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Silly question probably, but if I provide the 3 ISBN numbers for mags and 3 for books, do I need to submit an Alamy report?  Most of my traceable mag and book sales have been through Photographers Direct. :rolleyes:

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This is from the DACS website...


"You can claim for any artwork or photograph that has appeared in a UK book or magazine up until the end of the previous year, so long as you own the copyright. There is no backward limit to when the work needs to have been published – you can claim for artwork published three years ago, thirty years ago or more. It also doesn’t matter if it is one work appearing in one book, or thousands of works appearing in thousands of books. You are still entitled to a share of the royalties.

In addition to publications, Payback also covers the secondary use of your work in television programmes, for instance the re-transmission on cable of terrestrial and digital broadcasts.

Claims for such use differ from that of publications, however. Firstly, you can only claim for work shown on TV in the previous year. Secondly, television revenues come from ERA, Irish Cable and the BBC. Payback therefore only covers the five terrestrial and eight BBC digital channels."



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To repeat to those who are outside the UK. You can claim DACS yourself, you do not need Alamy to do this.


Thumbs up for notifying us of what are potential claims. Not so thumbs up for asking us if you can do it on our behalf and take away admin costs plus a split of what is due to us.


To reiterate, this is a very simple process to do online. The people at DACS are very helpful if you are doing this for the first time.


A tip for finding if you're stuff has been published in the UK:


1) Go to Google

2) Go to the book search

3) In quotes put your name and outside of this add the library you sell your work through, e.g. "julian elliott" alamy

4) press search and start looking through the results.

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In order to create and download the .csv from Alamy which boxes are to thick? Can I extend the search also to previous years?

Also, once the .csv file has been created, do I have to remove all the sales not made in UK?

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1) Go to Google

2) Go to the book search

3) In quotes put your name and outside of this add the library you sell your work through, e.g. "julian elliott" alamy

4) press search and start looking through the results.



What is the book search? Sorry.

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Again, do they recover some portion of original sales amount, or is a DACS claim a small recovery amount per image? I have been with Alamy since the beginning. They sent me the recovery email saying they can file for 287 images on my behalf.

Will this be a windfall, or just a bit of beer money?


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Register. Download csv file from start date with alamy to dec 31st 2013 . From there you can work out what are books and magazines published in uk. Remove everything else. You can also remove sales figures.

When filling in books and magazines in the claim form put zeros in the isbn slot, 2013 in the date, and alamy in the publication.(you only have to put in 3 of each)

Submit and send the csv file to dacs.




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Further to my earlier post:


http://books.google.co.uk/ is the one I use.


It is not just books but magazines too. I just found all of my that had been published where possible, made a spreadsheet showing the number of images; ISBN for the book or magazine and filled in the appropriate sections. The way that the online form on the DACS website is laid out makes it incredibly simple to do. Just sign up on the sign and follow it through to see :)


Edit: For those overseas, I suggest that you:


1) Give them a ring to ask how they can pay you what is owed

2) If you don't want to faff around with tax declaration etc on DACS then you can ask them to take off the take at source. To do this there is a Declaration of Residency form to fill out.

3) I emailed payback@dacs.org.uk to get it


Hope that helps any newbie claimants from overseas!

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Message for all non-UK residents who recieved the DACS email from us today:


We were advised incorrectly about the non-UK claimants. We were initially advised that if you live outside the UK you couldn't claim.


We've since been told by DACS that they encourage you to claim via the collecting society in your country of residence as DACS distribute Payback royalties to those societies each year. If you're unable to do this for any reason, then DACS say you can claim direct but you'll have tax withheld on their payment to you. DACS can help you if you claim direct.


If you've already sent us your form today giving us permission to claim for you and you've changed your mind and want to claim direct, reply to the email and let us know.


A few key points:


- The email sent out to UK contributors remains correct

- This was an honest mistake based on initial trusted advice - this is a project about  generating extra funds for you

- All non-UK contributors who were eligible have been sent a follow up email to explain the error


If you are looking to claim direct (non UK or in the UK) then please be aware that we cannot provide you with title names, ISBNs etc. Others here have given advice on how to claim for Alamy sales direct, but DACS are also happy to offer you support if you claim directly and have questions.





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Gracie, Alex.


You're putting on a lot of weight, so much that you're starting to look like a large dog or a bear of some kind. Get it together!

That's an old photo. I've put on a few pounds since then!! ;)

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Yes, strip, you are correct. Grazie. Or gràcies in your language. I do speak Italian, but I'm not famous for my good spelling. I'm dyslexic and just having my coffee over on this side of the Atlantic. Bon dia. (I spent some time in Mallorca.)

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