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Ed Rooney

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I would very much like you all to make a few comments and suggestions regarding my portfolio. I have not set up a special port, so please just click on the blue number.


I don't do any News, just common access editorial stock.


Thanks in advance.



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Ed mate, I owe you an e-mail, coming soon . . . in the meantime, your port still has that touch of an old pro (as I would expect). One thing though: the images of the Basilica Macarena show the ALTAR, not the ALTER 😊



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Mercy bow coo, Doctor Dusty. I shall fix, toot sweet.  At the ripe old age of 84, I still suffer from dyslexia every day. As far as I know, I am the only diagnosed dyslexia sufferer to have been employed as a copy editor. 🤪


I hope you and your ladies are well. 



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Hi Edo, Just had a look at your port and all I could think was, "Who the hell am I to comment on an old pro's images?"





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You guys are being very kind, but I figure some of you will see places where I have gone wrong and can improve. I'm a minimalist when it comes to tags. And I like punchy small images for buyers to see. Am I right? Hmmm. 

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Ornate cycling of the Basílica de la Macarena in Seville - Image ID: T0GWA9


Sorry Ed, but I don't think they should allow cycling on that beautiful ceiling, however ornate the cycling might be 😄

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Well, if you're dyslexic, then it's OK to give your age as 48. No?


Really like your images. They are consistently well-composed and engaging. Not much more I can say.


BTW, do they really hold bullfights in the Basilica Macarena ("bullfighting" is in the keywords), or just the dance?

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2 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Mercy bow coo, Doctor Dusty. I shall fix, toot sweet.  At the ripe old age of 84, I still suffer from dyslexia every day. As far as I know, I am the only diagnosed dyslexia sufferer to have been employed as a copy editor. 🤪


I hope you and your ladies are well. 




Edo, LOL I was diagnosed with two different language processing learning disabilities at the ripe old age of 48 (along with ADHD), after 15 years as a trial attorney in NYC, arguing in court and writing lots of appellate briefs and motions, not to mention editing some for the partners I worked for, at their request, and I have been working as a freelance writer and editor for years. Sometimes we just learn to adapt because we don't know any better. 😎Hope I'm still taking pix when I' m 84! I don't feel qualified to comment on your portfolio except to say two thumbs up!

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I rather agree with Allan, Mark and Marianne ... you were one of the patient guys giving me good advise when I started out with Alamy so I kind of feel that giving you adise is a bit like teaching you to "suck eggs".


The only observation I would make is I get the sense that you are struggling with some of the light in Spain. In a few of your recent images, the shadows feel a bit harsh to me and I would be tempted to open them up a little. And a couple, like T0AT8H and T0AT2Y, I might be tempted to raise exposure across the board by half a stop to a stop. But all this is probably just my personal preference.


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Hey -- here we go! 😀


My wife was a wonderful speller, and I had two long-term girlfriends who could spell, too (They could also spell 'to' and 'two').


Matt, amazingly I've been thinking the same thing, that my Seville stuff is starting to get a bit dark. If you go back 12 to 14 pages to San Miguel, the pics may well be a stop or a half stop lighter. I'm going to open up a half stop tomorrow. On the Tower of Gold, I did want the images to have contrast and detail and saturation. Thanks.


John, the Virgin de la Macarena is the bullfighters' saint, and that is the tune that's played at the start of bullfights. I used to play it on the trumpet.


Bill, that is a good point. When I was a working PJ, I would get right in the middle of things. I tend to back off now and go more for design. 


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22 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:

John, the Virgin de la Macarena is the bullfighters' saint, and that is the tune that's played at the start of bullfights. I used to play it on the trumpet.





I had a feeling it might be something like that. Mind you, stranger things than bullfights have happened in churches. 😄


I would want to add more keywords/tags to your images. However, if the minimalist approach is working for you, then perhaps fixing it isn't such a good idea.


These days, I too tend to stand back too much when photographing people. Could be a symptom of aging or perhaps because I no longer feel as comfortable as I once did when photographing humans due to increasing privacy concerns, etc. in the digital age.

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All i can say Ed is that when viewing your images, I'm drawn into the images that tell a great story..or captures a moment that one can easily relate to..I like what you see and it shows that you are enjoying your photography and the world around you....Keep doing what you're doing,as you inspire some of us younger folk ( I'm 66 ) to do more...


Cheers Bill

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Thanks, Bill. All that is good to hear. Perhaps I should change my name from Edo to Mister Wonderful? Ahh, maybe not.


I think I will be putting my workflow and ambitions for editorial stock in this post . . . soon. 



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5 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Thanks, Bill. All that is good to hear. Perhaps I should change my name from Edo to Mister Wonderful? Ahh, maybe not.


I think I will be putting my workflow and ambitions for editorial stock in this post . . . soon. 




You could always create a new "Sr. Maravilloso" pseudonym for your images of Spain. 😄

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When I come across a possible stock subject I notice the lighting, composition, and color. If the scene makes me think of a caption, it's stock. I don't sit around pondering these things. It's all intuitive and done in the time it takes to snap my fingers. Yogi Berra said, "you can't think and hit at the same time."  To hit a baseball coming at you at 100 mph takes talent, instinct . . . and practice. Street photography is like that.


When I look at what I have while doing PP, I want to be sure everything in the image reads. Is that a cat or a fox? And if there are people in the frame I want them to be graceful and positive. 

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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:

Hmmm, kinda liked the sound of that until I remembered that the double LL is sounded as a Y. 


Matt, opening the 0.7 stop did not work. I'll have to watch these things in PP.



Your shooting the new RX, so you probably are shooting it on auto as I do my 3. You’d probably have to shoot manual for exposure compensation to work. Not that I know anything for sure! 🙄

Believe it or not, I’ve never shot my two RX100s on anything except auto. So far, I haven’t needed to. It works so beautifully on Intelligent auto. I would love to have the latest RX that you have.


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Hey Edo,


Hope you are well.  My daughter just got a job in NYC and she is paying 6,200 a month

for a 4th floor walk up on East 61st.....


I've always liked your images, only suggestion is to throw in a bit more photojournalism.

tell a story, Bla Bla Bla.





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That means $6,200 rent a month, Matt. $74,400 a year. 😮


I hope she has a fab job, Chuck. 


I'm sorry, Betty. My statement was unclear. I know the way to open the exposure on both my 100-6 and a6000. You click the bottom of the dial. I should have said that some highlights blew out. I mostly use Aperture Priority with RAW, but I have used Intelligent Auto and a few of the Scene settings. The Auto Focus is much improved on the 100-6.

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