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Best FTP for Alamy? (Mac)



What a strange day!, Images won't upload to Alamy and there isn't any topic on FTP on this forum?? 


Can anyone advise for simple to use FTP app for Mac? 

Have 100's of images to upload but seems like uploading via dashboard isn't working and am stuck with firs image for the last 2 hours 😡 
Reloaded many times but still no luck. For a test I uploaded x100 large file to youtube and is all looking good, but Alamy page is not able to upload.. 

My image files are between 5-15 mb only and is over 100 images... 


What is the best way to upload many files at ones on to Alamy?  


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24 answers to this question

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I found the documentation


quite useful. It does use some jargon but you only have to set it up once. Use the Alamy settings from here


You could practice uploading via the archival route- no QC and you can delete them straight away when they appear in AIM. The remote folder is  called "archive_stock".

I set mine up always to start with my "ready" folder open on the left-hand side, but I can't remember how I made it do that- it's not necessary. Then just drag it to "stock".

Mind how you go in TN..

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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

Thank you!


Don't thank me yet. 😏


If you find dragging the images over to the bottom right box confusing (that's where I screwed up), alternatively you can 'right click' on your list of highlighted images and then click on "upload" in the options box that opens up (on my PC anyway).

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4 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:


It's actually quite easy once you're connected to Alamy. Click on the "Stock" folder in the upper right-hand box. Then find the images that you want to upload on the left-hand side (i.e. your computer's side), highlight them and drag them into the lower right-hand box. They should start uploading immediately and will appear one-by-one on the right side as they are successfully uploaded. FileZilla lets you know when the transfers are complete.

Thank you!

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34 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

Yes, it was Filezilla that destroyed me. Spit me out like a worthless piece of junk. 😳


It's actually quite easy once you're connected to Alamy. Click on the "Stock" folder in the upper right-hand box. Then find the images that you want to upload on the left-hand side (i.e. your computer's side), highlight them and drag them into the lower right-hand box. They should start uploading immediately and will appear one-by-one on the right side as they are successfully uploaded. FileZilla lets you know when the transfers are complete.

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27 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

My last upload froze at 10% on the first image using Safari. I finally tried Firefox and it went very timely.

Like others, I tried FTP years ago, and I guess I didn’t understand it. Whatever, I couldn’t get it to work. I would use FTP if someone were here to walk me through establishing it.

Any takers? 😉


Not me. I would probably lead you down the garden path. I had some problems when I started using FileZilla, managing to upload some batches twice (QC just deleted the repeats much to my relief). The interface is confusing to say the least. You basically have to experiment with clicking this and that until things start to make sense. There are videos like this one that can walk you through the mine field. Good luck.

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My last upload froze at 10% on the first image using Safari. I finally tried Firefox and it went very timely.

Like others, I tried FTP years ago, and I guess I didn’t understand it. Whatever, I couldn’t get it to work. I would use FTP if someone were here to walk me through establishing it.

Any takers? 😉

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Thanks all for the information!  It has taken me quite some time to finally change over to FTP uploading 😀This method will save me heaps of time and not to mention the added frustration of uploads freezing...I kid you not that i was down to upload batches of 5 images using the Alamy uploader, and still had uploads freeze on me!!


Thank you, i can be more productive now instead of babysitting every upload..


Cheers Bill

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I too have Transmit installed and ready to go, used to use it in the past.  


Will likely use it soon with a less important upload. My very first upload to Alamy Live News was via Filezilla, and was a disaster. I've use the web upload since via my dashboard, initially with intermittent problems. In recent months its been fast and reliable.

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There are separate folders for stock and archive so you are in the right one. IIRC news has its own separate settings.

When I started using FTP I noticed that subs took a bit longer to appear. But they should still arrive within a couple of hours at most. You should see them by now.

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Don't Know how to insert screen shot so will try to describe:


Send 98 images via Filezilla host - upload.alamy.com - Remote Site /Stock ( is this the right folder?)


Successful transfer (98) 



The only issue is I don't see single image on my Submissions in Image Manager yet. Hoping this will be visible soon unless I've done something wrong again?.. 

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Thank you all!, and - Oh my goodness, so many grate comments but I don't see any notification from Alamy about it!.. Why?!.. This make me think I may have wrong settings but Notify me of replies is On - GREEN!.. Am confused if my dashboard and rest of Alamy pages connected to my profile is working properly?.. 

feeling so little and unexperienced 💧


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12 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

I think .io is the TLD for the British Indian Ocean Territory.


Yep but there are many blogs that say it stand for "Insertion Order" and others from 2013 and later say it stands for input/output and makes tech sites sound techier while others, which are probably correct, like you, note that note it is a hot choice for startups for all these reasons but that it it in fact the British Indian Ocean Territory but a good choice since the .io domain is unrestricted to country:



Anyway, I like Cyberduck - it works well. I used to use the FTP via my Photoshelter site and this is easier and works better. I think I had problems when I first set up Filezilla for Alamy - this was back in around 2011, so I've just stuck with Cyberduck because it works. 



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9 minutes ago, Marianne said:


(Although they have changed their domain to an insertion order (io), you can download the software for free from that page or make a donation or find it in the Mac app store) 

I think .io is the TLD for the British Indian Ocean Territory.

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I also recommend Filezilla as well as Cyberduck for a MAC. I use Filezilla for some of my clients but have Cyberduck set up for Alamy. I should use it more often, especially with larger files.

Cyberduck is here: https://cyberduck.io/download/


(Although they have changed their domain to an insertion order (io), you can download the software for free from that page or make a donation or find it in the Mac app store) 

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