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Look, some people are just taking the mickey, Wim (Wiskerke) asked a normal question, nicely answered by David C. Both have their comment voted down. Who does that? Surely Alamy is checking if the system is abused, well I guess those votes are abuse of the system. 

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sometimes things done with good intentions are misused... anyways one thing can be done that the name/ID also pops up when one votes up or down for someone

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> I am being voted down for being me


Its not you.

Its your scary avatar.

Change it to a puppy or kitty.

Popularity will follow.


Surely my Avatar was not the problem ?


I'll try one of my Springer Sisters out in the snow........fifteen 'Reds' and counting........

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It doesn't look like this up/down button thing is going to work as it is always going to be open to abuse, as Ron  ( semmick photo) has said how can Wim (Wiskerke) post be given a neg...


and with peoples reputations going up and down as much as they are in a day, surely no-one is taking any of this seriously..are they.



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> I am being voted down for being me


Its not you.

Its your scary avatar.

Change it to a puppy or kitty.

Popularity will follow.

Another classic reply lol

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Guest Thyrsis

Come on Alamy.......surely you can't really think this reputation button is a good idea?

You obviously want to encourage young blood to the forum but do you want to do this at the expense of the old timers who are doubtless not going to hang around in this 'playground'.


Do the right thing and remove it asap........please!

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Look under 'Reputation' in your Profile page - or the green/red boxes on the right-hand side of your posting - you know you've got 'em - but not who gifted them to you.....

My point was that I think it's impossible to see which post received the negative or positive vote. While Semmick seemed to know for which post he (and now I) got negative votes. So I wondered where could we see that?

It's totally possible that someone is reading a different post and is voting that one down. And it's not the members you see underneath this topic, reading this topic, because it's someone reading that other topic. Well, it could.



(who guessed Semmick must have been at least of dutch ancestry ;-)

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Wim: it is possible to see which post received the negative or positive vote.  As DavidC said: "Look under 'Reputation' in your Profile page".


Ron: while it's here, just don't take it too seriously.  My 'reputation' at the time of writing is 10, but that includes 9 negative votes!  I have just reviewed my -ive ratings (for the first and probably the last time) and cannot for the life of me see why those posts have been voted down.  But I'm really not going to let it worry me.  :)   Someone may will get annoyed that I've just used a 'smiley' and vote me down for that!  Someone might get furious when a post goes just slightly off-topic; someone else will object strongly to incorrect grammar and an apostrophe in the wrong place will get you hung!


I have used the reputation system, but do not view it as a worthwhile addition to the forum.  I find it a useful shortcut if I don't have the time to respond thoughtfully to a post or add usefully to a thread, but it is open to abuse.

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Whilst I can accept that a 'most helpful post' or thankyou button may have a place, come on Alamy this up/down rep is infantile, and what point does it serve apart from discouraging posts, I only have a couple and I already live in fear of a negative rep.

Perhaps if it was linked to rank or placing in best of, or commission level, every point down you lose 1%, every point up Alamy gains 1%, that kind of thing :)

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Wim: it is possible to see which post received the negative or positive vote.  As DavidC said: "Look under 'Reputation' in your Profile page".


DannyC and DavidC, thank you!

Oh wow! I totally missed it the first time.

It's even possible to see other person's profile details. Still one cannot see who did the voting, up nor down.

I'm sure this is a feature some of the refuseniks of the old forum would have loved ;-)


Semmick, there is the slight possibility that people took the green and red arrow buttons for navigational tools. I mean if they are as dumb as me ;-)

Just noticed there are no red/green buttons on my android phone.



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Semmick, there is the slight possibility that people took the green and red arrow buttons for navigational tools. I mean if they are as dumb as me ;-)

Just noticed there are no red/green buttons on my android phone.



A colour blind photographer perhaps? A B&W specialist. The plot thickens.

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  • after misreading a question recently, and posting ‘helpful’ reply that was horridly off-target - I appreciated kind :)  at end of another member’s clarification
  • from John Morrison: '... 61 hits on Alamy for Kafkaesque" - impressive
  • based on observation about color black in Adam Alter's Drunk Tank Pink, JeffGreenberg may be on to something with his (light-hearted) observation about Semmick Photo's "scary profile pic"

After decades of discussing a quote-a-day with my writing students, the one quote on my current site is John Watson’s "Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."  

(which I need to keep in mind more)


- ann

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I will not be using the red button. It's a cowedly act, anonymously dissing someone. I have and will continue to use the green button. 


Yeah.... agree with that. Life's to short  :D

It's not "to" Duncan, it's "too"! You were so close to being negged, there.  ;)

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Come on Alamy.......surely you can't really think this reputation button is a good idea?

You obviously want to encourage young blood to the forum but do you want to do this at the expense of the old timers who are doubtless not going to hang around in this 'playground'.


Do the right thing and remove it asap........please!


Yes, we do think it's a good idea, otherwise we wouldn't have implemented it.


Lots of people (yourself included) are using the vote buttons regularly to show approval or disapproval of posts. We hope that the system will promote people to think carefully about their posts before commenting which in turn will lead to a more constructive and friendly environment than what we had on the old forum. Lots of people are already saying that this seems to be a friendlier place so perhaps it's already working.


You say that we "obviously want to encourage young blood to the forum" - Yes, you are absolutely correct. We don't want this to be at the 'expense' of 'old timers' but there is a new system here and you can either embrace it, ignore it or not use the forum at all - that's your call.


We've said numerous times that we will be monitoring the effectiveness of the reputation system and if it doesn't work then we will make changes. For now, it's staying and this is our last comment on the matter.


Many thanks


James Allsworth



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I am Dutch, live in Ireland. Location is Dublin, but mother tongue is Dutch.


@ Phil, I agree, my English is fine, I work as account manager for an American company, I write and speak English professionally. But getting the tone and quirks of a foreign language is not easily adapted.


I dont know if saying, 'Thank you. I know its RM'. is rude or not. Apparently it is. To me it just says what it says. Maybe in English I had to write a full sentence of the RM part and add a smiley.


I think the reputation buttons should go.


Semmick - perhaps your reply came over as a bit curt. Maybe say it the other way round "Yes I know it's RM, but thanks anyway"


Just my penny worth!



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Having been told in effect to 'like it or lump it' in a rather headmasterly post from James Allsworth I have now worked out a scheme to avoid the whole childish thing - I won't bother to post and then I won't upset anyone - I won't pack my bags and go yet - I'll just set myself to a 'read-only' mode - and adjust my profile info as I gather that irritated some folk - just think of me as a friendly little puppy, out in the cold,  looking over your shoulder....

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Having been told in effect to 'like it or lump it' in a rather headmasterly post from James Allsworth I have now worked out a scheme to avoid the whole childish thing - I won't bother to post and then I won't upset anyone - I won't pack my bags and go yet - I'll just set myself to a 'read-only' mode - and adjust my profile info as I gather that irritated some folk - just think of me as a friendly little puppy, out in the cold,  looking over your shoulder....


This is heart-rending stuff. I'm wiping the trace of a tear away. Have a 'recommendation' before you go...

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Yes, Philippe, "piteous" is correct, an English language adjective. 


DavidC: reconsider. As contributors, we don't run Alamy or any other stock agency; thems is da facts. (Philippe—that last sentence is old-timely Brooklyn slang.)

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I think there should be only a green button for forumites to push,


and an automatic red-button push for things like:


- indulging in a pissing contest (just have the program search for replies beginning with "If you had read my post,...", or have more than two nested forum quotes)


- (can't think of much else, except maybe a list of bad words, but we'd need a linguist)



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.... just think of me as a friendly little puppy, out in the cold,  looking over your shoulder....


Aaw! just can't resist feeling sorry for sad looking puppies :unsure:


I gave you an extra piteous vote :) (.... euh, " piteous vote" is that correct English?)





Forgive the pedantry but you did ask. As Ed says, piteous is a word but I don't think you are using it correctly. To say a vote is piteous means the vote itself is piteous not the entity that you are voting for. I'm not sure what this would even mean - it implies that the person voting is deserving of pity. A typical expression would be a piteous cry which means that the person crying or calling out is deserving of pity

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