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Uploading Problems?

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Has anyone been having problems while uploading images with the new IM? I just had my third jamming. I was uploading 15, and on the 14th everything just stopped. This could be Alamy or my Internet connection or my iMac of course. 

One of my frustrations with this situation is that there is no clear, predictable way to deal with the problem.  I would like to abandon the upload on just the one problem image, but that doesn't always work. I seem to have lost all 14 this morning. Yes, I can upload them again, but that is frustrating and time consuming. 
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Yes Ed it's a software bug. It's definitely not the iMac. What I did when this happened a couple of times, was to start again, and I think I had about 25 images that I broke down into batches of anything from one to six, until they had all downloaded. Little bit of a faff, but they went in no problem.

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I have high-speed internet, and in the past uploading went like a greased pig. Not so, now, and my high speed has gotten a boost from my provider in the recent past.

When I surf, it is fast. Uploading should be fast, too.


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Hi All 


Just tried FTP and got the socket error twice so tried web upload they went but the thumbnails haven't shown up yet????








BTW How long do the thumbnails take to process on web upload ?????

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No upload problems but around 50% of my submissions are stuck in processing since 72 hours ago


I uploaded some old news Saturday evening via the Reportage route. Upload only took a few seconds but 30 hours later they're still "processing."

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Hi All


Yesterdays submission just passed so it must have got there thats fast 12 hours from sub to on sale pending database update .






Yes, my submission from yesterday also passed in less than 24 hours.

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I've got a similar issue to a couple of others on this thread. Uploaded four on Friday, gone through processing and today cleared QC, all fine. The three I uploaded on Saturday have never come up in the image manager screen, still showing as processing. These have not gone through QC and are still pending. Although I'm new here that doesn't fit the pattern I've seen so far, when everything uploaded over a Friday and weekend is QC'd at the same time in the new week. Also, still showing as processing seems like a bug to me. Is there a way to cancel the batch and start again?



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I was hoping that Monday morning someone would come into the office, see something was wrong, and flip a switch. But it's now more than 40 hours since the upload and they're still stuck.


Sent an email to CR but so far I've only received an auto response. Maybe we're past office hours?



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Just got the email they have passed QC, We don't have a good connection here so generally I upload and have to wait a while , a downside of living in a rural area ( waiting for super fast fibre broadband ..in my dreams that may happen), not really helpful to anyone who has a good connection and still has problems though.

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Uploading since the new image manager has been very slow for me. After a couple times closing the browser, I now just leave it & do something else for an hour. They eventually do upload now, but very slowly indeed. I'm on VDSL in a rural area, so not super fast, but reasonable speeds. Currently 14.2mbps DL & 1.2mbps UL.

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Uploading since the new image manager has been very slow for me. After a couple times closing the browser, I now just leave it & do something else for an hour. They eventually do upload now, but very slowly indeed. I'm on VDSL in a rural area, so not super fast, but reasonable speeds. Currently 14.2mbps DL & 1.2mbps UL.

I hate to sound like a cracked record, but have you tried FTP? I don't know your file size but mine would upload in about 30 seconds even at 1.2M. Fortunately we get about 15.

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