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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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35 minutes ago, Mr Standfast said:

An App in a restaurant?  After the trip to the zoo I was looking forward to story about smuggling a penguin out under your coat!


James, penguins are only one of the animals I did not see at the Chester Zoo. I did see a rhino, but not the species that won this month's challenge for showing off its butt. 


I'm gathering up my thoughts, Steve. 

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2 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:


James, penguins are only one of the animals I did not see at the Chester Zoo. I did see a rhino, but not the species that won this month's challenge for showing off its butt. 


I'm gathering up my thoughts, Steve. 


Ed, the tension is killing us...


p.s. you know there's so much build up now that whatever you write is going to be a massive anticlimax ;)

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Liverpool’s Metquarter is a small, enclosed shopping centre just one block from me. It has a movie theatre, an LMA arts school, and some high-end shops. Just before I went down to Chester to view the empty wildlife enclosures, I was walking through Metquarter and saw that they were about to open the largest food hall in Beatles Town, GPO Liverpool. Yippie, I thought.


I got back from Chester early Monday and decided to drop in at GPO for lunch; it was their opening day. A pleasant young woman who spoke more English than Scouse showed me to a table. She then explained that I would have to download their app to my phone. And so we began.


Now I’ve done this restaurant app thing before and before it was fairly simple and straightforward. The GPO app was not. The steps went on and on and on. The young woman remained pleasant telling me to click that, no that, go down the page, click ‘done’, On and on. And . . . the dance had to be preformed on each item I ordered.


Finally, I had enough. “Basta!” I told the nice young woman. “I came in here to have lunch not to solve a digital tech puzzle.”

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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:

Liverpool’s Metquarter is a small, enclosed shopping centre just one block from me. It has a movie theatre, an LMA arts school, and some high-end shops. Just before I went down to Chester to view the empty wildlife enclosures, I was walking through Metquarter and saw that they were about to open the largest food hall in Beatles Town, GPO Liverpool. Yippie, I thought.


I got back from Chester early Monday and decided to drop in at GPO for lunch; it was their opening day. A pleasant young woman who spoke more English than Scouse showed me to a table. She then explained that I would have to download their app to my phone. And so we began.


Now I’ve done this restaurant app thing before and before it was fairly simple and straightforward. The GPO app was not. The steps went on and on and on. The young woman remained pleasant telling me to click that, no that, go down the page, click ‘done’, On and on. And . . . the dance had to be preformed on each item I ordered.


Finally, I had enough. “Basta!” I told the nice young woman. “I came in here to have lunch not to solve a digital tech puzzle.”

Why do things have to be made so difficult? I don’t blame you for being steamed.

In the past since moving, maybe once or twice a month I’d drive to Sonic and get a hamburger with French fries or tater tots. On Tuesdays, they have the burgers half price.

A couple of months ago, I joined the line of cars, only to find when I got to the pickup window that I had to pay full price because I didn’t order it through the app. What app? I didn’t know nothin’ ‘bout no app. I haven’t been back. They can shove their app where the sun doesn’t shine.

I understand about progress. I understand us oldies have lost our easier way of life. I just can’t equate progress making things more difficult when it should make it simpler. I think possibly the app thing makes it easier for the business, (I really don’t know) but they are losing customers. We are the throw-away generation.

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Since the pandemic started, it has become commonplace around here, in DC, and in the U.S. in general, I believe, that most restaurants have ditched the physical menu and you just point your phone’s camera at a QR code and that will bring up a menu….no apps to download.  That, I think, is brilliant!  I am sure the restaurants keep paper menus handy for those who may not have a smart phone.  Betty, that would really irk me too.  And Ed, a complicated app would sending me running out the door too!

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7 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Liverpool’s Metquarter is a small, enclosed shopping centre just one block from me. It has a movie theatre, an LMA arts school, and some high-end shops. Just before I went down to Chester to view the empty wildlife enclosures, I was walking through Metquarter and saw that they were about to open the largest food hall in Beatles Town, GPO Liverpool. Yippie, I thought.


I got back from Chester early Monday and decided to drop in at GPO for lunch; it was their opening day. A pleasant young woman who spoke more English than Scouse showed me to a table. She then explained that I would have to download their app to my phone. And so we began.


Now I’ve done this restaurant app thing before and before it was fairly simple and straightforward. The GPO app was not. The steps went on and on and on. The young woman remained pleasant telling me to click that, no that, go down the page, click ‘done’, On and on. And . . . the dance had to be preformed on each item I ordered.


Finally, I had enough. “Basta!” I told the nice young woman. “I came in here to have lunch not to solve a digital tech puzzle.”


Ed, it all makes sense now. I thought you might have accidentally swiped the wrong way on Tinder or something. Well your reaction is totally understandable, you're there to eat, not to work up an appetite playing with an inscrutable app. Sounds like they picked the wrong developer to make their app for them. Hope you managed to get lunch elsewhere.


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3 hours ago, Steve F said:


Sounds like they picked the wrong developer to make their app for them. Hope you managed to get lunch elsewhere.



That's it exactly, Steve. I've made a decision about this. I will not be eating anywhere that requires a smart phone to be involved in ordering. It's basically unfair to require customers to own a $1,000 phone.  I have one, but what if I didn't have it with me. I've eaten out twice since my overly-designed app experience and had no problems. And I ate lunch out in Chester. I was given a paper menu. I talked to my server about wine and food. And maybe I won't be eating out again until Boris lifts the lockdown at the end of July (hopefully). 


Betty had a 'got you' experience. That will not attract return customers. I'm not great at digital tech. I've stated that many times in the forum. But nobody needs to go through the nonsense this new food hall requires. 


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12 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

I came in here to have lunch not to solve a digital tech puzzle

I see on their website they say:


"The GPO is powered by iBe, the only ordering and loyalty app we deemed suitable to withstand everyone’s needs"


Odd choice of the word 'withstand', like it's some kind of challenge, which it was by the sound of it.

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Yes, Harry. I know about iBe. They contacted me to tell me to continue signing up. 


There is another food hall down in Ropewalks where I use to go before the lockdowns began. They had the only real Italian kitchen I've found in Liverpool, and they did Cuban sandwiches, a Florida expat item. I liked their mushroom veggie version. When the lockdown began, they used the simpler phone app to order.




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14 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Liverpool’s Metquarter is a small, enclosed shopping centre just one block from me. It has a movie theatre, an LMA arts school, and some high-end shops. Just before I went down to Chester to view the empty wildlife enclosures, I was walking through Metquarter and saw that they were about to open the largest food hall in Beatles Town, GPO Liverpool. Yippie, I thought.


I got back from Chester early Monday and decided to drop in at GPO for lunch; it was their opening day. A pleasant young woman who spoke more English than Scouse showed me to a table. She then explained that I would have to download their app to my phone. And so we began.


Now I’ve done this restaurant app thing before and before it was fairly simple and straightforward. The GPO app was not. The steps went on and on and on. The young woman remained pleasant telling me to click that, no that, go down the page, click ‘done’, On and on. And . . . the dance had to be preformed on each item I ordered.


Finally, I had enough. “Basta!” I told the nice young woman. “I came in here to have lunch not to solve a digital tech puzzle.”

I'm with you Ed, or rather two steps behind as I don't even have a smartphone. I won't be going into a pub or restaurant again until I can walk up to the bar, point and say " a pint of that please".

" more English than Scouse"😀

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I ask your indulgence while I voice a few more thoughts on needing a phone app to eat or drink in a restaurant or pub. I do understand about the pandemic . . . but . . .


I hate my tiny, badly-designed kitchen but I can eat at home. I can also get takeout from some places nearby. Eating out is expensive and only works for me if I can have the full restaurant experience. Dinning out is my only personal indulgence. I used to do restaurant reviews and on occasion did food writing and food photography. I'm not a real expert but I'm a pretty good faker. 


For me, the techno app complexities do not replace interesting cuisine, talking with my server, and feeling that I'm part of a group who are eating out. 

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I'm with you, Edo, about the restaurant experience. Here in NYC too many places have gone to a self-serve situation where you order at a counter and I don't like it. I've only run into the menu on a QR code a couple of times and I found that being old and looking confused brings out a paper menu right away. The biggest problem these days is the LOUD MUSIC. That gets everyone shouting at each other and since I and my friends speak softly we can have no conversation at all.



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The fast food hall I liked best (pre covid) was Time Out in Lisbon. You ordered at your kitchen of choice and they gave you a little gizmo that buzzed when your food was ready to collect. Very efficient and a great choice of food! time-out-market-in-lisbon-RF0PHG.jpg

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That’s the way of Panera Bread, here. It’s better than fast food, delicious sandwiches on crusty bread, fantastic broccoli cheese soup. They have the buzzer there, too. I do enjoy the restaurant experience, though.

Recently at an upscale restaurant, we had a delightful server. She delivered our drinks, and while taking the meal orders of the other 3 family members, I couldn’t help blowing my straw cover at my son-in-law across the table. Our server broke into laughter and high-fisted me. I think she was surprised a senior lady was so full of mischief.

My family says they can’t take me anywhere. Sometimes the imp in me wins out.

Since my son moved back in the area, we go out to eat together fairly often. I wonder if people think I’m a Cougar.

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I stopped by GPO Liverpool food hall today and asked one question: “Can I have lunch here without downloading your app and without using a smart phone." The answer was yes, but I have to pay with a card — no cash. I was going to do that anyway. Tapping a card to pay is a great move forward. 


For me, the complexities of the techno app do not replace interesting cuisine, talking with my server, and feeling that I'm part of a group who are eating out. I have no social life here; eating out is as close as I get. 

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Ah yes, the choice of music. Most music is designed to do one of two things — to excite or to relax. Relax seems the be the better choice for bistros and conversation. Queens is a Mediterranean place near me. I had lunch there yesterday. No phone app was required. But the menu had shrunk and there was shouting rock music instead of the quiet jazz they used to play. 


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I just had lunch at a nice place. PB&J on oat bread with a few potato chips and iced tea. Then I wiped the table down and put everything away. I need to buy some sliced ham, pickle loaf or olive loaf.  I’m out. That's why PB&J.

Tonight will be tacos. I’m thawing the hamburger out as I speak.

Tomorrow will be grilled chicken with a baked sweet potato and a salad.

Echo is my only dinner companion. She loves chicken and sweet potatoes. I tell her it’s not a bird. A small white lie.

She likes carrots, too.


Edited by Betty LaRue
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My shower was leaking (Paulette!) and the plumber came Tuesday to fix it. And well he did. My lawn automatic sprinkler system was running when he came. It’s on well water.

The plumber was up and down my basement stairs turning the house water off and on. I didn’t notice until he left that my lawn in-ground sprinkler system had quit in the middle of their rotation. Two areas in front, three in the back, one on the sides. They stopped before the back was done.

I can’t figure out how turning the house water on and off affected it or if it was a coincidence. It hit 100 degrees (37.77 C) today.  Next couple of days even hotter.  My lawn is tall fescue which needs regular watering in this heat. My sprinkler guy can’t come for 3 weeks, the plumber will try to work me back in. Meanwhile, I’m hauling a regular sprinkler and hose around. It’s worn me out for some reason.

I’m still trying to figure out why so many things have gone wrong for me. <whine> I did have fun shopping for my great granddaughter’s soon-to-be second birthday party today. I think I had more fun playing with the toys in the store than she will.

Good thing I started my family at 17 which allows me Great grandchildren when many my age are still on grands. I have 9 of them, now, all girls.

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I have leaks too Betty. Yesterday we lost our second water tank on heavy corrugation. Now we have two leaky water jerrycans by the beds. What fun when the stretch ahead is through desert!! 

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