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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Haha! Yes they can easily be mistaken for just some funny nut and bolt. Now did you make pictures? wim
  2. As you have said here before: especially when the end of the month happens on a weekend, the balance tends to bounce around a bit. wim
  3. It's that black thingy. And here it's in use: 2CW03EM or 2AYAGX5 or 2AYAGX2 or 2AYAGWD or 2AYAGWW or 2AYAGWG or 2AYAGX3 or PCK3MK or PCK3MR But you're right with 8,273 sesults for bicycle tool, it's remarkable how few images there actually are of decent bike tools. And how few understand what's been going on in their own pictures. Could be a translation thing of course. wim edit: I now see that even in this good clear image of this mechanic taking a crank off, it says Bicycle assembly in workshop, man installs crank. No he doesn't.
  4. Maybe they're saving it for later this week. You know one of these cases of two speeches: one in the left coat pocket and one on the right hand side. Now which one was the acceptance speech again...🤥 🥂 🍾 🤑 wim
  5. Thank you! This must be the online version of the print version Abiyoyo found a couple days ago. Thanks again! Both not yet reported btw. wim
  6. Thank you for including one of mine! The owl unvoluntary? You mean the owl actually did a selfie? Ah the emoji. 😎 wim
  7. You mean like this? (Set to New.) It still works as far as I can see. wim
  8. 18 for 674 Dacs (via Alamy) 291 Heading for a result closer to 2012 than 2013. wim
  9. Since you have some time on your hands 😁, you do know that something like this exists? Just for fun, try switching their colors. wim
  10. Congratulations! Wow 4matic! For me it will be Janis Joplin when I'm reading this: Oh Lord won't you give me.... 😂 wim (who's quite happy with a simple 2017 Kia Niro which does 50 mpg US or 58.85 mpg UK or 1:21 or 4.8/100 in EU speak)
  11. Worldwide educational $$ The Irma Grill in Cody Wyoming. Built by Buffalo Bill in 1902 and named for his youngest daughter. I don't normally shoot neon when it's completely dark, no idea why I have done that here. wim
  12. That is certainly a long time. My earliest not cleared image dates from 27/3 2020. Upon closer inspection it's a Personal Use, and it comes back a while later as a refund and even later still as a new license. Weird, because I thought all those were handled by credit card. Looking through my sales of 2020, I notice a couple more of those. So do make sure it's not one of those refund re-license refund re-license carousel things we had a while back. I certainly had quite a few. May I suggest mailing Member Services Contributor Desk or whatever it's called nowadays contributors@alamy.com again. Unless of course it's a calendar or a text book use. Those sometimes have extremely long production times. The calendars, because they can sometimes get scrapped when there's not been enough interest. And the textbooks because some of those production teams are not the quickest in the world. (Here at home we're witnessing a project dragging on for two and a half years now, with yes most articles have now been accepted! replies at every cautious request for further information. And you wouldn't expect it, but it's German. - Yours does not by chance have anything to do with legal tech, does it? 😁 ) wim
  13. +1 for Strunk & White! If you search for Strunk & White PDF or Strunk & White EPUB, you will find numerous free downloads. Usually of older editions or just parts of it from universities or creative writing classes. Also a bunch of tutorials based on it on youtube. wim
  14. Don't you looove pumpkin squash soup? 😂 I do! However: Go back to your post; click edit; double click on an image; tick the box Keep original aspect ratio. Do this for every image. Done. wim
  15. What a car! Chevrolet, the cheaper version. (One vs 2 tail lights on the gate) 1951. And I would add Tin woodie surf car. Or Tin woody. 1951 trim 1952 trim: straight chrome strip. wim edit: The Beach Boys used woody, but the National Woodie Club says they spelled it wrong. (via) Surfin’ Safari
  16. Thank you! You're welcome! You may also need a time zone converter. Unless the press conference/media briefing will be at 10 GMT. wim
  17. The banner reads: Die Vernunft ist tot: Reason or common sense is dead. Berlin January 31, just before Corona/Covid struck. I sort of liked it then, but thought nothing of it and certainly didn't think it would be useful here. Meaning able to sell. I'm still not thinking it will ever sell, however in hindsight I like it a lot more. Even when the horizon is not straight, which is a bit unusual for me. In April dpa, the German Press Agency uploaded a couple of regular daylight, straight on images of the same banner here on Alamy: Now my problem: what sort of keywords to use for mine? The obvious ones: Famous Berlin Theater / Theatre; Schaubühne / Schaubuehne / Schaubuhne am Lehniner Platz; And: Banner; Die Vernunft ist tot; Reason is dead; the end of common sense. Would anybody ever want to use it for something more conceptual? A banner in German? Probably not. What would you think? wim
  18. Thank you! I figured you must live in or somewhere near Lancaster because of that book. In DC we often walked to Whole Foods on P even when it was 30 minutes on foot. Now it would be 8 min because shortly after we left, they opened a store at I St. NW. (We did make jokes about moving back - yes I know about the Whole Foods Effect.) Occasionally we would trek to the Wegmans in Fairfax. Our regular was the smallish Safeway at the Watergate, that has been closed since. That was 10 minutes. I would take the bike there, but seldom to the Whole Foods. We did take the car there sometimes though. We didn't own a car, but used Zipcar in DC. That was a bit of a culture shock, but turned out well. More so because there were 2 in our driveway, but no space for a car of our own for 5 months in the parking of our own building. By the time they offered us space we had bought 2 bicycles and we got to like the Zipcars. And we got PeaPod of course, which we had had before and still have here. Different name, but same owner btw. In the US it's groceries from Giant and Food Lion and here it's from Albert Heijn. Which is also that neighborhood store at 270 meters (less than 900 ft) from my front door. Delivery is different though. In DC they brought it up to the 9th floor. Here it's ground floor and with Corona/Covid they now have to leave it outside on our door step. Oh well. wim
  19. I have been to the Isle of Dogs, and reprimanded for taking photographs on Canary Wharf, but no I have not seen this. Nor does Google Images see it when presented with the image. However both Baidu and Yandex give multiple hits. The problem then is finding out what they're referring to. Try it and you'll see what I mean. Normally I start with Google, but I find it's not as good as it used to be. So that's when the others come to the rescue. For that I use this: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/search_by_image/ Would I want to live there? Hmmm. I have yet to find a neighborhood where I would like to live in London. In the Shoe House? I do like the idea of a house like that. However I now live 3 minutes on foot from my local supermarket and I think around 10 minutes would be my preferred limit. The shops in York are about 20 minutes by bike. And the closest Whole Foods seems to be at 20 minutes by car in Lancaster. Pennsylvania is a beautiful countryside though. And I like Philly, Baltimore and DC which are not too far away. But all those people visiting? Peering through my window? Maybe not. 😂 wim
  20. Thank you! Months go by without any of mine here, and now 3 already this month. No zoom, not reported yet. Wait - it has been zoomed on August 17. Thanks again! wim
  21. https://goo.gl/maps/rwvsrSmutqWE4WU4A wim Google Images: Indescon square.
  22. Thank you! Not yet reported. Linz seems to be the theme here. Thanks again! wim
  23. It's not in the FF Archives that are on line as far as I can see. I have a vintage FF print, so I have been going through that archive a couple of times a while back. This is the best I can find. It's archive number is more clearly readable in this one (from here). But no luck on the Archives. It's from a slightly lower position than yours. And a couple of meters to the right. wim
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