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Favourite images you have uploaded in January 2016


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Kronborg is an extremely popular target for photographers. But this is on one of the rare days in the winter time with snow, ice, and an extremely blue sky, and now without the scaffolding that has disfigured the castle for years.

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Missing autumn at Peles castle




...and Cyprus





We are freezing now at -25 so I wish we'll get back above 0: 




I didn't understand what was going on in FAG2M3 so I searched it and I think you need to fix the caption. I also discovered something new in our zooms and will see if it is discussed elsewhere or start a new thread about it.



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Saturday night buffet in a rainy London. I like the colour here.


In this one the Alamy stockphoto looks totally in place. ;-)

Great subject! The others are not bad either. Why not straighten them? Or square them up while shooting?

And the color? If it's worth doing it's worth overdoing: whether Ayn Rand or Mick Jagger said it, some overdoing would not hurt this one.

It is difficult to square it, but not impossible. -yes I tried ;-)



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