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Passed QC but no images in "Not Ready"

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My first set of images from the fair passed QC, but when I go into manage images, there are no images in the "Not Ready" section. This has never happened before.


Have any of you guys had there be a time gap from passing QC till when they appreared in Manage Images for keywording?



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And the same for me with a batch that passed this morning not showing.  Annoying that MS don't work at the weekends so we can't report it until Monday


The other day I reported that I couldn't save the keywords in Manage Images - now this.  Perhaps it's time for Alamy to come up with something better.



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Same problem here. 150 images in 4 batches uploaded last week, all approved on the 21st of September, but the images are not showing up in the 'Not Ready'-section, nor in the total number of images. First time this happened to me too.




(Btw, might be an idea as well to remove the pointless


Continue to use the old version /Take me to the new version screen as well, that still pops up when clicking on the Passed QC - Now Manage your images link)
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Yep, happened to me too; images passed QC on Friday and were not visible in 'Not Ready' (Or anywhere else in Manage Images). This has definitely not happened before.


It's doubly annoying with this batch as they were topical shots from the Tour of Britain bike race and it would have been ideal to have them on sale ASAP as the race ended on Sunday. 


It seems a pretty poor show that one of the world's biggest picture libraries doesn't have anyone on duty to deal with issues like this at weekends. 

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I emailed Member Services about this on Saturday morning. The link on the Selling Images page says "You will get a reply within an hour (during UK business hours)". As people have said, it's a pain that there is no help at evenings or weekends, but they do say unequivocally "You will get a reply within an hour". If UK business hours start at 9am, then they've now broken that promise by well over an hour.

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I get email from Alamy.


The technical staff is trying to solve it. They hope to fix it soon. If not fixed till tommorow i can email them again.


This is not a big deal anyway. It can happen. In the meantime we can prepare more images. :).



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