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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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1 hour ago, Bryan said:

In the normal way of things your first attendance at a funeral is for that of your grandparents, followed by parents, aunts and uncles. I still have an elderly aunt but the cousins have started to go, two quite a bit younger than myself. Staying on this positive theme I have started to choose the music for my own demise, and wonder if Here Comes The Sun is a little too naff for the end of service? The Parting Glass is an old favourite, while The Lark Ascending may well feature. 


What would your choices be?


While at yesterdays funeral I was thinking as one gets older it's likely prudent to make certain arrangements rather than it be lumped on my other half. Re "What would your choices be?" Currently undecided, but would fit in with a non-religious life celebration service.

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2 hours ago, Dave Richards said:

My dad chose ‘Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye’ sung by Gracie Fields. Hilarious finish to the service. He had a wry sense of humour. 


Jackie, my lady friend, loved her "Teddy bears" so on the entry to the chapel she asked for a slow not very happy version of "If you go down to the woods today" and on leaving the chapel to play us out with the happy version of the same song.




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6 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Good luck. Yes, it is important to address with a neurosurgeon to know just where you stand.  Best outcome would be if you could avoid it with a good results through physical therapy, but if you can’t, I’m sure you’ll be in capable hands. A bad neck is miserable to live with. If yours feels better now, you might get by fine. There are things to avoid that trigger neck pain, like doing things with your arms over your head, or lifting things too heavy. Also avoid leaning over from the waist for any prolonged time which puts all the weight of your head wrongly to your neck. I have to keep my head straight over my neck and spine and I'm getting along ok.  I gave up playing golf after my whiplash injury because leaning over the ball before striking it hurt. You will know when the time comes to do something.
My sister had neck surgery and it helped her a lot for years. She also had stenosis, and other things. She had a fusion. The worst for you is that you live alone. My sis had a husband who helped right after for a week, then she managed. 
My daughter just had an MRI of her neck…since she’s having numbness and tingling in one arm, surgery could be in her future. But right now, she’s scheduled for back surgery right after Christmas. The auto wreck she had really messed her up.

They can do steroid injections that can help, usually a set of three injections each spaced about 3 months apart. Sometimes that gives a lot of relief, sometimes not. They helped my sis a bunch, not so my daughter.



Thank you for all your good advice, Betty. I am glad to be addressing this while I still don't have huge problems with it. Yes, I live alone and know that can be a real problem. After my cancer experience I started with long term care insurance and I've kept it up. It includes home care as well as (heaven forbid) nursing homes. Also, living in a relatively small building in New York is an advantage. I just checked my contacts and see that I have seven neighbors that I have numbers for. And there are others that I speak to frequently and could probably ask for some help. The friend I see the most of lives by herself in a big loft in an elevator building. She would put me up for a short time at least. I do think about these things. Everything in NYC can be delivered, including having laundry picked up and returned. I do have one flight of stairs to manage but hope not to ever move from here. I have a nice apartment with trees from our courtyard outside my windows. We had a gorgeous day yesterday and I took advantage of it by washing my windows before it gets cold.





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13 hours ago, NYCat said:


Thank you for all your good advice, Betty. I am glad to be addressing this while I still don't have huge problems with it. Yes, I live alone and know that can be a real problem. After my cancer experience I started with long term care insurance and I've kept it up. It includes home care as well as (heaven forbid) nursing homes. Also, living in a relatively small building in New York is an advantage. I just checked my contacts and see that I have seven neighbors that I have numbers for. And there are others that I speak to frequently and could probably ask for some help. The friend I see the most of lives by herself in a big loft in an elevator building. She would put me up for a short time at least. I do think about these things. Everything in NYC can be delivered, including having laundry picked up and returned. I do have one flight of stairs to manage but hope not to ever move from here. I have a nice apartment with trees from our courtyard outside my windows. We had a gorgeous day yesterday and I took advantage of it by washing my windows before it gets cold.





We”ve had two days in the high 60s, lows high 40s, and I love it. I dug out my warm jammies last night. I get my windows cleaned in November. I have 27 of them, and on the outside they have to be accessed from a ladder. With a basement, I have a high foundation. I can’t do them. Just carrying the ladder from window to window would do me in. I think my balance is fine, but why risk it?

Edited by Betty LaRue
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11 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

We”ve had two days in the high 60s, lows high 40s, and I love it. I dug out my warm jammies last night. I get my windows cleaned in November. I have 27 of them, and on the outside they have to be accessed from a ladder. With a basement, I have a high foundation. I can’t do them. Just carrying the ladder from window to window would do me in. I think my balance is fine, but why risk it?


I only have five windows.... That is actually a lot for a one bedroom in NYC. Two of them are on an airshaft but give me the cross ventilation that is rare in Manhattan. I love it. My windows tip so I can do them from the inside but one has the air conditioner so can only be partly done. One has the window gate against burglars so I have to get out on the fire escape to do the outside. Only the bedroom one that faces the garden can be completely done with tipping. That is a nice invention for those of us not on the ground floor. One of these years I won't be able to do them myself.



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5 hours ago, NYCat said:


I only have five windows.... That is actually a lot for a one bedroom in NYC. Two of them are on an airshaft but give me the cross ventilation that is rare in Manhattan. I love it. My windows tip so I can do them from the inside but one has the air conditioner so can only be partly done. One has the window gate against burglars so I have to get out on the fire escape to do the outside. Only the bedroom one that faces the garden can be completely done with tipping. That is a nice invention for those of us not on the ground floor. One of these years I won't be able to do them myself.




Mine are all on the ground floor so I get a window cleaner to do mine. About the same price per month as adobe LR.




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9 hours ago, NYCat said:


I only have five windows.... That is actually a lot for a one bedroom in NYC. Two of them are on an airshaft but give me the cross ventilation that is rare in Manhattan. I love it. My windows tip so I can do them from the inside but one has the air conditioner so can only be partly done. One has the window gate against burglars so I have to get out on the fire escape to do the outside. Only the bedroom one that faces the garden can be completely done with tipping. That is a nice invention for those of us not on the ground floor. One of these years I won't be able to do them myself.



Echo’s room is a sun room. It has eleven windows all by itself. 😵

Edited by Betty LaRue
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13 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


Mine are all on the ground floor so I get a window cleaner to do mine. About the same price per month as adobe LR.




Being of a parsimonious nature I clean our windows and don't subscribe to Adobe LR. Actually we once did employ a cleaner until he trampled over a newly sown lawn when I concluded that it would be better to do it myself. From a financial point of view my photo income doesn't justify paying the Adobe fee and I have a self imposed rule that my photography spend has to be covered by photo sales. This year I have bought a new lens and am having to pay to have a camera repaired, so sailing close to the wind !


The ground floor windows are easy and most of the first floor tilt to be cleaned from inside. For the few that don't I use a telescopic pole. 

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17 hours ago, NYCat said:

Lucky, lucky bird!



Yes she is. I spent a lot just to get 11 thermal Levelor blinds to close on the coldest and hottest days so she will be comfortable. They do allow a soft glow of light through them.  They are a pretty light blue. I spent more on those than all of the rest of the windows in my house. She knows she is loved even if she has no idea about the blinds. She gets the best…I get the dregs. 😂

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There is a water-running sound in the pipes from my bedroom wall to the similar spot, directly under, in the basement. The sound seems to come from a pipe that has the shutoff valve. The sound woke me up at 2:30 a.m. I rose and checked the whole house, then went outside in the dark and looked for water. I can find nothing to point at. I shut off the water valve just so I could sleep, then turned it back on after rising this morning.

The plumber will come tomorrow morning and investigate.

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On 10/10/2022 at 23:52, sooth said:

everyday is the same here in nyc, bad. 99% of the people who move here temporarily never learned know how to be an adult, and never will. absolutely ill mannered.

A tad negative I feel. Our elder son and his family lived in Brooklyn for a few years and we visited several times. I don't recall too many negative incidents and there were plenty of positives. Indeed on our final trip home we managed to board the wrong subway train to the airport, but a couple of  workers on the train noticed our suitcases, guessed our destination, and told us to get off at the next station and catch the following train.  We duly did and all was well !  Prior to that, and on more than one occasion, people would approach us on a subway station and ask where we were going and did we need help. I confess that I found the subway system more than a bit confusing and the passenger information rather limited, but there always seemed to be somebody there ready to help.

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3 hours ago, Bryan said:

A tad negative I feel. Our elder son and his family lived in Brooklyn for a few years and we visited several times. I don't recall too many negative incidents and there were plenty of positives. Indeed on our final trip home we managed to board the wrong subway train to the airport, but a couple of  workers on the train noticed our suitcases, guessed our destination, and told us to get off at the next station and catch the following train.  We duly did and all was well !  Prior to that, and on more than one occasion, people would approach us on a subway station and ask where we were going and did we need help. I confess that I found the subway system more than a bit confusing and the passenger information rather limited, but there always seemed to be somebody there ready to help.


Thank you for that, Bryan. I've always felt we are pretty good at helping tourists. We are having hard times now though with the crime situation really bad... especially in the subway. I try not to take it now and it used to be my favorite way of getting around. I took a short ride today and the train was fine but on the way in there were a few guys I suspect were doing drug business..Not many other reasons to be hanging out there. Such a shame when we had about 20 years of being one of the safest cities in the world. 



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A plumber found the source of my water problems. The water main in my yard has broken. It can’t be dug up with a backhoe because it’s next to my sprinkler system line. It’s in the process of being dug by hand. Goodbye 💸💸

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4 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

A plumber found the source of my water problems. The water main in my yard has broken. It can’t be dug up with a backhoe because it’s next to my sprinkler system line. It’s in the process of being dug by hand. Goodbye 💸💸

Turned out a break in my in-ground sprinkler system, not the water main. I think that’s good news.

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4 hours ago, gvallee said:


Have you gone on holidays yet? Feel better soon.




Thanks Gen. I had a holiday end of September can't afford another just now but have one booked for Christmas and if all goes well I will manage New Year too.




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On 14/10/2022 at 09:52, Allan Bell said:

Don't feel too good today. It will get better.




How are things now Allan ?  


Are there no great autumn colours to capture around Lincoln? It's arguably the best time of year for photography, provided the sun shines !


Here in Washington the trees are looking at their best, when the new town was established they planted umpteen and they look fantastic in autumn. 


Maybe I'm easily pleased, but another fine sight occurs in late spring when the verges are covered with yellow dandelion blossom, I wouldn't want it in my garden, but along the roadsides this "weed" looks superb.

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8 hours ago, Bryan said:

How are things now Allan ?  


Are there no great autumn colours to capture around Lincoln? It's arguably the best time of year for photography, provided the sun shines !


Here in Washington the trees are looking at their best, when the new town was established they planted umpteen and they look fantastic in autumn. 


Maybe I'm easily pleased, but another fine sight occurs in late spring when the verges are covered with yellow dandelion blossom, I wouldn't want it in my garden, but along the roadsides this "weed" looks superb.


All fine now thanks Bryan.


Had my flu and covid booster jabs yesterday. One in each arm. They do not hurt and not even swollen. No symptoms either.


The Autumn colours around here are generally green until the leaves finally give up and just fall off the tree. There are one or two bright spots but on roads where one is not allowed to stop.




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8 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


All fine now thanks Bryan.


Had my flu and covid booster jabs yesterday. One in each arm. They do not hurt and not even swollen. No symptoms either.






Good to hear Allan 


You were lucky with the jabs. Both the missus and myself had a sore arm after the Covid injection, the flu jab not as bad. Nothing sufficient to put a person off however. 

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Finally at the tail end of a bout of Covid.  Picked up at a dog show a couple of weekends ago.  Mild symptoms, mostly fatigue.  Of course I gave it to hubby.  Not a gift he wanted, but he too fairly mild.  Heard that it ran through the dog show like wildfire.  My next show isn't till last weekend of October, so should be all energetic again by then.  Funny, at the show I was talking with the vendor next to me and we were discussing how sooner or later everyone is going to get it.  Unavoidable unless you hide indoors forever.


Stay healthy all.



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