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Curious - there was a topic about those who had received the new Image Manager, and somebody asked whether everyone had now been given it - I answered 'no' about an hour ago, and the topic was promptly deleted. I notice that Alamy viewed my collection at about the same time, too. What's going on?

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There seemed to be more 'griping' than helpful info so the balance was wrong.  It's a shame to lose good info but not the griping.  Some of the 'helpful' comments weren't quite correct so caused confusion.


That might be why the thread has been removed.


Equally, I can understand those with very large 'ports' being concerned but it is early days yet.  Let's give Alamy a chance - this is a major update and was never going to suit everyone.


I'm sure that going forward this is going to be a great improvement.

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I thought it was just me who couldn't see that thread.  I don't like what Alamy has done here. Deleting a, let's not deny it, controversial thread absolutely stinks of censorship. As Gruffydd and Paulette allude to, there was some helpful snippets on the thread. Oh Alamy, why do you continually alienate your contributors?!

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Curious - there was a topic about those who had received the new Image Manager, and somebody asked whether everyone had now been given it - I answered 'no' about an hour ago, and the topic was promptly deleted. I notice that Alamy viewed my collection at about the same time, too. What's going on?



Is this the one?



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Curious - there was a topic about those who had received the new Image Manager, and somebody asked whether everyone had now been given it - I answered 'no' about an hour ago, and the topic was promptly deleted. I notice that Alamy viewed my collection at about the same time, too. What's going on?



Is this the one?





Yes.. well spotted. Moved and renamed but still there! :-)

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There seemed to be more 'griping' than helpful info so the balance was wrong.  It's a shame to lose good info but not the griping.  Some of the 'helpful' comments weren't quite correct so caused confusion.


That might be why the thread has been removed.


Equally, I can understand those with very large 'ports' being concerned but it is early days yet.  Let's give Alamy a chance - this is a major update and was never going to suit everyone.


I'm sure that going forward this is going to be a great improvement.



The problem comes in deciding which advice is good and which is bad. And it's good to remember that Alamy is not a co op agency. Step by step, people. 

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Curious - there was a topic about those who had received the new Image Manager, and somebody asked whether everyone had now been given it - I answered 'no' about an hour ago, and the topic was promptly deleted. I notice that Alamy viewed my collection at about the same time, too. What's going on?



Is this the one?




That's it - suddenly reinstated and moved

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I thought it was just me who couldn't see that thread.  I don't like what Alamy has done here. Deleting a, let's not deny it, controversial thread absolutely stinks of censorship. As Gruffydd and Paulette allude to, there was some helpful snippets on the thread. Oh Alamy, why do you continually alienate your contributors?!

Go  to the Facebook group then. This is Alamy's forum.

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I am very glad that thread is still there. I did find something that is helping. I am on a Mac and if I open a new window and go to an older image I can copy the keywords on the preview page and paste that into the tag box. The problem for me on this batch is that I did keywording in Lightroom and brought those keywords over so I'm getting over 50 tags. I'm able to do limited amounts of copying right now and I think if I don't bring the Lightroom keywords over in future this will work nicely at least as a start to tagging new images.



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Some of the the threads were merged into one to keep things simpler for users who had said there were too many to keep track of.


As always, if you have any questions on the new Image Manager it's best to email us on contributors@alamy.com as we can't respond to all questions in the forum.





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