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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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Last night I finally managed to top up with fuel after visiting 5 local filling stations. Three filling stations were closed, another only had diesel and an Esso one only had 2 pumps with E10 unleaded. That was a relief. I was beginning to wish I'd waited for a tanker to finish a delivery at my local Tesco filling station but dinner was due. I finishing some photography and left. Speaking to the tanker driver earlier in the week he explained how the protest blockades at depots were causing the problems. Unfortunately no depots in my area blockaded to photograph.

Edited by sb photos
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54 minutes ago, sb photos said:

Last night I finally managed to top up with fuel after visiting 5 local filling stations. Three filling stations were closed, another only had diesel and an Esso one only had 2 pumps with E10 unleaded. That was a relief. I was beginning to wish I'd waited for a tanker to finish a delivery at my local Tesco filling station but dinner was due. I finishing some photography and left. Speaking to the tanker driver earlier in the week he explained how the protest blockades at depots were causing the problems. Unfortunately no depots in my area blockaded to photograph.

Glad you were able to get topped up though we don't seem to have any shortages around here thankfully at the moment.  The other week I topped up at Costco as I'm a member and was going there anyway - very efficient service luckily a chap was around to show me what to do as there is no kiosk to pay at, it's all done at the pump and was at least 10p cheaper per litre than anywhere else....



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I need to fill up my car tank, too. 

I’ll pick my son up from the airport tomorrow evening. Meanwhile, I’ve so much enjoyed having my house to myself. He’ll be starting his new job on the 18th. I’ll at least have 5 days of the week free. I’m self-sufficient finally, except for putting clean sheets on the bed. It’s all that bending over that hurts. I'm thinking of trying it today. I’ve finally cleaned the upstairs to my liking. The way to do it is one job at a time with rests between. Folks, it might take a year (next January) for my back to fuse, but my recovery in strength has made huge strides in the past two weeks. I haven’t been able to twist the cap off my daily protein drink until 3 days ago. Now it’s easy.

I gave myself a haircut last night. I made a boo-boo in the back for the first time in years, like Edo, and spent some time evening it up. Since my hair was shoulder length, it was easy to do. Now it’s somewhat shorter than planned.
I won’t fire my hairdresser, though.


Edited by Betty LaRue
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4 hours ago, NYCat said:

Sounds wonderful Betty. I'm so glad to hear about your progress.



I actually managed to get the freshly laundered fitted sheet on my bed, Paulette. (Along with the rest of the bedclothes) It took awhile with a lot of sitting between stretching each of the elastic corners on a thick mattress, but that was my last hurdle. I’m good, now. I’ve been cooking for a week, and manage to clean up the kitchen once done. My back is still very stiff which makes it difficult to stand up straight for any length of time.

All the new things I’ve been doing has only made me stronger.
My son called me from California this afternoon. He lost his expensive mobile phone somehow. It had a lot of pictures of his wife along with the messages informing family of her mestatic breast cancer and treatment before she died. Hundreds of pictures of her taken from dating on lost, years’ worth. I'm heartbroken for him. He’s backtracked…but thinks it must’ve slipped out of his back jeans pocket.

I asked him if it was pass protected and he said no. Although it’s a pain, mine will only open with a code or my face. I must back up mine to my computer again.

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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:


My son called me from California this afternoon. He lost his expensive mobile phone somehow. It had a lot of pictures of his wife along with the messages informing family of her mestatic breast cancer and treatment before she died. Hundreds of pictures of her taken from dating on lost, years’ worth. I'm heartbroken for him. He’s backtracked…but thinks it must’ve slipped out of his back jeans pocket.

I asked him if it was pass protected and he said no. Although it’s a pain, mine will only open with a code or my face. I must back up mine to my computer again.

Good to hear that you are progressing Betty ! Re the phone, I had assumed that the photos were stored on the provider's server, but mobile phones are something of a mystery to me and I may well be wrong. However, if so, they may be recoverable? 


Good things in the garden yesterday. I prepared buckets of compost. A mix of leaf mould, bought compost, sharp sand and a dash of blood fish and bone for our tomato plants. The weather forecast suggests that warm southerly winds have killed the overnight frosts, so it is now relatively safe to plant out in the greenhouse. I might also plant up the sweet peppers and aubergines in the next few days. Clearing our window ledges of young plants will bring joy to my wife, although some of them are of her choosing. I must take a photo of the row of planted toms. On the allotment our overwintering broad beans are flowering and a row of more recently sown beans also planted out. The mild winter has allowed them to survive, not always the case. Beetroot sown in modules have also found there way into the ground, while peas are starting to show their heads above the surface. 


Then we held the first AGM of our allotment society since Covid, but sitting outside rather than in the site hut. It went well, a good attendance and no violence or walk outs....

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6 hours ago, Bryan said:

Re the phone, I had assumed that the photos were stored on the provider's server, but mobile phones are something of a mystery to me and I may well be wrong. However, if so, they may be recoverable? 

If it's an iphone, images are backed up to the user's Icloud account, I've just looked and mine are all there. You can get at them from a PC as long as you can remember your Icloud login.

But this backing-up may be an option you have to turn on- I can't remember. I don't think you can leave an iphone unlocked.

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Yes, you have to have the phone turned on to the iCloud option. I've not done it because they do some odd compression but it also can wind up costing for the storage. I'm also lazy about backing up to the computer. Something to think about.



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2 hours ago, NYCat said:

Yes, you have to have the phone turned on to the iCloud option. I've not done it because they do some odd compression but it also can wind up costing for the storage. I'm also lazy about backing up to the computer. Something to think about.



He uses android. I asked if he had a “find my phone” feature and he said no. No iCloud backup. Not sure if the photos were stored by the manufacturer. He’s always hated iPhones. 😖

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15 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

He uses android. I asked if he had a “find my phone” feature and he said no. No iCloud backup. Not sure if the photos were stored by the manufacturer. He’s always hated iPhones. 😖


You have his number. See if someone hears it and picks it up. Explain the situation.



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12 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

He uses android. I asked if he had a “find my phone” feature and he said no. No iCloud backup. Not sure if the photos were stored by the manufacturer. He’s always hated iPhones. 😖


His phone company may have had cloud storage. 

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Just now, Rebecca Ore said:


His phone company may have had cloud storage. 


Yes or Microsoft Onedrive or Google or Asus or Dropbox. Those are the options on my phone to back stuff up. My tablet has something called Samsung Smart Switch. Which is meant for changing to a new tablet or phone.

My wife on top of all of these has Evernote.




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Finished my Tax Return today on line, even sent proof copies of accounts as well. Never bothered with that in the past.


I usually manage a refund of tax in the £££ size.


Guess what I did get another refund this time too which was exactly £1.


Told them to keep it as they need it more than I do.




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13 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

I actually managed to get the freshly laundered fitted sheet on my bed, Paulette. (Along with the rest of the bedclothes) It took awhile with a lot of sitting between stretching each of the elastic corners on a thick mattress, but that was my last hurdle. I’m good, now. I’ve been cooking for a week, and manage to clean up the kitchen once done. My back is still very stiff which makes it difficult to stand up straight for any length of time.

All the new things I’ve been doing has only made me stronger.
My son called me from California this afternoon. He lost his expensive mobile phone somehow. It had a lot of pictures of his wife along with the messages informing family of her mestatic breast cancer and treatment before she died. Hundreds of pictures of her taken from dating on lost, years’ worth. I'm heartbroken for him. He’s backtracked…but thinks it must’ve slipped out of his back jeans pocket.

I asked him if it was pass protected and he said no. Although it’s a pain, mine will only open with a code or my face. I must back up mine to my computer again.


Pleased to hear you are improving day by day and that is as it should be. Day by day. Don't try to rush things.




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13 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

I actually managed to get the freshly laundered fitted sheet on my bed, Paulette. (Along with the rest of the bedclothes) It took awhile with a lot of sitting between stretching each of the elastic corners on a thick mattress, but that was my last hurdle. I’m good, now. I’ve been cooking for a week, and manage to clean up the kitchen once done. My back is still very stiff which makes it difficult to stand up straight for any length of time.

All the new things I’ve been doing has only made me stronger.
My son called me from California this afternoon. He lost his expensive mobile phone somehow. It had a lot of pictures of his wife along with the messages informing family of her mestatic breast cancer and treatment before she died. Hundreds of pictures of her taken from dating on lost, years’ worth. I'm heartbroken for him. He’s backtracked…but thinks it must’ve slipped out of his back jeans pocket.

I asked him if it was pass protected and he said no. Although it’s a pain, mine will only open with a code or my face. I must back up mine to my computer again.

Glad you are making progress Betty but that's awful about your son's phone, I do he manages to get the images back somehow.....



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21 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:

Finished my Tax Return today on line, even sent proof copies of accounts as well. Never bothered with that in the past.


I usually manage a refund of tax in the £££ size.


Guess what I did get another refund this time too which was exactly £1.


Told them to keep it as they need it more than I do.




Glad I no longer have to do tax returns😄 wow £1 🙄



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4 minutes ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

Obviously don't go over the threshold😉 especially with fees as they are.....



You mean the personal allowance? You should still be doing a return, unless your non-pension income is tiny.

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The first year of Covid no one was going away so my cat-sitting business was tiny. So I got a nice refund on the estimated taxes I had paid and only had to pay a smaller amount of estimated for last year. Soooooo. I am definitely paying this year. Still not unhappy that my income picked up (not from photography).



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Just now, CAROL SAUNDERS said:
1 minute ago, spacecadet said:

You mean the personal allowance? You still have to do a return.

I think the last one I did was a few years ago, I've always paid any tax due and got an online account with GOV.UK, however I will check it out but I'm sure my accountant said it wasn't necessary - thank you for prompting me....



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1 minute ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

I think the last one I did was a few years ago, I've always paid any tax due and got an online account with GOV.UK, however I will check it out but I'm sure my accountant said it wasn't necessary - thank you for prompting me....



Could be, if your self-employed turnover is under £1000. Your accountant ought to know but it was my understanding that if your self-employed income, however little it was, took you over the personal allowance you had to fill in a self-assessment form- otherwise you'd effectively be getting an extra £1000 on your presonal allowance. But I could be wrong- I haven't been on PAYE for 30 years.

Come to think of it if you have a GOV account and don't usually get an HMRC letter in the post this time of year you're probably in the clear.

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2 hours ago, wiskerke said:


Yes or Microsoft Onedrive or Google or Asus or Dropbox. Those are the options on my phone to back stuff up. My tablet has something called Samsung Smart Switch. Which is meant for changing to a new tablet or phone.

My wife on top of all of these has Evernote.





Google has a find my phone too. In your Google account go to: https://myaccount.google.com/find-your-phone

Obviously you have to allow Google to access your location.



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25 minutes ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:
26 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

You mean the personal allowance? You still have to do a return.


Actually my income from Alamy is so low that I would not have to do a return just for that. No, I do a return for interest earned on investments. As far as Pensions and Annuities Inland revenue have a permanent record of those and as they are constant they know what I should be paying each year on those but I still include them still in the return.


The revenue office is not usually concerned if you have a very small income from a hobby, which is what my Alamy income is classed as.




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