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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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And….the weather here is windy and cold. Will dip down to freezing tonight. But a few days from now it will be 80F. The good thing is we’ve received close to 4” of rain in the past week. We are in a drought. The past couple of weeks we’ve had wet snows that disappeared in 24 hours.

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14 hours ago, Bryan said:


My neighbour bought a spray gun for that task.  Not tried it myself but tempted !


I tried a spray gun the first time I stained these fences. Not easy with overspray no matter how hard I tried. Also kept blocking up. Quicker to use a roller I believe, at least on the flat bits, may try that on a long flat surface I have to do this time.




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12 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

And….the weather here is windy and cold. Will dip down to freezing tonight. But a few days from now it will be 80F. The good thing is we’ve received close to 4” of rain in the past week. We are in a drought. The past couple of weeks we’ve had wet snows that disappeared in 24 hours.


Weather ideal for painting fences here. Mild, sunny, no rain forecast for next few days.




Edited by Allan Bell
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The weather is nice, Allan. In Oxfordshire, when I had a car, I used to love driving around and passing the blooming yellow rape fields. That was spring in Southern England. Here, I feel I've already captured most of the inner city sunshine images. I tend to shoot at dusk and night lately.


I've not been out to Strawberry Fields or the other Beatles childhood locations . . . and I'm not in a hurry to do that. They are over-captured on Alamy and anyway they all look like worthless crap. This one in NYC will have to do:



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6 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:

Strawberry Fields

Oh dear. Ronald Reagan had his "terrifying words" and we have ours- "Award-winning heritage attraction".


Just have a nice lunch instead, Ed. Maybe take a picture of it;)

Edited by spacecadet
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1 hour ago, spacecadet said:

Time to mute the ads, Ed. And you'd love Radio 4.

There’s some excellent material available on Radio 4, and not all serious. Weekly I’m glued to all 28 minutes of Conversations from a long marriage, with Joanna Lumley and Roger Allam. It’s hilarious and witty. The programmes researcher is excellent at choosing tracks from long ago that are a perfect match for what’s happening. Give it a try.

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In Oxfordshire in the late '80s I listened to Radio 4 a lot. And Radio 3. In fact, I tried to become a contributor on Radio 4. For 2.5 years I did a weekly spot on BBC Radio Oxford, the David Freeman Show. I remember how impossible it was to find the right person to talk to in London at the BBC.


That McD ad and others that want me to sell my car -- "You could get up to £1,000 more, . . ."   I hear on Classic FM. 


Edo, BBC Radio Oxford's pet Yank

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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:


In Oxfordshire in the late '80s I listened to Radio 4 a lot. And Radio 3. In fact, I tried to become a contributor on Radio 4. For 2.5 years I did a weekly spot on BBC Radio Oxford, the David Freeman Show. I remember how impossible it was to find the right person to talk to in London at the BBC.


That McD ad and others that want me to sell my car -- "You could get up to £1,000 more, . . ."   I hear on Classic FM. 


Edo, BBC Radio Oxford's pet Yank


When all the regular ads come on radio or TV I seem to go into hibernation till they have ended.




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On 24/03/2022 at 18:04, Allan Bell said:


When all the regular ads come on radio or TV I seem to go into hibernation till they have ended.




Record the broadcasts with adverts and fast forward during replay. We've been watching the reruns of Poirot which would have been intolerable with the adds!


Re Radio 3 and Classic FM, it appears that those in power at the BBC have finally realised that they needed to lighten the delivery in order to compete. The morning show Essential Classics  is now very user friendly, and, of course, mercifully free of adverts. 


It's maybe just me but I can't stand the curious delivery that Alexander Armstrong employs on Classic FM, whenever I hear his banter I reach for the off switch.



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1 hour ago, Bryan said:

Record the broadcasts with adverts and fast forward during replay. We've been watching the reruns of Poirot which would have been intolerable with the adds!


Re Radio 3 and Classic FM, it appears that those in power at the BBC have finally realised that they needed to lighten the delivery in order to compete. The morning show Essential Classics  is now very user friendly, and, of course, mercifully free of adverts. 


It's maybe just me but I can't stand the curious delivery that Alexandra Armstrong employs on Classic FM, whenever I hear his banter I reach for the off switch.




I love Poirot and watch whenever I can but Mon Dieu zee ads, pooph!




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2 hours ago, Bryan said:

It's maybe just me but I can't stand the curious delivery that Alexandra Armstrong employs on Classic FM, whenever I hear his banter I reach for the off switch.


Armstrong! He has a god-awful false cheerfulness and uses the D Trump vocabulary of empty superlatives.

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19 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


Armstrong! He has a god-awful false cheerfulness and uses the D Trump vocabulary of empty superlatives.

Well put Edo, that just about sums him up. Strangely, he appears rather more normal on his TV show, not that I'm encouraged to watch it.


But on to good things.  Herself dragged me out of the house and away for a few days in the Scottish borders.  The sun has been shining, I've taken some canny photos and the roads are relatively empty. Grim weather to come later in the week however. The question is, should I delay planting spuds?

Edited by Bryan
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11 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Over here, potatoes are supposed to go in the ground around St. Patrick’s day, March 17th. 

We often have late frosts which will nip the tops of potatoes, but, if you leave planting too late, the mature crop will suffer blight and attack by slugs, worm and rats. I tend to plant earlier than recommended, and get them out of the ground ASAP. We're starting to plant this afternoon. Commercial growers can use chemicals to ward off the nasties but those solutions are not available to amateur growers and, in any case, I'd prefer to have some crop damage but be chemical free.

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On 26/03/2022 at 10:15, Ed Rooney said:


Armstrong! He has a god-awful false cheerfulness and uses the D Trump vocabulary of empty superlatives.

I have to put in a good word for Alexander. Ed, if you don't know, he's a long-established comedian and writer here, I mean for years, and this is something of his chirpy style. He's got musical chops too so has probably earned his place on CFM, and the comparison isn't right.

His military sketches on Armstrong and Miller are well-remembered- the RAF pilots discussing their sorties in modern teenage human rights argot, and the German soldiers in a dugout beginning to suspect they may actually be the bad guys- still hilarious 20 years on.

You can always mute the links.

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11 hours ago, Mr Standfast said:

John Finnemore's Souvenir Program and Cabin Pressure


Also John Finnemore's Double Acts - brilliant stuff.




Unfortunately not available on iPlayer at the moment but I'm sure they'll be around again sometime on Radio 4 Extra.

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I've probably mentioned these before but


Radio 2 The Folk Show (there is also a Country Show, OK but less to my taste)

Radio 3 Essential Classics and The In Tune Mixtape

Radio 4 Too many to list, but NOT including The Archers. Possibly due to my increasing grumpiness with age, but the comedy stuff is not what it was.


I generally listen using BBC sounds rather than live, but The In Tune Mixtape often corresponds to bath time. I like the eclectic and unpredictable mix. 

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