. My first one was done by an amazing guy who has a fabulous reputation as a dentist and is also an amateur singer who won first prize at the Apollo. That's a big deal for singers. His name is Matthew Hashimoto if you want to look him up. That implant is on the side of my mouth where the teeth all behave themselves and I have had no problems. The other side of my mouth is the one where I do most of my chewing and has a tooth at the back that tends to drift backwards and leave a gap where food gets caught. My second implant was done there and the gap did eventually appear. Something must have gotten under the implant and I got an infection in the gum. The gum had become tender and my hygienist cleaned carefully last month and then a few weeks later my dentist did a deeper cleaning. Yesterday I went in to see the periodontist who did the implant. Dr. Hashimoto has moved to San Francisco so this is a dentist I don't have as much confidence in, alas.  He found the infection and shot me up with a bunch of pain killers and cleaned out way under the gum. For some reason it is hard to numb me on the bottom jaw so that is always a big deal. When he finished cleaning out the infection he needed to add a bone graft. Fortunately the implant is still firm but I may be losing some bone due to age. I'll see him again next month. If this repair doesn't work I'll have to get the implant redone, alas. So I have stitches and some pain. Definitely a bad thing but hoping for the best and intending to start doing most of my chewing on the good side. Those sorts of habits seem to be hard to break. Of course my bank account is suffering big time. Definitely a bad something.



That sounds awful, Paulette! Praying for complete problem-free healing for you with a sound tooth in the end.

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Bad news for me yesterday. My niece’s cancer has spread & she won’t survive it. She’s less than 10 years younger than me.
As the youngest of three girls, I never had a baby sister, so my niece filled that spot. As a teenager, I often brought her to spend a day & night with me & spoiled her rotten. She’s the oldest of 5 & the only girl. She loved my attention & remembers to this day how much fun we had together in spite of her being 4-6 years old at the time.

My sister said when I brought Pam home from being with me, she was insufferable for a couple of days!

She’ll come home from the hospital in a couple of days & have Hospice (end of life) care. She lives a couple of hundred miles away from me.

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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

Bad news for me yesterday. My niece’s cancer has spread & she won’t survive it. She’s less than 10 years younger than me.
As the youngest of three girls, I never had a baby sister, so my niece filled that spot. As a teenager, I often brought her to spend a day & night with me & spoiled her rotten. She’s the oldest of 5 & the only girl. She loved my attention & remembers to this day how much fun we had together in spite of her being 4-6 years old at the time.

My sister said when I brought Pam home from being with me, she was insufferable for a couple of days!

She’ll come home from the hospital in a couple of days & have Hospice (end of life) care. She lives a couple of hundred miles away from me.


Oh my, Betty. This is bad news indeed. It makes my implant problem show up as very tiny. I am still a fan of implants because you wind up with a tooth that has no nerve so can't be as much of a problem with toothache. Of course, now I'm finding the problem with implants. It actually wasn't hurting me.. just tender if I touched it. I'm glad I pursued it because I think if I had waited I might have lost it for sure. Since it wasn't bothersome the temptation would have been to ignore it. I know you will have a much worse loss. I'm glad you have sweet memories. Losing people is hard. Way worse than losing teeth.



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2 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Bad news for me yesterday. My niece’s cancer has spread & she won’t survive it.


Sorry to learn that Betty, it puts other bad news into perspective. 

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