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Vote for June's challenge - Remembrance, Honouring, Celebrating


Vote for June's challenge - Remembrance, Honouring, Celebrating  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for the June challenge

    • Michael Ventura MT7H1F Woman touching the name of a fallen U.S. soldier
    • wiskerke AM5KNA Vietnam Veterans War Memorial in Washington DC. Silhouettes
    • spacecadet CC2J9T Statues by Emil Krieger, German war cemetery, Langemark-Poelkapelle, Belgium
    • Colin Woods B62EN1 Enduring sadness - the final price of war. Dad, I miss you
    • Sally PYBY0D Remembrance Day crocheted poppies. Aberlady
    • Simon Evans E1XC74 Young girl reads the list of names on the Royal Navy war memorial in Southsea
    • Regis R1BE2F 11th Nov, 2018. Commemoration for Remembrance Day for the centenary of the Armistice, Darwin
    • Johnnie5 TCYF02 The Medal of Honor Memorial at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside California
    • Alan Beastall PTYPNG Remembrance Promenade. Large poppies with dedication
    • Doc MN3R34 Single flower in memoriam; the 9/11 Memorial, New York City, USA
    • Becky Boy T2XN0B RAF memorial spitfire flypast with sunburst

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  • Poll closed on 07/07/19 at 22:59

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Thanks Avpic, must have been a very difficult selection in choosing these 11 from a list of such outstanding number fo excellent images. I've placed my vote, not for me that would not be British😊


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