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Your favorite blurry image


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Alamy QC is hard and consequent, so we tend to over criticise some of our work.

Nevertheless artistically blurry, unsharp and soft images seem to pass QC and I have quite some blurry images as I like shallow DOF's. 

This topic is inspired by the thread that Ed started in Alamy QC ( http://discussion.alamy.com/index.php?/topic/5282-the-case-for-unsharp-images/). 


Share your favourite blurry image(s) in this thread, so fellow photographers can get a feeling of what can potentially pass QC. 


One of my favourites is already in the above thread.

Below is with a very shallow depth of field of a stone head in Angkor Wat.  



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This one stayed for weeks in my "Maybe upload to Alamy" folder. 

It is shot with a Canon 400D @ high iso, had a lot of noise to begin with and after a bit of gimping ended up soft. 

Finally I had the guts to upload and it passed QC:



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Alamy has licensed images from this series for me a couple of times. I used a lensbaby:



Oh, I did not know what a lensbaby was.

At first sight I thought the blurriness was shopped in. 

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Great idea. Very helpful for me because I'm a total wimp when it comes to uploading blurry (intentional, of course) images. Consequently, I don't have many on Alamy to share. Here's one that I like shot in a small indigenous community in Mexico. It was taken a long time ago with a manual focus camera. Somehow I nailed the focus on the girl's face and upper body. Not sure I could do it now, having been spoiled by AF. On second thought, this isn't really a blurry image after all but a panned image. Oh well, it's as close as I can get to blurred.




This one is perhaps a bit closer to being a blurry image. The bullet hole is sharp, though. Fortunately she missed me. B)



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Just recently shot this rather blurry rainbow...





Noice!!! Very, very noice!!!!


Sort of a double-double-bluff . . . the rainbow stands out, grabs the eye immediately, demands to be the centre of attention, proclaims itself the subject  . . . but the window and raindrops cover the whole frame and thereby have a technical claim to be the subject and by default have to pass QC muster, if they're sharp . . . and they are, they're sharp as a tack . . . but the real subject, the one the eye keeps guiltily sneaking back to, sits there in all its blurry glory, daring QC to say the focus is in the wrong place :) . . .


Hey, okay, sometimes when I'm not too busy my mind wanders . . . others collect stamps . . . :P



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Just recently shot this rather blurry rainbow...





Noice!!! Very, very noice!!!!


Sort of a double-double-bluff . . . the rainbow stands out, grabs the eye immediately, demands to be the centre of attention, proclaims itself the subject  . . . but the window and raindrops cover the whole frame and thereby have a technical claim to be the subject and by default have to pass QC muster, if they're sharp . . . and they are, they're sharp as a tack . . . but the real subject, the one the eye keeps guiltily sneaking back to, sits there in all its blurry glory, daring QC to say the focus is in the wrong place :) . . .


Hey, okay, sometimes when I'm not too busy my mind wanders . . . others collect stamps . . . :P





Muchos thank yous for your comments....Wander on... :D



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With these two posts about blurry and unsharp images for Alamy, I've learned a few things. I've changed my mind totally about the statement I made in my own "The Case for Unsharp Images" post: "But to get back to my original point: would you submit a blurry image to Alamy stock? I don't think I would . . . unless the subject was very famous or very important." 


There are 17 images on this post at the moment and a few on my original post . . . but only 5 of these were risky to submit to Alamy: Phil's window/rainbow, Bhandol's cityscape, Wim's escalator, funky's beach, and Betty's beach. The rest (including my bullfight and taxi cab) are commonplace on Alamy -- in fact if you do a search for "blurred motion" you'll find 136,148 Alamy images. Also I searched for . . .


Selective focus 425,078

Out of focus 145,166

dof (depth of field) 32,154


Let's start shaking those cameras, ladies and gentlemen.  :wacko: 



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