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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Zero or next to zero. I have no illusions. wim
  2. Have you seen any and if so, are they any good? (Not going to bid - I have my own.) wim
  3. Gordon, Just post the first link under SHARE. It's called Link. wim
  4. And maybe post an original straight from the camera as well. Preferably RAW. You do shoot RAW don't you? wim
  5. Worldwide Commercial electronic Website, app and social media Entertainment & Leisure Any size Start: 01 August 2020 End: 01 August 2025 Any size; Single placement and design, duration in perpetuity Belts and Braces. The bad thing: $ The good thing: at least someone is thinking there will be a next spring. wim
  6. So sorry for your break-up. You always looked such a happy bunch climbing those mountains and all. Let's see what we can add to the misery 😂 Broken fire hydrant. Broken camera on the bottom of a dry lake. Broken grave on the steppe. wim
  7. Some are great as an illustration of general safety in those days. (Which some regard as the heyday of motor racing.) wim
  8. Melcher on this on his Thoughts of a Bohemian blog. With some numbers. wim edit: re-reading it one week later: 1 number 😂
  9. RX100 + a little abuse = bad idea. You will need a good soft case and some care. RX100 for bugs: you will need a close-up filter with all three lenses. wim
  10. Rijsttafels are still widely available. With visitors we sometimes head to The Hague for the best experience. Sampurna is probably still good, one of the best actually, but it has been a while since we've been there. For the current best, take a look at the Fork. However since they have been taken over by Tripadvisor, the average tourist review has drowned out the true foodie voice a bit. Plus a lot of really good and really bad restaurants have decided to leave the site (originally called Iens after the founding lady). For Amsterdam this foodie blog is not too bad. And as always Google is your friend also. (Just had an excellent experience driving back from Germany and Luxembourg somewhere just off the highway in a place that Google said scored a 4.8. Asian-French fusion! Yummmmie!) With any restaurant with a rating over 4.0 and more than 50 reviews you cannot go wrong. Be aware that some good Indonesian places in Amsterdam are run by ethnic Chinese people and also that some of the best are tiny, because they are actually a takeaway place. When we had restaurant lock-down a lot of regular restaurants started to offer takeaway also btw. wim
  11. Finally a chance to point someone to Alexandre's brutal blog. 😁 wim
  12. Thank you for spotting! No idea though how to browse the picture credits. wim
  13. I think one must be allowed to vote for his/her own kids 😂 However it currently seems impossible to change one's vote. It is a brilliant picture. However the others are pretty good also. wim
  14. I think you just found a good subject! Hmm, ok I'm behind the times again. A couple of people already had the same idea 5 months ago. Only the just ordinary people doing just ordinary things are missing. At least here on Alamy. wim
  15. And don't get me started on knowledge. 😂 wim
  16. Not all processing errors are at Alamy's side. The most common fault is saving jpegs the wrong way. However sometimes wrong jpegs do slip through though. Make sure you save your JPEGs as JPG Baseline or JPG Standard. NOT Baseline optimized or Progressive. And remember to include the metadata, which is mandatory on the batch you send as your application. wim
  17. Hmm Safari on 10.11.6 is totally normal here. wim edit: Also Firefox on 10.11.6 is ok. Both don't fall apart when Zooming in. But Safari does when zooming out. Hmm. Command zero = ⌘-0 fixes it as always. No Chrome on this one. Still try Command zero = ⌘-0
  18. Those are 3 things I don't have here 😁 I'll fire up the Macbook. wim
  19. What is your OS and browser? I've checked Firefox, Chrome and Edge all on Windows. Those are all normal here. wim
  20. Weird setting of your browser? Try Ctrl-0 (0=zero) Works in most browsers to set the magnification or the font to default size. Otherwise go to view and find the setting for default size. wim
  21. I just point my phone to a page or a sign. Google Translate does the rest. Worked in Japan. Haven't been to other countries lately where I don't understand the script or language. Speaking is on a different level though. 😕 wim
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