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A serious question about QC

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Ritchie are you sure stock photography is right for you?

Ritchie, are you sure photography is right for you?

Very naughty. Surely you meant flash photography?


Sorry, Freudian slip. I meant to ask my wife if my dinner was ready.

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You know what, I thought people grew up after a certain age, but it clearly proves in this thread that it isn't the case


And I don't have to post images on this site or any other site to show you, so if you can't take it and behave normally i.e. like a normal human being, that is your prerogative. I know that jealousy is the problem with people on here, hence the level of negative reps I got. So, if you're the one to prove yourself to be that, that is not my problem, just yours

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I have failed a QC because of "softness or lack of details" and "noise".


About the noise, yes there was noise but the image was cropped in order to see the noise. Yes, the ISO used was ISO4000 because I needed that high otherwise there would of been motion blur where people were walking around the place, if I had used more noise reduction, it would of killed the detail in the photo


About the "softness or lack of details" in the photo. I was given one example as to why there was "softness", the softness was in the people in the photo at the edge of the photo? Is Alamy really serious about that or is this some kind of joke?


ISO4000 at an event? Your flash won't work? And this is your choice of images to pass Alamy QC? In the words of John McEnroe, "You can't be serious!" Some kind of joke indeed. 

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I have failed a QC because of "softness or lack of details" and "noise".


About the noise, yes there was noise but the image was cropped in order to see the noise. Yes, the ISO used was ISO4000 because I needed that high otherwise there would of been motion blur where people were walking around the place, if I had used more noise reduction, it would of killed the detail in the photo


About the "softness or lack of details" in the photo. I was given one example as to why there was "softness", the softness was in the people in the photo at the edge of the photo? Is Alamy really serious about that or is this some kind of joke?


ISO4000 at an event? Your flash won't work? And this is your choice of images to pass Alamy QC? In the words of immortal tennis great, "You can't be serious!" Some kind of joke indeed. 



Would flash of matter if I used in a big building where natural light was shining? I could use manual flash at 1/1 setting, it wouldn't of lit up any of the subject

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You know what, I thought people grew up after a certain age, but it clearly proves in this thread that it isn't the case



. . . out of the mouths of babes . . .



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I have failed a QC because of "softness or lack of details" and "noise".


About the noise, yes there was noise but the image was cropped in order to see the noise. Yes, the ISO used was ISO4000 because I needed that high otherwise there would of been motion blur where people were walking around the place, if I had used more noise reduction, it would of killed the detail in the photo


About the "softness or lack of details" in the photo. I was given one example as to why there was "softness", the softness was in the people in the photo at the edge of the photo? Is Alamy really serious about that or is this some kind of joke?


ISO4000 at an event? Your flash won't work? And this is your choice of images to pass Alamy QC? In the words of immortal tennis great, "You can't be serious!" Some kind of joke indeed. 



Would flash of matter if I used in a big building where natural light was shining? I could use manual flash at 1/1 setting, it wouldn't of lit up any of the subject



Nice side-step of the point . . . use of flash may or may not have made a difference, but better choice of images to submit undoubtedly would have.


Several have tried, helpfully, to make this point, for your benefit . . . your studious ignoring of this is at least consistent.



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. I know that jealousy is the problem with people on here,

You haven't presented anything to be jealous of.

Sure, you don't have to show us an image, but if you don't, we can't look at the QC problems for you. That's the only reason we want to see it.


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. I know that jealousy is the problem with people on here,

You haven't presented anything to be jealous of.

Sure, you don't have to show us an image, but if you don't, we can't look at the QC problems for you. That's the only reason we want to see it.




Well no . . . I want to see it so I can copy it and make a huge pile of moolah . . .



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I dont like sliming but my fingers are moving automatic to the keyboard to say that many photographers on this forum have some big experience with many images online, people that dont need to be jaleous about anything here, and sharing their knowledge with us and giving much advice. Even sometimes things that you "dont like" to hear. If you take this advice as a postive information you will learn from them and you would see that nobody was attacking you.


Alamy has a great forum community that is one big reason that Alamy is my favourite Agency.



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I dont like sliming but i my fingers are moving automatic to the keyword to say that many photographers on this forum have some big experience with many images online, people that dont need to be jaleous about anything here, and sharing their knowledge with us and giving much advice. Even sometimes things that you "dont like" to hear. If you take this advice as a postive information you will learn from them and you would see that nobody was attacking you.


Alamy has a great forum community that is one big reason that Alamy is my favourite Agency.



+1 Have some green love. I too also think there's no better forum for photography than this, I agree with you, everyone is so helpful etc. If "Richie" Mr negative-troll, doesn't like it;- no one is asking him to stay.

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I think we're dealing with a young lad aspiring a career as paparazzo ......... but apparently still has a lot to learn about photography :mellow:





I guess you don't know a lot about photography because you can't deal without a photo when giving "advice"

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I think we're dealing with a young lad aspiring a career as paparazzo ......... but apparently still has a lot to learn about photography :mellow:





I guess you don't know a lot about photography because you can't deal without a photo when giving "advice"



it's simple, you cant help someone, if they aren't willing to show that photo in question? 

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I think we're dealing with a young lad aspiring a career as paparazzo ......... but apparently still has a lot to learn about photography :mellow:





I guess you don't know a lot about photography because you can't deal without a photo when giving "advice"



If you are serious about getting some proper help then just upload the image in question to the forum. If you don't know how to get it onto the forum then say so and you will get help with that as well. 

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I think we're dealing with a young lad aspiring a career as paparazzo ......... but apparently still has a lot to learn about photography :mellow:





I guess you don't know a lot about photography because you can't deal without a photo when giving "advice"




Put the photo up Ritchie and you will get lots of good things happen all at once.

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Photography is vision and not talking. You can say much things. You can say your images is perfect and QC did anyway not let it pass. So show us that you are right indeed. Anyway looks like this topic should be close by the admin. Goes to nothing. Lets talk about beer images again :).



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Mirco is right.


Richie - if you'd have posted the image up that caused the failure you would've received a lot of (free) helpful advice from the community. As you seem unwilling to do that, it seems best to lock this now as it's not doing your forum rep any favours! 


If you have a change of heart and want to post the image for advice, then please start another thread. We're sure people would still be willing to help you here and give you some experienced advice.





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