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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Any license plates in the images? German and Austrian plates are local. Ahh here you go: And from there we get here. wim edit: just Gasthof Dietsch did it. edit 2: but the proper name turns out to be Pietsch not Dietsch.
  2. Have one too: Same details. Just nice pictures or a concept? Be Prepared? Not that weird. wim
  3. Yes I remember the nice little square between the church and the river I think. Sorry for the damp squib. 😁 The other week I failed to get a good shot of a couple going in and coming out with everybody wearing masks. They had a bit of confetti too plus a big Panamera, clearly their own. The setting was a lovely little village square with big plane trees. However absolutely filled with cars and no proper space to take pictures. Which could have been interesting in itself, but this time it wasn't. Next day in Trier again there was a wedding shoot (different couple), in front of the Porta Nigra, the main sight, where I had plenty of time and access, but produced zilch. I hope their own photographer and his 2! bumbling assistants fared a bit better. But somehow I doubt it. Those had a gun that blew soap bubbles. It would be empty by the time the photographer was ready to trip the shutter. Or the wind would blow the bubbles in the face of the assistant. I do have pictures of that. Pictures or it didn't happen, right? wim
  4. Nothing except that the car is from Turin as you can see. But I wouldn't put it in the keywords. The same for the front of the church which has that big Della Robbia thing above the door. Firstly it's not in the picture and secondly nowadays they seem to think it's fake. Well wrongly ascribed. Did they take pictures in the square? wim
  5. Eur 639 = £582 over here. In the UK I usually use this site. It looks a bit nerdy, but it works well. Oh £549 it says. Plus your Amazon deal of £439 of course. wim
  6. Thank you! I never get to see that page, I have a button (actually a link) for Unread Content. I never see all the subdivisions of the forum either. These numbers seem quite useful. wim
  7. You mean views of your images? Our views are not counted. Only views from known clients are being counted. However you can learn from these stats. See this 2018 thread where we have discussed something very much similar. wim
  8. Robert, some British photographers do achieve high compensations through Uk courts as well. Unfortunately the group where Jools (Julian Elliott) sometimes posts his remarkable achievements is a closed one. But I'm pretty sure EPUK has some good stories to tell. However their latest success seems to be from 2018, at least on their news blog. Maybe Jools could give some masterclasses in the UK. wim
  9. My personal specialist on this has gone to bed. The ESCP is afaik no online dispute resolution (ODR) yet. It's still mostly paper. But it's there and has been for over 10 years now. All legal issues are local to a country, not Europe or the World or the Universe yet. (Besides we already know the answer to every question: 42!) Parties solve this by choosing governing rules and applicable law beforehand or by their T&C. Like your country or mine; or where it's used. (And yes if money is no object, in the end there's always European Court of Justice - CJEU - in Luxembourg as the court of highest instance.) So legal advice and best practices will be local also. Which is why cross border IP cases are not that easy. International IP lawyers fees are among the highest for a reason. Look for advice from your local trade organization. And like I said: in some countries there are still very good and active press photographer's organizations, sometimes part of a general journalist organization. wim edit: after Brexit, the UK will be on it's own of course with no European Court of Justice to go to. One more win for the greedy wolves corporate world.
  10. There are. European: https://www.europeanphotographers.eu/ Spanish: http://www.fepfi.es/ There may still be others especially for press photographers. But here they have all come together in 2014 and joined FEP. wim
  11. Have you tried different cables? Your cable must be able to power it. Are you sure it's not the port? Try it on another port or another machine. If it's a really old drive the really old freeze trick may help. If it's newer it can make matters worse. I agree with opening the case though. It's easy. Take another case that holds the same size drive and swap it. Tons of youtube how-to videos. It's 2 minutes work. wim
  12. Well let's think of a reason. Maybe he/she liked it? - The intern? 😂 wim
  13. It seems Hero Images Inc. has left the building and is now a competitor. Maybe stop discussing a competitor here. 😂 wim
  14. Images that we have deleted ourselves show up in AIM with a black or gray band saying deleted over them. The ones that Alamy deletes, do not show up at all. So you do have to know the Alamy ref # or your own filename. However if an images has ever been sold, it still shows up in the Net revenue sales report. wim
  15. ASMP=American Society of Media Photographers (just in case you have no Google) - they had a list of fees as most professional photographer's organizations had. Now outlawed because of antitrust laws. Which started the free fall we're now in. I was invited somewhere in 2003; joined early 2004 and send my first cd in February. wim
  16. 😂😂 You have 2 Alamy links that are the same I think. As a check I just searched for brickwork or masonry + dentil or sawtooth or saw tooth or dog tooth on Google Images. (We live in a very very modest 1927 version of Amsterdamse School building, a form of Brick Expressionism. So modest we have no expressionist brickwork.) wim
  17. Yesterday Our TV weather forecast showed satellite imagery explaining that we had some of that smoke all the way over here in Europe in the upper part of the atmosphere. That's 8,800km / 5,500 miles. It's a small planet. wim
  18. I would think a dog tooth is a brick set at 45 degrees, either sticking out or in line. Also called a sawtooth. Maybe that's US. A brick sticking out at 90 degrees is a dentil. However I have no idea what a corner like this is called. Mock Tudoresque? BBJE2F - The real thing. (not mine - wish it was) Here some people still call a brick cut in a certain way a paardelul: horse dick. You call it a queen(s) closer. I know because we have (at least used to have) a prize in architecture the Golden P (=Paardelul) which is a golden or gold painted piece of brick. It's even funnier because the name givers got it wrong: it's actually called a stallion's dick (hengstelul) among Dutch bricklayers. But then it would not have been the alliteration we're so fond of. A paardelul is (now at least) the name for the poker vibrator for concrete. The prize is for a really stupid architectural mishap. The British equivalent would be the Carbuncle Cup. Oh and the official name of that cut brick is klisklezoor, which also very much sounds like a dirty word to most. wim
  19. I would keyword very specialized subjects like this also sort of backwards: first sift through AoA looking for search terms that might be applicable and then decide which to use. With the absolute perfect one in the caption. And maybe in the description as well to prove you know your stuff and the client can caption it confidently. wim
  20. This search on this forum has most of the answers, even when some are a bit older. wim
  21. There used to be a real list, but now this is the advice: https://www.alamy.com/blog/alamys-rough-guide-to-digital-cameras And this is specific to drones: https://www.alamy.com/blog/drone-photography-passing-alamy-qc wim
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