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How was your July?

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Not my experience that refunds always re-appear.  More often than not, but not always.  I had one image, of Prague, that seemed to have sold for $300, for a calendar.  Member Services contacted me about agreeing exclusivity, which was agreed.  When the sale was later refunded, on inquiry as to the reason (after the exclusivity discussion), it transpired that the client had mis-typed the Alamy reference: they thought they were negotiating for a vintage American Civil War image!  Sometimes the client just makes a mistake.




PS.  My July is not yet half over.  Is yours? :)

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You're right, July not finished yet and I'm already in the red $ -133.33
I wish you better start :-) Radim







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Well, I haven't had my coffee yet but I think July's not over yet. Is it???   ?????  .....





Well, I've had two large mugs of espresso, Paulette, and I'm wondering why this question is asked on July 12.



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