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Favourite images uploaded - April 2018


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There's a bit of a story to these next two images. A couple of trips ago, to Tulamben, Bali, to scuba dive, I had found a little bivalve hiding under a rock, and taken it on to a patch of sand to get some photos. As I was shooting, a carnivorous olive shell erupted from the sand and grabbed the bivalve and started to re-bury with the bivalve clutched in it's foot. I managed to retrieve the bivalve and returned it safely to it's hiding place. But the event did give me an idea.


Last November, I decided to try and focus on photographing as many live molluscs as I could, especially the ones that remain buried in sand for most the the time, and which are not well represented on Alamy. The rest of the challenge was to get at least one eye in the image - something that is pretty difficult, as the shells just want to re-bury very quickly, before a fish comes along and eats them. As I'd learned how acute their sense of smell is, I carried around a little plastic bag with morsels of fish in it to attract the shells by putting it on the sand. Problem there is that the local fish population also have great sense of smell too, so most of my fish fed the fish.


I did, however, get 2 different Olive shells, which I'm pretty happy with. Sadly. we only got a few days diving in, before Mt Agung erupted right behind our hotel and we were evacuated.





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Las Ramblas in Barcelona (I like the trees):




My younger son on the beach (although admittedly, it could be anywhere if you don't make out the beach/sea right the very bottom).



And here he is again on the same beach running to play with his brother and friends:


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I've made a start on processing the many photos I took of our recent holiday to Santiago, Easter Island and Patagonia.  It's going to be a long haul!  I started with some wildlife.


A Southern crested caracara



Andean lapwings



and my legs in Valle Frances


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We had a lovely long Spring walk in the Pentlands yesterday and saw all kinds of animals - geese, pheasants, grouse, buzzards - as well as horse riders, golfers, plenty of sheep and newborn lambs. Of course, I took lots of photos. My favourites:









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On 17/04/2018 at 07:22, Sally said:

Me - an early education (archive photo). I expect that now you wouldn’t be able to get so close to these petroglyphs.




The young lady holding the baby is the spitting image of one of my stepdaughters when she was quite younger back in the 1980's.





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47 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:



The young lady holding the baby is the spitting image of one of my stepdaughters when she was quite younger back in the 1980's.





It’s my Mum, and the baby is me ;) A very long time ago.

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