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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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13 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


Oh don't worry about me. I'm OK. Probably better than I think I am.


I had had a bit of discomfort under my rib cage on the right side to the front on and off for a few weeks then this week it was really bad so I asked to be seen by the practice doctor. She asked what was happening and other questions and thoroughly examined me. she decided to refer me to a surgeon at the hospital.  The strange thing is the discomfort has eased off greatly now but I will still go just in case.




Fingers crossed mate, could be nothing but best to be sure !

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One thing after another recently. I trod on my spare pair of glasses, frame is written off but lenses ok. Now wearing my better more expensive pair, same lens prescription but with coated lenses, and looking after them better. Taking the broken glasses into Specsavers later this morning to obtain cost of fitting lenses in a new frame. Hung around a good percentage of the day at home on Friday waiting for a plumber, one issue resolved, but not the intermittent water dripping from under the fairly new (but out of warranty) Valiant boiler. It wouldn't misbehave at the time so connections tightened, then it started leaking again the following morning. Water collected in a tray under right side of the boiler. Noted water pressure keeps dropping. Had the nearside headlamp bulb fail during the week. Visited Halfords to have a replacement fitted after the plumber left as its not so easy as the other side due to the battery being right up against the rear of the headlamp. Went out later in the dark only to find the nearside bulb was illuminating housing bedrooms rather than the road. Back again yesterday to Halfords to have resolved. Also lost a new brolly from my jacket pocket while viewing the latest HS2 work by a closed road at nearby Wendover. Went back with a good torch after dinner, no sign of the brolly. I wonder what will happen today ......

Edited by sb photos
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Looking at a motorhome that had arrived a while back and parked next to us with no sign of activity:


Me: he's still sitting in the driver's seat

Hubby: can you hear him die?

Me: what !!!??? 

Hubby: the marsh fly that you sprayed


Phew! Seems to be the kind of conversation we've been having since I sent my hearing aids away for repairs...



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14 minutes ago, sb photos said:

One thing after another recently. I trod on my spare pair of glasses, frame is written off but lenses ok. Now wearing my better more expensive pair, same lens prescription but with coated lenses, and looking after them better. Taking the broken glasses into Specsavers later this morning to obtain cost of fitting lenses in a new frame. Hung around a good percentage of the day at home on Friday waiting for a plumber, one issue resolved, but not the intermittent water dripping from under the fairly new (but out of warranty) Valiant boiler. It wouldn't misbehave at the time so connections tightened, then it started leaking again the following morning. Water collected in a tray under right side of the boiler. Noted water pressure keeps dropping. Had the nearside headlamp bulb fail during the week. Visited Halfords to have a replacement fitted after the plumber left as its not so easy as the other side due to the battery being right up against the rear of the headlamp. Went out later in the dark only to find the nearside bulb was illuminating housing bedrooms rather than the road. Back again yesterday to Halfords to have resolved. Also lost a new brolly from my jacket pocket while viewing the latest HS2 work by a closed road at nearby Wendover. Went back with a good torch after dinner, no sign of the brolly. I wonder what will happen today ......

Oh dear, one of those days.  Suggest a couple of glasses of red with a nice piece of blue stilton, digestive biscuits optional !


I lost my glasses a while ago, but, while digging up and destroying my entire leek crop due to Allium leaf miner, I found them lying on the soil. Every cloud.....


Edited by Bryan
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1 hour ago, sb photos said:

looking after them better.

You may already do this but worth passing on.

Use only liquid soap, fingers,  and hot water for cleaning. No wiping or drying. Only needs doing every few days usually. I stopped using cloths for my latest pair and they are unmarked after more than a year.

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7 hours ago, sb photos said:

One thing after another recently. I trod on my spare pair of glasses, frame is written off but lenses ok. Now wearing my better more expensive pair, same lens prescription but with coated lenses, and looking after them better. Taking the broken glasses into Specsavers later this morning to obtain cost of fitting lenses in a new frame. Hung around a good percentage of the day at home on Friday waiting for a plumber, one issue resolved, but not the intermittent water dripping from under the fairly new (but out of warranty) Valiant boiler. It wouldn't misbehave at the time so connections tightened, then it started leaking again the following morning. Water collected in a tray under right side of the boiler. Noted water pressure keeps dropping. Had the nearside headlamp bulb fail during the week. Visited Halfords to have a replacement fitted after the plumber left as its not so easy as the other side due to the battery being right up against the rear of the headlamp. Went out later in the dark only to find the nearside bulb was illuminating housing bedrooms rather than the road. Back again yesterday to Halfords to have resolved. Also lost a new brolly from my jacket pocket while viewing the latest HS2 work by a closed road at nearby Wendover. Went back with a good torch after dinner, no sign of the brolly. I wonder what will happen today ......

Have you checked the water is not coming in down the flue from outside?

In strong winds in a certain direction and during heavy rain, we get water blown in through the flue and runs down inside the boiler and drips out from the case.

This could explain the intermittancy (is that a word?) of it and we have had a lot of rain recently.

It wouldnt explain the loss of water pressure though but that could be another issue


Edit: Assume it is a gas boiler?

Edited by Martin L
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On 04/11/2023 at 05:37, NYCat said:

I have a chest cold so back to wearing a mask for the protection of others. It has also turned cold and my hair stylist cut short it on the sides again so my ears get cold and need an ear band. I had forgotten the complication of the ear bands around the ears and the mask around the ears. Lovely to have such an easy problem. Luxury problems, as they say.



Sorry you are not well. I hope you have something for the night coughing. Sore ribs aren’t fun if the coughs are deep.
The cold weather we had left us & we’ve had a few days of around 70s. Beautiful weather.

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On 03/11/2023 at 16:23, Allan Bell said:


Oh don't worry about me. I'm OK. Probably better than I think I am.


I had had a bit of discomfort under my rib cage on the right side to the front on and off for a few weeks then this week it was really bad so I asked to be seen by the practice doctor. She asked what was happening and other questions and thoroughly examined me. she decided to refer me to a surgeon at the hospital.  The strange thing is the discomfort has eased off greatly now but I will still go just in case.




I hope everything quickly gets back to normal for you with no complications.  We do need to pay attention to what our bodies are saying to us.

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Editing in a motorhome has its challenges. We have sunscreens inside on all windows to avoid overheating when parked. It's sundown now. The sun has found a tiny gap next to the rear mirror and is shining straight into my eyes... Perfect excuse to have another glass of wine and wait for it to go down a bit more...




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4 hours ago, gvallee said:

Editing in a motorhome has its challenges. We have sunscreens inside on all windows to avoid overheating when parked. It's sundown now. The sun has found a tiny gap next to the rear mirror and is shining straight into my eyes... Perfect excuse to have another glass of wine and wait for it to go down a bit more...




A funny story about wine. I seldom drink alcohol. I bought a bottle of wine in the spring. It sat there until college football season came. I opened it to have a glass or two to calm my nerves during the first important game my team played this October.

The cork expanded greatly, so I couldn’t seal it. I wrapped the top with plastic wrap & a rubber band.

The next hairy game came, I had another glass or two. When I get tense or nervous, my heart gets wonky beats, the wine calms it.

Because I couldn’t cork the wine, and since the bottle was too tall to fit on any refrigerator shelf, I couldn’t lay it on its side. I had to stand it on a ledge at the front, not meant for food, in front of my vegetable crisper drawer. Every time I got into that drawer, I had to hold the bottle with one hand while opening the drawer, several times a day.

The third tense game came, one that had been giving my stomach flippies for a week every time I thought about it. I got the bottle out, went to pour into my wine glass, & one drop came out. All of that time I wrestled with that bottle for no reason. Yes, the bottle glass was very dark so I couldn’t visualize content.
In my younger years, once a month or so, hubs & I went to dances at an organization we paid dues to. It was against the law for them to serve alcohol, so it was BYOB. I have leftover bottles of liquor from those days.

I ran down to the basement wet bar to look at liquor bottles that are as old as my grown grandchildren, covered in dust. Yikes! The game was about to start! I found a bottle of pineapple rum, (whatever possessed me to buy that?) mixed a dollop with some orange juice, & had my fruity tranquilizer.

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My stepmother used to get very excited while watching the Chargers. We had a little Pomeranian dog that would run out into the yard when she stood up and shouted. He would make a circuit with constant barking. If you lived nearby you didn't have to watch the game to know when the Chargers scored.



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17 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

A funny story about wine. I seldom drink alcohol. I bought a bottle of wine in the spring. It sat there until college football season came. I opened it to have a glass or two to calm my nerves during the first important game my team played this October.

The cork expanded greatly, so I couldn’t seal it. I wrapped the top with plastic wrap & a rubber band.

The next hairy game came, I had another glass or two. When I get tense or nervous, my heart gets wonky beats, the wine calms it.

Because I couldn’t cork the wine, and since the bottle was too tall to fit on any refrigerator shelf, I couldn’t lay it on its side. I had to stand it on a ledge at the front, not meant for food, in front of my vegetable crisper drawer. Every time I got into that drawer, I had to hold the bottle with one hand while opening the drawer, several times a day.

The third tense game came, one that had been giving my stomach flippies for a week every time I thought about it. I got the bottle out, went to pour into my wine glass, & one drop came out. All of that time I wrestled with that bottle for no reason. Yes, the bottle glass was very dark so I couldn’t visualize content.
In my younger years, once a month or so, hubs & I went to dances at an organization we paid dues to. It was against the law for them to serve alcohol, so it was BYOB. I have leftover bottles of liquor from those days.

I ran down to the basement wet bar to look at liquor bottles that are as old as my grown grandchildren, covered in dust. Yikes! The game was about to start! I found a bottle of pineapple rum, (whatever possessed me to buy that?) mixed a dollop with some orange juice, & had my fruity tranquilizer.


We do like our chilled glass of wine with plenty of icecubes in the evening. It's usually very hot, so it's a pleasure to hear the gling gling of the glasses and feel that first cold sip flowing into our stomach with immediate relaxation. This is usually followed by a deep sigh of contentment and the 'what a life!' appreciative comment.


I also could not have a nice meal in a restaurant and drink water. We are now limited in that there is zero alcohol allowed for driving a 5+ ton vehicle, so we don't go very often for a meal these days, it used to be a real pleasure after work, usually once a week. Other pleasures have replaced this one. I cook a lot anyway, love it, so we still have good food.

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On 18/09/2023 at 21:40, Bryan said:

  and the tomatoes got blight. 


I've never grown a tomato but I've eaten more than my share. When I lived in Italy, they didn't do hothouse anything. All the things that grew had their season. I loved the anticipation of waiting for those first great tomatoes to arrive from the south. I have another reason to value Italian tomatoes. This picture taken in the Campo de Fiori was sold by Alamy for $330.  




And by the way, I can say tomatoes like an Oxford Don or a Brooklyn street punk.

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4 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


I've never grown a tomato but I've eaten more than my share. When I lived in Italy, they didn't do hothouse anything. All the things that grew had their season. I loved the anticipation of waiting for those first great tomatoes to arrive from the south. I have another reason to value Italian tomatoes. This picture taken in the Campo de Fiori was sold by Alamy for $330.  




And by the way, I can say tomatoes like an Oxford Don or a Brooklyn street punk.

My tomatoes vines froze out about two weeks ago. But I had some ripening ones already picked, and the green ones I picked before the freeze are beginning to ripen. It’ll be hard to eat to the supermarket ones after having home grown 100% organic, flavorful tomatoes.

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5 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:


My last time in Rome, 4 years ago, I stayed at a stunning AirBnB just steps from Campo de Fiori, What great area of Rome!

Was it the one with all those stairs and then inside one more for the bed? 😁


> for $330.  

Maybe I should edit some of my Campo de Fiori images too.




edit: I was mistaken: it was one more narrow staircase inside and then a spiral one to the bed. Great location though and a good view of some church domes.

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14 minutes ago, wiskerke said:

Was it the one with all those stairs and then inside one more for the bed? 😁


> for $330.  

Maybe I should edit some of my Campo de Fiori images too.




edit: I was mistaken: it was one more narrow staircase inside and then a spiral one to the bed. Great location though and a good view of some church domes.


Yes to spiral stairs but it also had a one person elevator.  This place was spectacular and we got it for a steal at $300/night.  Stayed with a childhood friend and two of my Italian cousins.

Very spacious, it had three bedrooms and three baths.  Have a look.



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14 minutes ago, Michael Ventura said:


Yes to spiral stairs but it also had a one person elevator.  This place was spectacular and we got it for a steal at $300/night.  Stayed with a childhood friend and two of my Italian cousins.

Very spacious and had three bedrooms and three baths.  Have a look.



Great place. A lift and 3 baths! You won! I seem to recognize the dome. Ours was some 1200 ft from there.



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1 hour ago, Cecile Marion said:

Beautiful place! I recognize the dome, too. I stayed in a small hotel nearby with a rooftop terrace a couple years ago. At one point, I’d located that dome. If/when I ever go back to Rome, I’d stay in that area again. Super location. 


Yes, a short walk to most everything!  That dome belongs to the Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle, right on Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, a main road that sort of bisects the city


One of my pics from Campo de Fiori



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44 minutes ago, Michael Ventura said:


Yes, a short walk to most everything!  That dome belongs to the Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle, right on Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, a main road that sort of bisects the city


One of my pics from Campo de Fiori



Ah, thanks, Michael. Now I remember using that church as a landmark. My hotel (Smeraldo) is about two blocks behind the church.

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I was actually supposed to return to Italy in spring 2024, but now my youngest is expecting her first child. It will be an exciting time for our family, but my next trip to Italy will have to wait until later. Maybe next autumn. I’d planned to visit my grandfather’s (and my) comune, located west of Bari, plus Rome, etc. 

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Only five more sleeps until my flight to Christmas Island. We have been warned that a plane delivers fresh products there only every two weeks. We should expect to pay $30 for a box of eggs!! Apparently, there are million feral chickens on the island but no-one bothers to collect the eggs.


Bryan, perhaps you should start an export business of your produce? 😆



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7 hours ago, gvallee said:

Only five more sleeps until my flight to Christmas Island. We have been warned that a plane delivers fresh products there only every two weeks. We should expect to pay $30 for a box of eggs!! Apparently, there are million feral chickens on the island but no-one bothers to collect the eggs.


Bryan, perhaps you should start an export business of your produce? 😆




i would be a buyer. It always sounds much better than what I can get here.



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