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Just back from a trip and now have to face up to many,  many hours - if not days - of staring at the AIM, the very thought of which is already emptying my brain of marbles.


So looking for tips to while away the time: Spotify playlists, whale calls, slow radio, chanting? It might just save me. 


Or, I might just put my feet up and watch England v Colombia :huh:

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If music is your thing when staring at the screen try BBC Radio 3's Late Junction programme,. I find that helps.


The different knowledgeable presenters play a mix of anything from 1970's Nigerian psychedelic soul, 1930's Bulgarian folk, a 10 minute section of something from Tangerine Dream, the fabulous Richard Hawley, or the fabulous Richard Thompson, a bit of dub reggae,  Johann Johannsson classical pieces, Gong, old school blues from the deep south....


Anything really from any era that sounds great late at night (and rarely, if ever, played on mainstream radio)  !

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Well, I'm looking at the next two to or three months at the computer processing, keywording, uploading, annotating images from a trip to Scotland.

My secret sauce that keeps me going is downtempo electronica.  Enough groove to keep engaged in what your doing, but chill enough to be able to listen to it day in day out as the soundtrack to computer work.  Right now I'm hooked on somafm's groovesalad.  Highly recommended.


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5 hours ago, spacecadet said:

Radio 4 Extra.

Goon Shows, Round the Horne, Ray Bradbury, Peter Jones, C.P. Snow- even The Men from the Ministry. Marvellous.


Talk radio?

That's like my daughter watching a TV show while doing homework.  I wouldn't get anything done.  My brain must be wired differently.

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5 hours ago, spacecadet said:

Radio 4 Extra.

Goon Shows, Round the Horne, Ray Bradbury, Peter Jones, C.P. Snow- even The Men from the Ministry. Marvellous.


For entertainment while cooking or eating, or anything not requiring serious thinking, you are spot on. I would add The Navy Lark for good measure. BUT I can't think and listen at the same time so I have to forego the pleasures of vintage talk radio while keywrding. I used to think it was a generational thing, but maybe it is the case that some people are just different. 

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I have a couple of radio player tabs open on the browser and just click between Radio 4 and Extra and Classic FM (too many ads, but at least they play "Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis" most days, and that's where I first heard Salieri and Leopold Mozart).


10 hours ago, Reimar said:


Talk radio?

That's like my daughter watching a TV show while doing homework.  I wouldn't get anything done.  My brain must be wired differently.

Not talk radio. BBC. Not the same thing at all!:)


9 hours ago, Joseph Clemson said:


For entertainment while cooking or eating, or anything not requiring serious thinking, you are spot on. I would add The Navy Lark for good measure. BUT I can't think and listen at the same time so I have to forego the pleasures of vintage talk radio while keywording. I used to think it was a generational thing, but maybe it is the case that some people are just different. 

I can tag to it, anyway, and no, I don't have loads of search results for floggle grummit missile. Must just have a brain the size of a planet, then.;)

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Thanks for all the replies. I'm actually finished now, helped by iTunes, Spotify and .. absolute silence (or as near as, given I'm just south of the Thames). I find the words and ideas come more easily when my brain isn't being diverted.


And now to get out and stretch those stiff limbs.

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46 minutes ago, geogphotos said:

My wife reminding me of a list of household chores makes computer work more bearable :)


These days because of lack of sales and returns I think I would prefer to be doing housework duties as it would be more productive.





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I asked Alexa to play Elvis Presley’s “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and found myself bawling 30 seconds in. His beautiful voice can still knock me to my knees. No matter your nationality, if you’ve never heard him sing that trilogy song you’re missing something. Full orchestra, chorus, crescendos, it has it all.


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