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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. My sweet Echo, African Gray. $$ distro —I get $. - And what do I get? A carrot! wim
  2. Haha the last time I saw someone who's hair dye was running along his cheeks, it didn't end well for him either. (There's even a photographer in the scene. Or at least his camera.) wim
  3. Hofstadter's Law! It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law. - My favorite law 😁. wim
  4. Eek! By the time this ends I will have no nails left 😂 wim
  5. And please ask the intern who posts the picture needs to use Google. (And maybe even Wikipedia or Tripadvisor too.) The most recent picture need at the moment: Chef, Moshik Roth Images of him or his restaurant in Amsterdam called &Moshik. I may well have images from the restaurant, because we went there once or twice. Also when it was still called &Samhoud Places. (A fine 2 Michelin Star restaurant with 2 weird names in a weird place.) However it went bankrupt half a year ago. Google reveals: Permanently closed. Tripadvisor says: CLOSED. Wikipedia tells us: It closed down in May 2020 when the corona-crisis forced it into bankruptcy. (Most people here think it wasn't doing too well to begin with, yearly losing EUR 800,000.) There have been 2 searches for Moshik Roth in the rolling year. Probably by other interns who missed the demise. Now it could be that the researcher was looking for an image of chef Roth for some other reason than his restaurant. But the writer of the picture needs added that bit about the restaurant - or his restaurant in Amsterdam called &Moshik - while it was not included in the searches. So he/she may well have other information than the searches from AoA. Who knows. wim
  6. And very streamlined they are! Built for speed! 😃 wim
  7. And here is the run-off: https://discussion.alamy.com/topic/13748-run-off-vote-for-the-november-2020-challenge-photographers/ wim
  8. Maybe because the voting was cut a bit short, maybe it would have ended in a draw anyway after such a close run for 5 days: Here is a runoff poll. No rooting for the underdog anymore. Just the two front runners Abiyoyo and Bella. This poll closes on Wednesday December 9th at 1 minute before midnight GMT (I'm still guessing the time here operates on GMT - not sure. The poll will auto shut-off.) The winner will set the new Challenge. (And we will all help if needed.) What were those images again? Here they are: Abiyoyo - EBP9GR Woman taking a picture with her iPad of the nave of Siena Cathedral. Bella - G1YERF Little girl playing with camera taking a photo. wim
  9. Well if all 😁 of us agree it will be one that ends on Wednesday. Let me get to it. wim
  10. Under windows 10 nowadays it's called Task Manager. Ctrl-Alt-Del and click Task Manager. Graphs are under the Performance tab. Weed out unnecessary stuff under the Startup tab. See what processes are slowing a machine down under the Processes tab. Check both CPU high to low and Memory high to low. wim
  11. Try the SSD first. That may be enough for a while. If you do want to upgrade to a new machine, it's certainly something that can migrate to it. Memory from a 7 year old machine not so much. Make the SSD the drive where your OS and your programs sit. And use it for your swap disk in Photoshop. Not recommended with a hdd to have them both on the same disk, but acceptable with a SSD. Make sure you have made your graphics card memory accessible in Photoshop (=probably the reason you bought it in the first place). wim
  12. Maybe just because the poll has closed during the lock down, but we have a draw. So we'll have a run-off. Would Tuesday at midnight GMT be a good time? Or would Wednesday be better? Any thoughts? wim
  13. Always. (currently: i7-8700K - 32GB - Quadro P4000/8GB - SSD 1 TB - HDD 2x10GB 1x4GB - 2 Eizo 24"displays) 40 Layers A7R2 files: no problem. However once in a while my screen freezes in Photoshop. I can still save my file or save as, but not much else. Closing the file and opening it again, everything is normal. So somewhere there's a memory thing that misfires. Still not idea where. My guess is the outlandish graphics card. Because I can still go on after a few seconds, and because it only happens after a lot of editing, it's not on the top of my to-do list. wim
  14. And think about what clients would want to see and buy. These have been the searches for Aberdare this rolling year: Search Term UCO Sales Zooms aberdare national park 2 0 0 aberdare national park ELEPHANTS 1 0 0 Aberdare Ranges kenya 1 0 2 Aberdare Ranges 1 0 0 Guereza Colobus Aberdare 1 0 0 A black rhino in the Salient of the Aberdare National Park 1 1 1 aberdare kenya 1 0 0 Aberdare National Park rhino 1 0 0 Aberdare national park elephant 1 0 0 aberdare national park LODGE 1 0 0 White rhinos in Solio Game Ranch with the Aberdare Mountains in the background. 1 0 0 A black rhino in the Salient of the Aberdare National Park. Its skin color is the result of the mud wallows it frequents in the bright red soil of the 1 0 0 aberdare national park ELEPHANTS LODGE 1 0 0 White rhinos aberdare 1 0 0
  15. Not too many people have voted, so anything is still possible. Two images sharing the lead at the moment, but at the rear some all of a sudden are getting some traction. wim
  16. Even with a normal corkscrew I often have to take the bottle between my knees. The other really useful tool in situations like this is a light work glove with a good grip. Getting the thing off is not that easy, but it can be done. A good alternative would be a thin silicone grip pad for the car. Normally used to hold your phone on the dashboard. Mine was 1.99 I think. But I have seen them in dollar/pound stores also. I hold it briefly under the tap and it's as good as new. When I still used filters on my lenses, I had a dental dam in my bag. Ask your dentist. Beer is often a good answer, but bottles have to be opened also. All wet bars are closed everywhere in Europe I think. Here restaurants are closed too. Restaurants in hotels are still open, but for guests only, and can only serve alcohol before 8 PM. I see Amazon has lots of one-handed beer openers as well. 😁 wim
  17. https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Kitchen-Dining-Electric-Wine-Bottle-Openers/zgbs/kitchen/3117953011 wim
  18. Mine is a true Christmas story: we stayed in this remote place in Sumatra over Christmas. We were warned: it is the most beautiful place, very very remote and quiet, but the villagers don't want to take you there and may even warn you that it doesn't exist. All this turned out to be true. It had been planned as a Club Med. 6 or 7 huts had been finished as a pilot. Club Med had decided not to come and the owners lived in part of the dining hall. We were the only visitors. When Christmas came, the fisherman that used to bring us daily fresh fish from the lake, did not turn up. We politely declined a chicken as a Christmas meal and said an egg would do for us. wim
  19. If you download your sales as a spreadsheet, it will in addition to this have a column region. wim
  20. My guess is that publications over-report to one side and under-report to the other. wim
  21. Hmm that's not what the dentist ordered this morning. Woo woo.. woo woo.. I am allowed lunch in half an hour I think. And not liquid lunch. 😂 Woo woo.. woo woo.. wim
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