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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Alamy has answered here: https://discussion.alamy.com/topic/13784-is-aim-brokenagain/?do=findComment&comment=269067 (About the delays and disappearing submissions - not about using #) wim
  2. Thank you. And yep, until it became too expensive. And when a museum director and curator told me: You're not a real artist are you? I decided you know what, you are right, I get just the same satisfaction out of taking commercial images. So that was that. I figured out I am in it for the problem solving mainly. Here's a brilliant video of someone facing something of the same dilemma on a live broadcast recently: Adam Savage (of MythBuster fame) wim
  3. It is out of date, Not a whole lot has changed though. Has anyone ever used # or other things within the tags? In Photoshop, yes, but not in AIM. In Photoshop a simple , will do btw, but the old semi-colon ; will still work as well. The same in the input box for tags when a whole list in one go is put in. wim
  4. Triple trailers for you then. Maybe they don't venture into Kansas. The wiki article is an interesting read (for traffic nerds 😁). On the road from Salt Lake to Reno they're quite common. I had almost forgotten to take pictures. Besides I was worried about missing the extreme bike races, halfway in Battle Mountain, which in the end I indeed missed. Here's someone (I know) who goes there every year as a photographer. NOx is generic for nitrogen oxides. Nasty stuff in the air and in the soil. Bad for your lungs and it acts as a good fertilizer for the wrong plants like stinging nettles. Nice plants like orchids die. wim
  5. Als het goed is staat alles wel in die pdf. Alleen woorden in een tag. Minimaal 5 tags. Niet vergeten er een caption aan te geven. Hokje is wat vaag, maar behoorlijk belangrijk wat er in staat als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel. Mijn voornaam (hieronder) en achternaam (links hiernaast) met een @ ertussen en .com erachter is mijn mailadres overigens, mocht je er behoefte aan hebben. wim
  6. Yep. I will share 2 though: My highest grossing, which was with 1 sale: (At a much better rate, because it was long ago.) And one of the runners up, which has been licensed 53 times for a total of 3797 gross, but which has since dried up. (Also at better rates through the years.) Now try to find out who licensed them and see if you can shoot for that market/client. If it still exists at all. wim
  7. Japan Book high $$ - but distributor. Marimekko shop with logo and signature clothing line. Helsinki wim edit: this image is behaving weird: when the window is made narrower, the image is not squished but gets cropped. size 1000x735; Keep original aspect ratio box ticked. Probably a glitch.
  8. https://certasenergy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/n710-pace-retail-brochure_p8.pdf wim
  9. Some people forget to tick the boxes under the Optional tab in the Alamy Image Manager: Number of people and is there any property in the image. Ticking the boxes helps the discovery status. Also choosing the Primary and Secondary category helps. Not sure if the location helps anything, but I do fill it out as precise as I can. These are things that really help the discovery for clients, and not just the discovery but also the decision making. So in general yes don't pay too much attention to the color of your discovery bar, but do fill in that upper part of the Optional tab. wim
  10. This shows that at times you cannot judge images on technical terms alone. Or you can and then these doors an windows and Christmas ornaments are perfectly fine, because the right file size; free of CA; nice sharp all around and well exposed. Yes these are composed images. When was this ever a problem? Some people seem to photograph people against a green backdrop and compose complete beaches or offices in. The horror! πŸ˜‚. Some people even are rumored to make films that way. On planets and galaxies far away or with dinosaurs. With secret agents! With Roman charioteers! With superheroes! The utter horror! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. There always was a very simple rule here on composites and edits: no artifacts. What an artifact is, whether it's noise; visual seams and borders; wrong colors or some other visual inconsistencies, that's pretty easy to determine for QC: Simple rule number one: When in doubt throw it out. Second simple rule: Most votes count. For Live News: no edits that alter the content or the meaning. I'm pretty sure this is how QC works. wim
  11. Nevada - On Interstate I-80 between Carlin and Battle Mountain Nevada. 80 mph. Car more or less driving itself means you can take pictures. First car that kicked me in the butt when I swerved just a little bit too wide. The economy of Nevada has long been tied to vice industries -Wikipedia says. Well it makes for great roads. It seems the schools are good too. The road trains (one of the few places where I have seen them in the US) are a bit smaller than their AU counterparts. - Low $$ Worldwide Presentation or newsletters. Oh that's the other thread. 😎 wim
  12. Yes top speeds per country. Actual speed limits on the road can be lower. In The Netherlands, the map says 130 kmh / 80 mph but we went back to 100kmh / 60mph during the day and 120/75 at night in many places. All very confusing. It used to be a quite uniform 100/60 in built up areas or 120/75 in the rest of the country, but the populists wanted 130/80 everywhere. And they got it, in spite of protests from environmentalists and various road safety advocacy groups, But lots of roads were not built for that, think radius or too many ramps and exits in a short stretch, so there had to be lots of places with 120 or 100km limits, which in some places could then be 130km at night. Now it all reverted back to a much more strict 100km than ever before. Not because of the environmentalists, but because of the farmers lobby. Farmers on the highway? No it was the NOx limits they could/would not/refused to observe/have been refusing for 30 years. (First EU NOx limits were put in place in 1991.) So it was house building and road traffic that got new NOx limits. (61% of NOx comes from agriculture and 4-6% from traffic here!) It's mainly livestock farming (46%) that produces it. NO2 and NH3 are the main culprits and they come from slurry or liquid manure (dung mixed with pee produces ammonia: only a problem in stables not on land). The vocal farmers in this are firmly in the populist camp, so those remain quiet now. The farmers have got a taste of blood power and they are blocking supermarket distribution centers in the midst of the Corona/Covid lock down that has started this morning and will last 5 weeks until mid January. All to ward off any caps on their 61% of NOx. No they don't say that, now it's about fair prices for milk etc, which is a valid point. But in reality it's about keeping your troops in the front line. wikipedia stikstofcrisis yesterday Btw The Netherlands is the major producer and exporter of NOx in Europe per sq km or mile, not so much per head. Yesterday we had a run on bread in the supermarkets. Supermarkets will remain open during lock down. There you have it: everything is intertwined with speed limits these days: bread and cars. Anyone remembering Kanonen statt Butter (guns or butter) from school? I do! But they always told us it was the Nazis Goering and Hess. Now it turns out it was Woodrow Wilson where this originated. Learned enough for today - back to editing digitized B/W film contact sheets. wim edit1: links edit2: It used to be a quite uniform 100/60 in built up areas or 120/75 in the rest of the country
  13. Australia Magazine - print, digital and electronic ; Print run: up to 10,000 Print run: 22,000 - mid low/low mid $$ Print run - how many? One is what you pay for and one is what you get, but which is which? Note I left all the birds in the sky. Malaga. wim
  14. Have you tried clearing the cache of your browser? How to here. wim
  15. Perfect image. Exactly what is needed. May it sell well. wim
  16. ???? Could you give a link or something? Or the image? I am seeing this: Festive Christmas wreaths hang on colourful doors of homes in Belgravia, London Credit: Guy Corbishley/Alamy https://t.co/3wxPexant0 pic.twitter.com/V8kJuTWjuQ β€” Alamy News (@AlamyNews) December 15, 2020 That link is leading to: Sorry, that page doesn’t exist! wim edit: found it I think - see next post
  17. But would you own the copyright? And what about the competition? If it's really easy it's all over the micros, and they are all over here. So maybe go for the slightly less easy things with lower views, but still respectable UCO. wim
  18. These are the first 100 of AoA for the running year. It's 24 pages before the UCO dips under 20. Only at page 91, UCO is less than 10. wim Search Term UCO Coronavirus 388 alamy 335 login 295 v 257 Covid 19 230 cat 229 DOG 223 london 175 Marilyn Monroe 160 christmas 159 greta thunberg 154 donald trump 152 boris johnson 149 car 140 paris 137 covid 134 trump 130 joe biden 129 Black Lives Matter 124 picasso 123 history%20and%20historical%20and%20archive 120 lifestyle 119 family 119 james bond 119 titanic 117 sean connery 116 free 116 frida kahlo 113 David Bowie 113 harry potter 113 new york 112 world map 111 apple 110 Martin Luther king 110 Australia 108 spanish flu 107 John Lennon 106 beach 105 queen elizabeth ii 104 tree 103 queen victoria 101 star wars 101 toutes 101 andy warhol 99 Michael Jordan 98 beethoven 97 Elvis Presley 97 winston churchill 96 the beatles 94 woman 94 lion 93 social distancing 93 kamala harris 91 nelson mandela 89 Jimi Hendrix 88 mona lisa 88 beatles 88 london skyline 88 ruth bader ginsburg 87 bob dylan 87 Vector%20or%20vectors%20or%20illustration 85 rainbow 84 video 84 climate change 84 Audrey Hepburn 82 earth 81 food 81 horse 81 leonardo da vinci 81 face mask 81 sky 81 george floyd 80 back to the future 80 alalmy 80 flowers 80 david attenborough 79 agatha christie 79 Martin Luther King Jr 79 taylor swift 79 alarmy 79 books 78 forest 78 water 78 amsterdam 77 Muhammad ali 77 rome 77 doctor 77 hitler 77 Berlin 76 travel 76 corona virus 75 house 75 india 75 SCHOOL 74 coffee 74 christmas tree 74 FRIENDS 74 ve day 74 steve jobs 73 albert einstein 73
  19. Exactly. Besides I have no idea how it works. Maybe I should try it. Give people dog ears, or is that another app? wim
  20. https://www.stockimo.com/ Discussing how that app works is not encouraged here. But with Stockimo you are uploading to the Alamy collection. wim
  21. Maybe because there are really stupid pseudos? Like: Mark Delete Unknown Unknown photographer Credit/ IMAGE_ IMAGES_ Photo image picture Pictures photographer Rf44 car Not that bad, but maybe a bit silly in a newspaper: My Childhood Memories Faraway Photos Those are from an earlier post and probably deleted: bingtzx ED Torial And all those JohnDoe12345s from the micros that have migrated here. And BHZ - Ok that's my own. πŸ˜‚ wim
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