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New zoom results.

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Try zooming on one of your images. Under "Similar Stock Photos" you will see images by other photographers. I've only checked a few of mine but some definitely do not show my own other images of the subject -- just images by other people. Grrrrr.



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To be fair, Alamy is about selling images and helping buyers to find the right image rather than helping individual photographers. There is still a function in the search results to see other images by the photographer.


However, the selection of similar images when you zoom seems to be, at least for the ones I've tried, almost identical to the search results I was just looking at before choosing one to zoom.

I can't really see the point of that.

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Strikes me that this is a Buyer function which attempts to cut down search time. This search may deflect to other Contributors but conversely your images could show as similars from a search on others images. Swings and roundabouts! 


Jim. :)



Yes, I can see that. I still think my own images should be favored though. I have some of a cocoi heron fishing that, in my opinion, belong together. In that example the "similar" images only show one heron fishing and none of my heron images.



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It's enabled on my images.


Personally I think you stand to gain as much as you lose. After all the buyer has just clicked through from a page where your images are in a thumbnail grid with everyone else's, so they were never viewing your images in isolation anyway.


I do have think Philippe has two good points. Firstly regarding 'More from the same photographer". Maybe two columns or rows: 'More from this photographer' and 'Similar Images'. Secondly relevancy is key. However this is down to us as contributors keywording accurately and not keyword spamming.

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I don't know what effect this will have, or if it is a temporary experiment or how it is affecting searches but from the beginning of January until the 13th or 14th I was having excellent zoom results and CTR.  


Since then CTR has dropped considerably.  Sales seem okay though, at least for this month.   I do long for some kind of consistency.

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Edit to add: First test I did is already COMPLETE RUBBISH !

Searched for British garden birds >>> clicked on one of mine and what shows "Similar stock photos"? Two northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) and two black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) which are NORTH AMERICAN birds and certainly NOT British.







Good grief. Is that image a composite?? I'd love to see all those birds on my feeders at any time, let alone at the same time. In our neck of the woods all the little ones scatter as soon as the collared doves turn up, even the sparrows. Nice image. I shall have to try harder.

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Come on guys/girls, if their images turn up underneath your results, your images will show up under their results.

Any which way you compute this, the other results will be more than yours alone. So your images will show up under more searches.


The only thing you will now have to do is to make sure yours are better.



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The only thing you will now have to do is to make sure yours are better.




Yes - and customers will most likely make a general search on Alamy and pick the best ones for zooms. If yours are zoomed you are up front.


I remember e-mailing a lightbox of photos to a company in the travel sector. A general search on Alamy was done shortly after - and one of my images was chosen - and has resold a number of times for the same purpose.

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I see no point in the change. What's the difference with looking at the thumbnails which showed up first?  :wacko:

The way it was showed at least the same style (because the images were from the same photographer). But now? Just a repetition of the search page.






Yes, in fact an unnecessary and indifferent change...

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Seems to me that the significant change is that a few days back I was competing, now I'm promoting!


And the others are promoting yours!

Because there are more others, more are promoting you.



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Come on guys/girls, if their images turn up underneath your results, your images will show up under their results.

Any which way you compute this, the other results will be more than yours alone. So your images will show up under more searches.


The only thing you will now have to do is to make sure yours are better.




+1 No problems with seeing similars


That said, I think they need to slim down the volume. One I checked had 27 more images under mine and made it look very confused, which is not good from a customers perspective. Restrict it to 4-8 with a link to "See More" otherwise the "Zoom Page" starts to look messy and confusing.


Or, make the thumbnails a little smaller and have 1 row of 8 similar images from the same artist and 1 row of 8 from other artists..... this is how it is managed at other libraries and if kept to an acceptable size, will not look overly distracting as it does now (with a massive 27 other images :-)


Edit. Thumbnails definitely need shrinking, they're too similar in size to the zoomed image, which should be the main focus of the page.

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And on what basis do they select the similars on the zoom page.....????

Is there some poor soul selecting them manually? Come on, it's bullshit! Doesn't serve anyone.


Did some more tests:

"Ile de Ré island France" Guess what pictures comes up ....... World Trade Center / Niedersachsen / Salisbury cathedral / Red Square in Moscow / ... Anybody see the connection 'cause I don't  :wacko: 

"city Ghent Belgium" Guess what pictures comes up ....... Sydney Harbour Bridge / Beijing, China / Blackpool illuminations / .... Anybody see the connection 'cause I don't   :wacko: 

'blood pressure elderlyGuess what pictures comes up ....... lady drinking her midday sherry / hands checking calendar / .... Anybody see the connection 'cause I don't. Hell, "blood pressure" isn't even the keywords  :wacko: 


Well done! I'm impressed  :angry:





While I said I had no problem with similar images being displayed, I was of course assuming the similar images were indeed similar and relevant  :D


If the above searches are representative of the whole system, then it should be stopped until it does work..... and, that the similar images are at least 50% smaller than the Zoomed image. Some examples I've seen show similar images that look the same size / bigger than the zoomed image due to the similar being Portrait instead of Landscape! This is not right and takes away attention from the zoomed image.


Insufficient testing before implementation?!?

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I don't know what effect this will have, or if it is a temporary experiment or how it is affecting searches but from the beginning of January until the 13th or 14th I was having excellent zoom results and CTR.  


Since then CTR has dropped considerably.  Sales seem okay though, at least for this month.   I do long for some kind of consistency.




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I really do not see how this is supposed to be helpful.

If a customer wanted to see so many thumbnails from every contributors, a simple click on the "previous" button of the web browser -> Back to the main thumbnails gallery…

But if the customer wanted to see other images from the same contributor, they were just below.

That seemed so logical to me…

Now we have thumbnails galleries everywhere!  :wacko:

Just looks MESSY…

Absolutely agree - and particularly given that it has not been implemented well, all it will result in is lower customer satisfaction



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