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Hi Fellow Photographers!


I'm Peter from the UK and I'm new to Alamy.  Whilst I'm fully conversant with my Eos 5D MII and can take some great shots, I'm not technically bright. I'm looking for advice on which j.peg setting to use to give me the correct file size required to satisfy QC. Any help would be much appreciated?


Many Thanks



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Yes, always RAW (21M says my setting) largest file - you may also include JPG (21M) largest file - if you, in certain cases, want an image that can be uploaded somewhere nearly unedited - may be news images, images for social media, etc. (if only for social media, etc. the size can be smaller).

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Quite agree with all the other responses.  Has to be RAW.  Experimented this weekend (family get together) with RAW + JPG large to provide some fairly instant images.  In tricky or even slightly sub-optimal lighting the RAW option is far superior for image manipulation rather than the OOC jpg.

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Hi Peter. I too use a Canon 5D Mk III and love it. First of all, let me just add to the other responses; RRRAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!

Also, use the Auto Focus Area Selection facility. This can really help the overall quality of the photo. With 61 focusing points available it pays to be able to pick your focusing point correctly. Lots of videos on youtube to expalin about it. I'm constantly changing mine depending on the image I'm looking for.

I'm not sure what glass you have on your Mk III, but that can also have an impact on image quality, as I'm sure you are aware.

Anyway, the best of luck with Alamy.

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Hi Peter. I too use a Canon 5D Mk III and love it. First of all, let me just add to the other responses; RRRAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!

Also, use the Auto Focus Area Selection facility. This can really help the overall quality of the photo. With 61 focusing points available it pays to be able to pick your focusing point correctly. Lots of videos on youtube to expalin about it. I'm constantly changing mine depending on the image I'm looking for.

I'm not sure what glass you have on your Mk III, but that can also have an impact on image quality, as I'm sure you are aware.

Anyway, the best of luck with Alamy.


Rob, it's a Canon 5dII  :)

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I'll join the raw chorus, but would also like to point out that you need to watch out for shadow noise, whatever settings you adopt. Sensors have moved on a bit since I think.


Got my best results using the back button focus lock with the 5DII, central point focus for greatest accuracy, lock, adjust composition and then shoot. Particularly useful for fast moving vehicles when you can prefocus on a spot, rather than depend upon the camera deciding at what point on the subject the focus will be sharpest.

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I shot with the 5DM2 for several years and it's a dependable workhorse but as Bryan said be very careful of the noise in the shadows. That was my only complaint about the camera. Oh, and of course only shoot raw at highest megapixel setting.

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