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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. So it's been resized here, but it's the original in our profile. You probably uploaded yours as a 112x112 and I as a 150x150px. wim
  2. Try downloading your own: mine is 150x150 px. wim
  3. I have been living 20 km from there for ages now. The Old Church was where we went to church when I was a kid until they closed it for restoration. The back alley where we lived on the Singel canal was a sort of outpost of the Red Light District and was known throughout the city as Whore's Alley (Hoeresteegje). Like the Australians have mates and sheilas, Amsterdammers have aunts and uncles. Lots of nice ones watched over me when I learned to ride my little bike in that alley. 😁 Next time we will have that coffee! wim
  4. That's on the OZ Oudezijds Voorburgwal (here on Google maps) (wiki here). It's also the beginning of the Red Light District. The church at the end is the St Nicholas Basilica, while the tower of the Old Church is just visible on the left. The modern bicycle he's riding is a slightly older (launched in 2010) VanMoof F5 with integrated lock. This is still a non-electrical bike, the innovation at the time was the integrating of the lock and a USB port (!). They now focus on electric bikes: VanMoof. This bridge was known the world over as the Pillenbrug, the Pill Bridge in the not to distant past, and was to be avoided for all sorts of reasons even in the daytime. I only see one cyclist btw. It seems that searches for bicycles in Amsterdam often include the keyword bridge also. (Yes I have some too.) 600m/2000ft from my birthplace (as the crow flies - to the left - the right being the Red Light District proper). 😃 wim
  5. Important ingredient of any campsite meal! Maybe next year. wim
  6. "It's so much easier to take pictures if you have your camera with you." 😂 wim
  7. Just in case you would change something in your post, so it wouldn't be visible in my quote. wim
  8. As I said or at least implied, the purpose of including the metadata on the first batch is a form of authentication. wim edit: NB I obscured something in the quote.
  9. I think it's also a sort of check if it's you who took the image. The whole idea of metadata is that you cannot change or add the most vital things. I don't know Pixlr. Maybe I should try it. I thought it was for phones. wim
  10. If your image is from a digital camera it has metadata. Just don't strip them. If you use Photoshop, save for web used to strip all metadata. It now says save for web legacy and it has a menu item to strip all metadata or keep some or all metadata. wim
  11. Great! I would also take an image without the very recognizable branded bag though. wim
  12. How do you clear your cache? If you're using Chrome, go here: Chrome cache help If you're using Edge, go here: Edge cache help If you're using Firefox, go here: Firefox cache help wim
  13. I think that's reserved for News. So if you have stuff that has to go out immediately, you have to apply for that. Rules got a lot stricter and most contributors that were not regularly contributing real news were thrown out though. wim edit: it would be of not much use for stock, because clients would not be able to get to your images any more than you could. So as soon as the database has refreshed, you can tweet your images and immediately thereafter clients could buy them. My guess is that the database refreshes at the beginning of office hours in India. You could set an alarm clock. (Your profile doesn't say where you're located. Unless it's DC of course.)
  14. Yep that's quite enough for punishment 😂 Love that small planet. Would have loved that Barra! Was it Barra? wim
  15. Just clear your cache, after which you will have to log in again. Everything was up and running by 5 the next morning, wim
  16. Sorry for responding as a total noob on everything Twitter, but what does that current Twitter button do and what is it that it should be doing? wim
  17. Ahh thank you! I knew about replacing one for the other, but never thought of doing that from there. Always started at the other end. wim
  18. Beautiful! Keep on posting them and leaving us jealous! (Ubirr is the closest I've ever come.) Somehow I don't get your images when I search for the Cobourg Peninsula. If they have not gone live yet, how come we can see them here? wim
  19. You are correct about the film grain. However if you want/need to correct the digital noise independently from the film grain, like with a non-Bayer or a low pixel count sensor, stacking is the way to do it. It could well be that using Topaz AI on the film grain alone gives a good result. I have tried some of those plug-ins like Nik Dfine or Topaz years ago on Velvia scans trying to get rid of pepper grain, some worked with samples as well. They must have improved since then. However Photoshop has improved a lot over time as well and it's currently the only thing I use. How to do stacking: select all layers and transform into smart object. Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object. Then set stack mode to median (or sometimes mean for different subjects). Layers > Smart Object > Stack Mode > Median. If you have to align layers first, make sure to remove all outliers before aligning, so all even slightly blurred images have to go. wim
  20. So off to Trinidad! It's on the back of the new 10 dollar note. wim
  21. Reducing just the digital noise is easily done by stacking. wim
  22. Alamy does have a category for Museum display (single use) in the rm license calculator. It's not easy to find, but better don't use it. Alamy itself doesn't seem to use it either, because the negotiated fee for one of mine was just under 300 us for 3 months. This was in the US in 2018/2019. If it is not easy to find an alternative to your image or to replicate it, I would ask more. 4x3 means it's a significant feature. Any hint of how important the venue is? City Hall; Kunsthalle; Museum? Regional or national? wim
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