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Alamy's Image upoader not reporting properly

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Is it just me or is the Alamy Stock photo up loader not reporting the numbers correctly.  I uploaded a batch yesterday, and because it was not showing them as awaiting QC, (in fact it was showing nothing),   I uploaded them again.   Only to find, a few hours later, it was now reporting correctly (eg  double upload)  Same thing happened today, except, this time I resisted uploading them again,  There is still   a long delay between the upload and the  reporting!


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I've noticed the uploader seems to stall on my first or second image when I use the Archive/Reportage route. I have to pause or cancel the upload and start all over again - but I've been having issues with my internet connection.


Track Submissions shows my last four uploads in red and the count is definitely off even though it doesn't show any errors or failures.


Oddly enough, the follow-up email states I had a partial failure even though the images bypass QC and were all were available in Manage Images hours ago.

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I've noticed the uploader seems to stall on my first or second image when I use the Archive/Reportage route. I have to pause or cancel the upload and start all over again - but I've been having issues with my internet connection.


Track Submissions shows my last four uploads in red and the count is definitely off even though it doesn't show any errors or failures.


Oddly enough, the follow-up email states I had a partial failure even though the images bypass QC and were all were available in Manage Images hours ago.


I know you live in my neighborhood so I suspect we have the same cable supplier. I am finding I have to reboot now and then to get my speed back to normal. I guess that has been true for about a week. Not uploading lately but just my internet speed in general.



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I know you live in my neighborhood so I suspect we have the same cable supplier. I am finding I have to reboot now and then to get my speed back to normal. I guess that has been true for about a week. Not uploading lately but just my internet speed in general.







I have Time Warner Cable and my internet connection goes down at least once a day. Support says there's a connection problem between the coaxial cable and my new modem but I've also been seeing area outages posted on Twitter over the past few days.  When my modem goes out, I can usually unscrew the cable and then screw it back in to revive the connection. When there's an area outage and the tv goes out as well  there's nothing I can do on my end until it comes back up. When it works, I'm getting my standard 15/1 connection speed so that doesn't seem to be the issue. Of course it could be some kind of routing issue between here and Alamy.


One of these days when it's not too hot and I have nothing better to do, I'll have to hike up to TWC and swap the modem (again) and get a new cable.



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Is it just me or is the Alamy Stock photo up loader not reporting the numbers correctly.  I uploaded a batch yesterday, and because it was not showing them as awaiting QC, (in fact it was showing nothing),   I uploaded them again.   Only to find, a few hours later, it was now reporting correctly (eg  double upload)  Same thing happened today, except, this time I resisted uploading them again,  There is still   a long delay between the upload and the  reporting!


Happens here, too.


I made a double upload the day before yesterday because I thought it hadn't come through, but it had.... The correct reporting is delayed from a few minutes to somewhat longer... First time I have experienced this. Luckily Alamy didn't mind the double upload they were QCed yesterday.

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I have been having modem problems for months.  I could get around it by turning it off, then back on to reboot.  But sometimes I'd have to do that 6 times a day.  Never before, for years, did I have that problem.  I went down 6 months ago and got a new modem.  It happened again so I took the modem back and exchanged it.  Still happening.  Last week I went two days without having to reboot and was shocked.  Normal now is about 2 reboots a day, sometimes 3.  And I bought a high-end costly modem.

I'm beginning to think it is the cable company's fault.  I'm in Oklahoma, my son is in Tennessee.  He told me he's had the same problem, different provider.  He chewed the cable company out and they gave him a new router or modem, whichever, and the problem went away.

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Betty, I suffered months of this, even changed my router (not on cable) and filters. Eventually called the ISP and they immediately said they had done an upgrade at their end which would be incompatible with my router. They sent the new router and I have had no problems since. I wish I could have been bothered to contact them sooner. Not cable, I know, but may be similar circumstances.....

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Time Warner Cable has been doing "Time Warner Cable Maxx" upgrades here in New York and several other cities in the US. The other night when both the tv and internet went out I decided to check twitter. @TWC_Help was cranking out apologies for lack of service at a rate of about about three tweets per minute.


Also, has anyone noticed how their competitors like to tweet you back whenever you tweet a cable complaint?

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Uploaded a batch of 31 a couple of days ago and the upload was reported, but only registering 10 images. Some while later it showed the correct count. Weird.


Same happened with my upload on 8th.


8 in batch only 4 shown. Was going to send Alamy an email but got sidetracked and when I looked again they were showing all 8 uploaded.


What I did note during the upload was that the green bar advanced smoothly, left to right, on the first 4 then on the second 4 it was sticking then jumping along.

e.g.  Started at 3% then after a pause jumped to 48% then to 89% etc. etc.


Definitely a glitch in Alamy's system.



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I just uploaded another batch of 8 images. No stalling on the upload but Track Submissions indicates only 6 images were uploaded, 1 passed, with 0 errors and 0 failed. However Manage Images is now showing all 8 images as available for keywording.

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Don't know if it's related but my 10th July batch has still not cleared, could be time coming up in dog house, or fault in system, or overload or goodness knows what else.....

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It seems I too am in this line; I uploaded 37 images yesterday right after spending a month in the sin bin. Yesterday just 28 showed as "Awaiting QC" and this morning 30 show. The fun continues. I'm glad I didn't upload my other folder with another 34 images. 

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