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What's the strangest photo you have sold?

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10 hours ago, Rico said:

Yeah, but has it sold?

And how come you always get the last word?:lol::lol:

will post it tomorrow, just so you can buy it! :D

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Dunno if this is weird enough to qualify...



Rob is clearly an outright winner in this thread, but if we swap this to the most boring photo you've ever sold, I'd submit the following as a strong contender...




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14 minutes ago, Phil Crean said:

And this one, Textbook use!!!





You might say that it is a "Textbook image".:D





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15 hours ago, MandyD said:

Oh! What happened?? It's okay now?

Called a Dupuytrens Contracture where the stuff that makes your palm grip overgrows, often as a result of some trauma.


Mine was from a cricket injury where I dropped a catch and cracked the lower joint of my little finger. It was right at the end of the season and I didn't get it seen to and years later the Dupuytrens grew around the floating bone that was left in there. It impinges on the tendon which pulls the affected fingers inwards.


Quite a common problem with cricket players and apparently Thatcher and Reagan were well placed to compare notes on theirs, though I doubt cricket was responsible for them!


Oh, and it's not easy taking a picture of your own hand, and I have also sold another of the same thing.


Edit - sorry meant to say it is not perfect even after 2 ops over the years, but a lot better than it was in that pic!

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2 hours ago, spacecadet said:

Bierkeller in Stuttgart. Not sold (yet) though. Zoomed occasionally.



The lady second from right must have seen me.;)





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here you go...was focused in on the black cow, and well, didn't see the background in detail until lunch....who wants to keytag this one??



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30 minutes ago, MandyD said:

here you go...was focused in on the black cow, and well, didn't see the background in detail until lunch....who wants to keytag this one??


How about udder delight?



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