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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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On 01/10/2022 at 01:18, NYCat said:

I had an MRI of my neck today because I'm getting tingling down one side and into my shoulder. Boy it is an experience. I knew it would be noisy. They give you ear plugs and then add two headsets to protect the ears. There were so many different sounds. Every now and then there would be silence and I'd think it was over but then a different sound would start up. It seemed to take a very long time. They had offered me a 1:30 or 1:45 appointment so I figured at least it wouldn't take more than fifteen minutes. I'm glad I don't have claustrophobia. That would make it really impossible. I had worn a short-sleeved top under a long-sleeved shirt because I was hoping to stop at a pharmacy on my way home to get a flu shot. They were doing walk-ins so that worked out but later I realized I had put on the short sleeved top inside out when I got dressed at the hospital. It only showed briefly while I was getting my shot but it must have been really obvious with the label showing and all. The pharmacist didn't say a word and she did a great job of giving a painless shot.


I could not do what you did. I hate enclosed spaces especially when lying on my back. Anything above me, if it is very close, seems to be coming even closer all the time. Then I PANIC!




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39 minutes ago, Steve F said:

I just ran a half marathon. I was going to put this in the 'bad things' thread, but I finished it, so... 😛🏃‍♂️


Respect! Well done you.

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16 minutes ago, gvallee said:


Respect! Well done you.


Thanks Gen! I didn't set any records - 2:19 - just glad to finish. I only did a week's training bc I'm not a fan of running (my mate talked me into it months ago after a few drinks!).

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2 minutes ago, Steve F said:


Thanks Gen! I didn't set any records - 2:19 - just glad to finish. I only did a week's training bc I'm not a fan of running (my mate talked me into it months ago after a few drinks!).


That's still a big achievement. I used to love running and hiking. I used to run around the Grand Canal in Versailles castle every sunday. That was a quarter of a marathon. Now I need new knees... 

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2 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


I could not do what you did. I hate enclosed spaces especially when lying on my back. Anything above me, if it is very close, seems to be coming even closer all the time. Then I PANIC!





I wonder what they do about people like you. They give you something to squeeze if you need to stop it (for whatever reason) and I had to concentrate on lying there without coughing. I have a bit of asthma and lying on my back can make my lungs fill a bit so I cough. Then, of course, my nose was itching. I had to wear a covid mask too. They gave me one without a metal part. Apparently, dental implants don't cause a problem. They ask lots of questions to be sure you have no metal in your body... including asking about work history. Then they wanded me to be sure.



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12 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


I could not do what you did. I hate enclosed spaces especially when lying on my back. Anything above me, if it is very close, seems to be coming even closer all the time. Then I PANIC!




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We visited our elder son's new (to him) house and were joined by our younger son and his family, so we got to see all the grandkids. 😊


We attempted to fit a new washing machine but the plumbing was a tad archaic (e.g. there was a hot feed to the previous machine, which I think is illegal now, while the drain from that machine had been tied in place above an open pipe using string), and the isolating valves leaked. I hadn't brought plumbing tools and had to concede defeat. A plumber was called and he sorted it out. However I did install a key safe in a discreet location outside, so I still have my uses !


Coming back we stopped for a coffee in Thirsk, the sun shone and I got a few shots around the market place.

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12 hours ago, Bryan said:

there was a hot feed to the previous machine, which I think is illegal now,

Not at all, just obsolete- apparently it was an exclusively British thing and since we don't make them anymore they just died out. Our Hotpoint had it- 1991 plumbing- but the replacement didn't so that was that. It does make for longer wash cycles but presumably the low temperature cycles we use nowadays wouldn't be possible with a hot fill- try a 40 with water at 60!

Same with the dishwasher, the last machine used it, this one doesn't, and we wash at 30 now anyway.

The hot fill ball valves sit there happily filling up with dust.

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9 hours ago, spacecadet said:

Not at all, just obsolete- apparently it was an exclusively British thing and since we don't make them anymore they just died out. Our Hotpoint had it- 1991 plumbing- but the replacement didn't so that was that. It does make for longer wash cycles but presumably the low temperature cycles we use nowadays wouldn't be possible with a hot fill- try a 40 with water at 60!

Same with the dishwasher, the last machine used it, this one doesn't, and we wash at 30 now anyway.

The hot fill ball valves sit there happily filling up with dust.

Indeed, I looked it up and this company still makes machines with a hot fill capability. However I don't necessarily buy their argument re solar panels and cost saving.  We have solar panels generating electricity and try only to use the machine when the sun is shining, so the panels heat the cold filled water. If we used hot fill it would be gas being used to heat the water.

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On 02/10/2022 at 13:00, NYCat said:


I wonder what they do about people like you. They give you something to squeeze if you need to stop it (for whatever reason) and I had to concentrate on lying there without coughing. I have a bit of asthma and lying on my back can make my lungs fill a bit so I cough. Then, of course, my nose was itching. I had to wear a covid mask too. They gave me one without a metal part. Apparently, dental implants don't cause a problem. They ask lots of questions to be sure you have no metal in your body... including asking about work history. Then they wanded me to be sure.



I have had so many scans that it’s a wonder I don’t glow. And Paulette, oh, yes on the changing rhythm of the pounding sounds, the itchy nose, the cough reflex, (you know when you can’t, you must) and for me, the pain it causes lying on my back in spite of the knee pillow. The worst ever was when I had to have my arms over my head and the ensuing shoulder/arms/neck agony until I gritted my teeth. The best way is to imagine a story, being somewhere wonderful, visiting a great memory, or singing a song or 10 in your mind. That helps. I even concentrated on counting to 100 and saying the alphabet backwards. Anything to stop thinking about the pain and the tickle in my throat.

I hope your neck/numbness/tingling is better.

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5 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

I have had so many scans that it’s a wonder I don’t glow. And Paulette, oh, yes on the changing rhythm of the pounding sounds, the itchy nose, the cough reflex, (you know when you can’t, you must) and for me, the pain it causes lying on my back in spite of the knee pillow. The worst ever was when I had to have my arms over my head and the ensuing shoulder/arms/neck agony until I gritted my teeth. The best way is to imagine a story, being somewhere wonderful, visiting a great memory, or singing a song or 10 in your mind. That helps. I even concentrated on counting to 100 and saying the alphabet backwards. Anything to stop thinking about the pain and the tickle in my throat.

I hope your neck/numbness/tingling is better.


I've had a few MRIs over time but the worst one, by far, was a brain MRI, I had to get screened for aneurysms since my mother had a brain aneurysm.  She survived it but her last ten years of her life were severely impacted from it.  Aside the loud noises (which I disliked even with earplugs), my head was basically locked in a cage-like device so I wouldn't move my head.  They gave me a panic button on a cord that I could squeeze if I wanted out but I swore to myself that I could handle it...it think it was 15 minutes altogether.  The room was warm and I started sweating, my thumb was on the button and I came SOO close to tapping out but then some fan kicked on and blew right on my face!!  I knew at that point I could make it!  The good news is that they cleared me of possibly having an aneurysm, they are mostly hereditary, I am told.  We think my maternal grandfather died of one while on the Canary Islands...It was ruled a stroke but no autopsy was done.


Sorry, was this the "good thing that happened in your life"?  I'll shut the door on my way out. 

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Now I feel like I had an easy time. I don't have the results yet. I'm hoping it turns out to be no more than arthritis. I still have the occasional tingling down my neck and shoulder. I probably would not have been so pro-active about seeing my doctor but I keep thinking about all of Betty's woes and I'm trying to stay as flexible as possible. I've had a couple of people recommend a PT place with a woman who is supposed to be special. After I get my neck results I'll make an appointment to have an assessment. I have a prescription in hand so I can get it with Medicare. No return of the vertigo I had one night. I need someone to look at everything from my bad foot, through my lower back pain and up to my neck. I know a lot of exercises but could use guidance about what is most important to emphasize. I'm rather afraid that it will be the wretched hip exercises that I don't enjoy. I really like gentle yoga stretching and that will help too.



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48 minutes ago, NYCat said:

Now I feel like I had an easy time. I don't have the results yet. I'm hoping it turns out to be no more than arthritis. I still have the occasional tingling down my neck and shoulder. I probably would not have been so pro-active about seeing my doctor but I keep thinking about all of Betty's woes and I'm trying to stay as flexible as possible. I've had a couple of people recommend a PT place with a woman who is supposed to be special. After I get my neck results I'll make an appointment to have an assessment. I have a prescription in hand so I can get it with Medicare. No return of the vertigo I had one night. I need someone to look at everything from my bad foot, through my lower back pain and up to my neck. I know a lot of exercises but could use guidance about what is most important to emphasize. I'm rather afraid that it will be the wretched hip exercises that I don't enjoy. I really like gentle yoga stretching and that will help too.



For the back…you need to strengthen your core. The stronger the core muscles, the better support for the back. My back greatly improved after starting these at the behest of my therapist.

Stand behind a chair, feet right under you, not spread, maybe 4-5 inches apart. Let your weight go more to your heels, that’s where lightly holding onto the chair keeps balance. Shift weight onto the left leg, tighten left buttocks as hard as you can while also tightening left abdominal muscle. Relax that side and do the same on the other side, always disengaging the other side. 
I started out 10 each side, and am now doing 25 each side. Two sets a day is good.

Buns of steel

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Thank you, Betty. That's one I don't know. Sounds like one I might do more easily than bridge... which is the one that was probably best for my foot. It also works the core and the glutes but is done while lying down so not so easy to integrate into my day.



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30 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

For the back…you need to strengthen your core. The stronger the core muscles, the better support for the back. My back greatly improved after starting these at the behest of my therapist.

Stand behind a chair, feet right under you, not spread, maybe 4-5 inches apart. Let your weight go more to your heels, that’s where lightly holding onto the chair keeps balance. Shift weight onto the left leg, tighten left buttocks as hard as you can while also tightening left abdominal muscle. Relax that side and do the same on the other side, always disengaging the other side. 
I started out 10 each side, and am now doing 25 each side. Two sets a day is good.

Buns of steel


A question. Do you hold for 5 or 10 seconds before going to the other side? Standing on one foot is also good for my bad foot.



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Yesterday we harvested the squashes, a good yield from our Uchiki Kuri plants. The foliage had started to die back and the fruits had darkened nicely so should store well. I grew them on a vertical trellis as otherwise they occupy too much space in the garden, while there is less chance of the fruits rotting due to contact with damp earth. 


As one season ends so we look forward to the next, and a sowing of overwintering broad beans. Given a mild winter - more often than not these days - we should be enjoying the crop in spring next year.


Today I intend to prepare the ground for the planting of garlic by raising a couple of ridges in order to reduce the possibility of them rotting in waterlogged soil. Some sections of the garden drain better than others and this year is their turn to reside in one of the wetter areas.


I also need to get started on preparing our seed order for next year.


Finally, and not garden related, we bought the ingredients for Xmas cake today, I generally cook two, one to share between our two sons and another for us. I might be tempted to sample some of the cheap brandy bought to go in the mix.



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12 hours ago, NYCat said:


A question. Do you hold for 5 or 10 seconds before going to the other side? Standing on one foot is also good for my bad foot.



About 5 seconds. My glutes have really responded also my stomach muscles. Oh, edited to add, these can be done sitting down, also. I do mine standing up, but a second set can be done sitting down by just isolating left and right muscles. Try it & you’ll see.

Edited by Betty LaRue
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4 hours ago, NYCat said:

Thanks, Betty. I've been conscious of trying to use my glutes when walking. It helps.... of course my spell-check wants me to say gluten.



Spell check is great 2% of the time, helping me spell something I’m unsure about. The other 98% drives me batty. Just like now, when I typed “Spell” and it changed it to “Penal”. I try to remember to look before sending or posting, but sometimes one slips by.

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Yesterday we joined a group of people from the Friends of Beamish Museum for a guided tour of the Lambton estate in Washington. Most of the estate is normally closed to the public, although recently limited access has been granted in exchange for planning permission to construct executive housing on the site of what was once  the ill fated Lambton Lion Park. We got to see the remains of Lambton Castle, sections of the river not normally accessible and Biddick Hall and gardens where the current owner is occasionally resident. Tea and cakes were served in the old walled garden. One of the reasons why the estate was out of bounds was that it hosted an annual shoot, with the area managed to support flocks of game birds. This was discontinued some years ago and its place taken by a clay pigeon shoot.  


I took a number of photos but can't use them commercially as they were taken on this private estate.


We enjoyed our visit, ably hosted by the estate manager, but, like many folk in this area, I resent the fact that access to this large tract of land is severely limited.

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Got my driver’s license renewed this morning. When we moved to Kansas, we spent hours before our names were called. Even broke for lunch and came back.

This time, a smaller outlet had been opened. It took me no longer than 15 minutes from when I walked in the door to walking out. Had I been under the age of 64, I could have done it online. That ship has sailed. 🙃

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