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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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27 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:


Golf, Steve? It's a game, I think. Or maybe a place to have a business meeting? You use a bagful of sticks with hammer heads at the end to furiously attack a tiny, helpless white ball, hit it hard and knock it into the trees. The game really begins when you go hunting for the ball. I forget what happens after you find the ball. 


Ian is on the golf course right now.  Semi retirement means he can play twice a week! 

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Ognyan got it in one. Lawn bowls.


Yes it is also a roll up cigarette. sb. But not this time I don't smoke. Well not the tobacco or drugs kind.


Not into golf Thyrsis and I think Ed described the game quite well, at least the way i played it when I gave it a try.


Betty it is nothing to do with food.


A roll up in lawn bowls is just having a bit of practice and not in competition. Also good exercise as Betty said.




Edited by Allan Bell
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8 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

I have a decent freezer in my refrigerator, but also have an upright freezer in the basement. That’s why I can stock up and not have to shop as often. Plus it’s good to cook batches of food and freeze some of it, like chili, casseroles, pie crusts and such. Or grill a number of hot dogs, sausages and hamburger patties at once and freeze them. A pop into the microwave and….dinner.


I don't have a basement yet, waiting for the next sink hole to open up.


Just a small freezer and separate small fridge. I do stock up on dry goods and tinned foods for convenience.




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16 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:

Ognyan got it in one. Lawn bowls.


Yes it is also a roll up cigarette. sb. But not this time I don't smoke. Well not the tobacco or drugs kind.


Not into golf Thyrsis and I think Ed described the game quite well, at least the way i played it when I gave it a try.


Betty it is nothing to do with food.


A roll up in lawn bowls is just having a bit of practice and not in competition. Also good exercise as Betty said.




Playing lawn bowls with friends is quite entertaining I guess, being outdoors and all. I used to play bocce when I lived in Italy, but the venues there were all indoors, artificial light etc.

There was a bar in every one of them, though. All serving cold Peroni ... 😉

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I used to play golf for years until a guy in a pickup truck ran into the back of my car. The resulting whiplash injury ended golf and snow skiing for me.

One adjusts. When one door closes, another opens.

Glad you had an enjoyable time, Allan.

I must say I never wanted to play golf. My husband harassed me so much to try it, I finally did to shut him up. I couldn’t see a lot of sense in walking so far to swing at a ball, then walk walk walk to do it over and over again. I preferred fishing and riding our horses.

I found I had a natural swing, loved being out in nature, and got hooked on it. It’s one of those things you can’t know whether you like it or hate it unless you try it.

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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

I used to play golf for years until a guy in a pickup truck ran into the back of my car. The resulting whiplash injury ended golf and snow skiing for me.

One adjusts. When one door closes, another opens.

Glad you had an enjoyable time, Allan.

I must say I never wanted to play golf. My husband harassed me so much to try it, I finally did to shut him up. I couldn’t see a lot of sense in walking so far to swing at a ball, then walk walk walk to do it over and over again. I preferred fishing and riding our horses.

I found I had a natural swing, loved being out in nature, and got hooked on it. It’s one of those things you can’t know whether you like it or hate it unless you try it.


True. That is why I tried it. Not keen.




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I had lunch with my daughter. A pork chop with garlic/herb butter melting on it with fingerling potatoes, corn and asparagus. It was delicious!

Then a shopping trip resulting in a few blouses following me and my daughter home.

My inversion table helped my pain enough that I tolerated being on my feet shopping just fine.

A cool(er) front is coming through tonight dropping the temperature at least 15 degrees F and hopefully bringing desperately needed rain. If so, that’ll save me dragging the hose and sprinkler around tomorrow.

The company who hopefully will repair my in-ground lawn watering system is due to come next Wednesday.💸💵💸💸 out the door. One woman I know was charged $4800. 😫

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Now I'm just testing to see if there are really no new posts right now.




PS. Well that worked. I guess the rest of you are out having fun. I hope.

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I got a book review written and posted. Now I am not concerned with stock phptography I am ffinding more energy for writing, and my research. I have started my blog moving again and will build it on the back of my PhD research.. I am working on what satisfies me rather than worrying about chasing a declining stock income that had become unrewarding in all sense of the word.


I am happy again 😁

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4 hours ago, NYCat said:

Well it gave me a giggle.



Giggles are worth big bucks. I treasure them. I like it that after I pulled your leg on “bottoms”, you pulled mine right back. Probably one of the most important things in the environment we live in now is having and cultivating a sense of humor (humour).

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Drove south to Leeds on Friday through torrential rain, everybody and their dog was on the motorway and the traffic at a crawl with hold ups at most of the junctions. However we got to see two of the grandbairns, and, coming back on Saturday, the road was relatively clear. 


But the main good thing was the rain, we haven't seen any for over three weeks and the garden was parched. We have six water barrels fed from the roof, and they were all running near empty, but now all are full. I grow lots of stuff in containers at home,  they consume copious quantities of water, and it looked like I would have to resort to the mains supply. Being mean and on a water meter, that's against my religion.


Similarly, at the allotment, things were looking grim, but now the potatoes etc should be fine. Looking forward to the earthy taste of  broad beans next week.

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13 hours ago, Bryan said:

Drove south to Leeds on Friday through torrential rain, everybody and their dog was on the motorway and the traffic at a crawl with hold ups at most of the junctions. However we got to see two of the grandbairns, and, coming back on Saturday, the road was relatively clear. 


But the main good thing was the rain, we haven't seen any for over three weeks and the garden was parched. We have six water barrels fed from the roof, and they were all running near empty, but now all are full. I grow lots of stuff in containers at home,  they consume copious quantities of water, and it looked like I would have to resort to the mains supply. Being mean and on a water meter, that's against my religion.


Similarly, at the allotment, things were looking grim, but now the potatoes etc should be fine. Looking forward to the earthy taste of  broad beans next week.

We had a nice rain here, too, after a dry spell. And a 15 degree drop in the heat. It kept me from hauling around a hose to water my lawn for a few days. And the well company will be here Tuesday or Wednesday to hopefully get my well that supplies water for the lawn going again.

I have a lot of tomatoes on the vine, none big enough to eat, yet. I did harvest one, weirdly early, and had it on my hamburger yesterday. Nothing like the flavor of home-grown.

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While checking my name on Google Images for this answer here, to my astonishment I stumbled upon my obituary from last week.

Wow, am I in the movie The Sixth Sense?  Not really; it's for a very distant relative with the same name.

So after all,

  (yes I did watch the orange team collapse. 😲)

for me this has to go into the post-a-good-thing-that-happened-in-your-life-today topic.



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Went to Antiques Fair at Newark show ground today. Got there at 10am signed in  and joined the throng. Boy! It is a big one. (Don't be naughty). Think I was in there for about two hours and walked miles. I had to be quick because a lot of sellers were packing up at 11am yet it is supposed to be a day event.


Picked up a couple of items but still did not find what I really wanted so will keep going to the fairs. YIPEEE!




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1 hour ago, Allan Bell said:


Picked up a couple of items but still did not find what I really wanted so will keep going to the fairs. YIPEEE!





I've got a camera obscura in mint condition, if that's what you're looking for? 😎

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2 hours ago, John Mitchell said:


I've got a camera obscura in mint condition, if that's what you're looking for? 😎


Have not got room big enough for one of those.🧐




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On 28/06/2021 at 18:54, John Mitchell said:


I've got a camera obscura in mint condition, if that's what you're looking for? 😎

How are you coping with the temperature John? I've just read about the heatwave on the west side of north America. 


We're down to a predicted 11 deg C today, could do with a return of the sunshine, but low 20s would be just fine.

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22C here for a high, with rain.

I finally got my well-water lawn watering system repaired…now when it gets smoking hot & dry again, I’m good. Burned wiring replaced and a new pump.

With the rain, I won’t need to water for awhile.

I have 30 tomatoes growing on one plant called “The Fourth of July”. I was late getting them planted due to late freezes, or I’d probably have some ripe ones by then.

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2 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:


I have 30 tomatoes growing on one plant called “The Fourth of July”. 

The 4th July is Ian’s 70th birthday…party time!


We will be having the traditional family bbq come rain or shine!! 

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4 hours ago, Bryan said:

How are you coping with the temperature John? I've just read about the heatwave on the west side of north America. 


We're down to a predicted 11 deg C today, could do with a return of the sunshine, but low 20s would be just fine.


It's hot alright, record-breaking hot. Having spent a lot of time travelling in tropical places (I was also born in the West Indies), I'm coping OK. Thanks for asking. Temperatures have gotten up into the upper 40's Celsius in parts of BC. The "heat dome" seems to be lifting now, and daytime temps are supposedly dropping into the high 20's for the next few days, which will be a welcome change. You might have read this article in the Guardian. As usual, their headline is somewhat hyperbolic, but this kind of weather is certainly dangerous, even deadly, for vulnerable people.



Edited by John Mitchell
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19 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:


It's hot alright, record-breaking hot. Having spent a lot of time travelling in tropical places (I was also born in the West Indies), I'm coping OK. Thanks for asking. Temperatures have gotten up into the upper 40's Celsius in parts of BC. The "heat dome" seems to be lifting now, and daytime temps are supposedly dropping into the high 20's for the next few days, which will be a welcome change. You might have read this article in the Guardian. As usual, their headline is somewhat hyperbolic, but this kind of weather is certainly dangerous, even deadly, for vulnerable people.



Good to hear you're OK !  The BBC headlines were also quite dramatic.


Some years ago we travelled to the east coast of Canada to  meet relations, in late September/early October and I expected cold and bleak.  However the weather was glorious, to the extent that we had to buy lighter clothes.  I know that they do suffer severe winters, but that early autumn was fabulous. Not sure that I could stand those extremes of temperature.

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