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BBC article on stock photography


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It's a pretty lopsided view of things. Seems to me that he is only looking at the "Lifestyle" section of stock photography where images are idealized or contorted. That's not the way many of us work, but is has to be said "Lifestyle" is an area of interest to all stock agencies.

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The article does give a lopsided view and doesn't dwell on the fact that stock photographers have largely responding to what the market (ie publishers like the BBC) have demanded.  It also says little about the more recent trend to 'authentic' imagery in place of the stylised stuff of past years. The article is about five years too late, methinks.

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I can see it in Canada.  It was an entertaining article. The face in the knee was pretty out there.


Edit- I checked and there really is a Disappointment Valley, in Colorado.  So it's not a fake sign.

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I can see it in Canada.  It was an entertaining article. The face in the knee was pretty out there.


Edit- I checked and there really is a Disappointment Valley, in Colorado.  So it's not a fake sign.


Of course there is.

Fake news not a fake sign..

PR by G? By Rover?

On the BBC?

Must have been the intern.



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My magic computer was able to access the article out here in Vancouver.


There is some truth to the piece. However, it's very myopic in that it looks only at the "schlock photography" end of the spectrum. 


Perhaps the author should spend some time checking out Alamy's new search engine.

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