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Fed up in the UK - where can I go?

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I have just returned from a weekend break in Shrewsbury. The purpose of the trip was not primarily photography but it did confirm a view that I have to come to hold (especially since digital), that travel to take stock photographs is a fool's errand. Keith Morris has shown how travel is not necessary to be a succesful stock (and news) photographer. Also a couple of Bryan's pictures for recent monthly challenges also highlighted how much luck is needed when travelling (his picture of Durham in the snow and his Prebends Bridge picture) - he was effectively on the spot, I am a 3+ hour drive away so would be very lucky to get the timing and conditions just right; he could get dozens of images while I was travelling and working out where the best view was!


Jools' frustration that started this thread; my trip to Shrewsbury confirmed my view - the weather was mostly grey, only Sunday was bright, then much of the time the light was very contrasty and harsh.


As many have said in this globalised market everywhere is someone's, a skilled photographer's, back yard who can get out when it the conditions are at their best and know where to go to make the most of it - rather like KM I guess.


I will still travel and take photographs but I will not travel with the principal purpose of taking photographs. I started my "new" photography career at th beginning of the month with a much more "KM like" approach. Not copying him but trying to adopt a similar mindset, after all Nottingham is a big city, a lot is happening and with two universities has a very lively scene. Nottingham may not make the national and international news headlines too often but I suspect it does so more often than Aberystwyth. Time will tell...

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"Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it." -- Mark Twain 



I stopped saying the weather was unsuitable for photography a long time ago; it is more usually that my attitude is unsuitable! There is always something worth photographing. a story to tell, if you are in the right frame of mind.

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Back from my trip up north and into Wales too.


I hear what people say about travelling but unfortunately that is the work that I personally work.


A couple of years ago, I started venturing from Tours to other cities and places and saw my sales go up and up. I haven't looked back and continue to look forward doing what I do.


News is something I could do more of but I find Alamy is more UK centric and with me being in France it doesn't cut it. A good example being the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Paris event. very important but not a whiff from the UK papers on it from what I saw. A crying shame!


We each have our own ways of working and that should be respected. I found it a little frustrating when earlier in the thread you get accused of moaning. As I have said before, I have very clear visions in my head of how I want things and will return if necessary to get them.


One very good example is this. I went to Worcester on my way back to Salisbury. I wanted a shot of the cathedral across the river but that haze was there and the sky was just washed out. Many of you may be happy with this but I am not. However, I now know where to go to get my shot having seen the place and when the time is right will go and get it.



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Back from my trip up north and into Wales too.


I hear what people say about travelling but unfortunately that is the work that I personally work.


A couple of years ago, I started venturing from Tours to other cities and places and saw my sales go up and up. I haven't looked back and continue to look forward doing what I do.


News is something I could do more of but I find Alamy is more UK centric and with me being in France it doesn't cut it. A good example being the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Paris event. very important but not a whiff from the UK papers on it from what I saw. A crying shame!


We each have our own ways of working and that should be respected. I found it a little frustrating when earlier in the thread you get accused of moaning. As I have said before, I have very clear visions in my head of how I want things and will return if necessary to get them.


One very good example is this. I went to Worcester on my way back to Salisbury. I wanted a shot of the cathedral across the river but that haze was there and the sky was just washed out. Many of you may be happy with this but I am not. However, I now know where to go to get my shot having seen the place and when the time is right will go and get it.


Back from my trip up north and into Wales too.


I hear what people say about travelling but unfortunately that is the work that I personally work.


A couple of years ago, I started venturing from Tours to other cities and places and saw my sales go up and up. I haven't looked back and continue to look forward doing what I do.


News is something I could do more of but I find Alamy is more UK centric and with me being in France it doesn't cut it. A good example being the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Paris event. very important but not a whiff from the UK papers on it from what I saw. A crying shame!


We each have our own ways of working and that should be respected. I found it a little frustrating when earlier in the thread you get accused of moaning. As I have said before, I have very clear visions in my head of how I want things and will return if necessary to get them.


One very good example is this. I went to Worcester on my way back to Salisbury. I wanted a shot of the cathedral across the river but that haze was there and the sky was just washed out. Many of you may be happy with this but I am not. However, I now know where to go to get my shot having seen the place and when the time is right will go and get it.


That's fair enough and there are shots that I want to take when the conditions are right. In the interim I try to produce images that will generate income even if they are mundane; I sort of separate money shots from art - if they can overlap that is great. That is part of treating photography as a job (my new approach) that has to pay its way but there are many routes to that ideal.

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It is my aim to produce images that will earn income too that is why I have my style of working.


On Friday, I had a sales report from A N Other library and it was extremely healthy. The only downside of it is the cut. However, the fact that sales are being generated and also the amount of those particular sales is nothing to sneeze at.


The gross sales for August was $3000. I would never get that on Alamy because they don't have the reach of the other. But to get to that I have to ensure that I am taking images that are of a high standard.


In addition, I am now starting to produce video and time lapse. I would be interested in getting video on Alamy but the arcane system they have for getting them on the site is a massive blocker for me. 

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"I find Alamy is more UK centric and with me being in France it doesn't cut it." -- Jools


So true, Jools. Much of what happens here in NYC goes unnoticed, too. You have chosen a path, a good path, and one that is right for you. Stock is now an iffy business. And it continues to change, and those changes are rarely positive. I think you're doing good work and that you should continue to follow your muse. 


Some of the comments and tips we get here in this forum can be helpful. This morning Wim spotted a couple of things I missed in my keywords; that is very helpful. But most of the you-should-be-doing-this-instead-of-that advice goes in one ear and out the other. I'll decide on what I'll do, thank you. The bulk of my career was long ago. I'm just keeping a toe in the pond now. Do I want to make some money? Of course! We all like to make money. Do I want to make money by doing things I don't want to or don't believe in? No I do not.


"Make journeys; attempt them. There's nothing else." Lord Byron (actually a line in the Tennessee Williams play, Camino Real, where Byron is a character) 



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"I find Alamy is more UK centric and with me being in France it doesn't cut it." -- Jools


So true, Jools. Much of what happens here in NYC goes unnoticed, too. You have chosen a path, a good path, and one that is right for you. Stock is now an iffy business. And it continues to change, and those changes are rarely positive. I think you're doing good work and that you should continue to follow your muse. 


Some of the comments and tips we get here in this forum can be helpful. This morning Wim spotted a couple of things I missed in my keywords; that is very helpful. But most of the you-should-be-doing-this-instead-of-that advice goes in one ear and out the other. I'll decide on what I'll do, thank you. The bulk of my career was long ago. I'm just keeping a toe in the pond now. Do I want to make some money? Of course! We all like to make money. Do I want to make money by doing things I don't want to or don't believe in? No I do not.


"Make journeys; attempt them. There's nothing else." Lord Byron (actually a line in the Tennessee Williams play, Camino Real, where Byron is a character) 




I agree. I travel for the journey, for what I discover for myself - I am not driven by guide books or someone else's view of what should be on my bucket list (what bucket list?). For me it is all about slow travel not getting to a destination as fast as I can. Oh and I take some pics along the way if I see the opportunity.

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But most of the you-should-be-doing-this-instead-of-that advice goes in one ear and out the other. I'll decide on what I'll do, thank you.


The big difference, Ed, is that you don't come onto this forum asking for advice on what to shoot before you reject it.



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Maybe the easiest thing is for me not to bother frequenting the forum anymore?


I guess that my work ethos doesn't fit here and it might be better if I just read only. I've made some good connections through the forum but maybe now is the time to quit altogether.


When I asked for advice on where to go, I was looking to get away from the hazy weather. A lot of you may take what you're given weather wise and be happy. I, personally, am not and have a particular way of shooting. Is that stuck in a rut? Not for me but others may see it differently.


Here in Salisbury, the haze that ruined the middle of last week has opened up to wonderful skies. I will be taking full of advantage of this after lunch and getting some images and time lapse material that I have had in my head for a while now. Those pre-visualized images just would not work with what was there last week.


This morning I enquired with the agency that helped spread the work I do into the Daily Mail etc and asked if an idea I had would work. A positive response has been received and it looks like I will get another feature in mid to late November. But it couldn't have been done unless I chased the weather down.


Finally, although I enjoy the forum I do believe that there are some on here that are extremely opinionated and need to just cool it!!! 

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Alex, yes a forum is for opinions but it does also work both ways. I disagree with a statement and then get berated for doing so!


Arterra, have I heard of the forecast? Of course. but when they continually mess it up, and we're talking hours before not days, then it makes things a whole lot more frustrating.


Interestingly enough, I looked at the images of one of the detractors who said I should get those hazy skies. What do you see in their collection? Nice blue skies, a bit of cloud here and there. Funny how easy it is for them to do something when they don't do it themselves.


I'm off out.

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Finally, although I enjoy the forum I do believe that there are some on here that are extremely opinionated and need to just cool it!!! 


Presumably this is aimed at me. I gave my opinion largely because this is not the first time we've been here. A few months ago you were asking for advice on which cities to visit because there was absolutely nothing to photograph in Tours. If you ask for advice, people will give it.


This is a stock photography forum and is frequented by stock photographers. In my opinion, stock photography is about capturing the world the way it is rather than waiting for it to be the way you want it. And as Alex says, opinions is what you get.



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Interestingly enough, I looked at the images of one of the detractors who said I should get those hazy skies. What do you see in their collection? Nice blue skies, a bit of cloud here and there. Funny how easy it is for them to do something when they don't do it themselves.



Now you're just being silly. Of course photographers are going to make use of blue skies when they're available. Personally speaking, when I'm at home I only go out with the camera if the sky is blue. But if I've invested time and money in travelling somewhere then I will make the most of whatever there is.



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Maybe the easiest thing is for me not to bother frequenting the forum anymore?


I guess that my work ethos doesn't fit here and it might be better if I just read only. I've made some good connections through the forum but maybe now is the time to quit altogether.


When I asked for advice on where to go, I was looking to get away from the hazy weather. A lot of you may take what you're given weather wise and be happy. I, personally, am not and have a particular way of shooting. Is that stuck in a rut? Not for me but others may see it differently.


Here in Salisbury, the haze that ruined the middle of last week has opened up to wonderful skies. I will be taking full of advantage of this after lunch and getting some images and time lapse material that I have had in my head for a while now. Those pre-visualized images just would not work with what was there last week.


This morning I enquired with the agency that helped spread the work I do into the Daily Mail etc and asked if an idea I had would work. A positive response has been received and it looks like I will get another feature in mid to late November. But it couldn't have been done unless I chased the weather down.


Finally, although I enjoy the forum I do believe that there are some on here that are extremely opinionated and need to just cool it!!! 


Jools - You are a Getty photographer, and have a fine collection of work.  You must be doing most things right or they wouldn't haven taken you on.  As far as travel/landscape work goes, I think you have some of the best there is, cetainly a lot better than the typical bright-blue-sky-day-glo scenics that we see a lot of here.  I think DD's comment was addressed to them rather than you.  


Seems to me if someone is giving you the wrong advice, that's their problem, not yours. 

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Alex, yes a forum is for opinions but it does also work both ways. I disagree with a statement and then get berated for doing so!


Arterra, have I heard of the forecast? Of course. but when they continually mess it up, and we're talking hours before not days, then it makes things a whole lot more frustrating.


Interestingly enough, I looked at the images of one of the detractors who said I should get those hazy skies. What do you see in their collection? Nice blue skies, a bit of cloud here and there. Funny how easy it is for them to do something when they don't do it themselves.


I'm off out.


Jools, if I felt like it appears you feel because of the weather preventing me from taking particular photos, I'd chill ASAP, and very seriously. LIfe is too short.


I sincerely believe most, if not all the posts reacting to your complaints about the weather and the weather forecasters were pretty well just saying the same thing, but most did it by suggesting there were things you could do other than just getting all steamed up about things you sure as heck can't control.


And for the life of me, I can't find a single post saying you "should get those hazy skies". A few saying THEY would, but that's a world different than saying YOU should.


EDIT: just noticed the references to red arrows . . . again, lame, cowardly, serving no useful purpose other than an attempt by their user to somehow convince themselves that they are in some way . . . important. If you disagree with someone, at least have the guts to tell them . . . otherwise, we're not interested, go away . . . come on Alamy, publish a list of who and how often :-) . . . [note to self]: stop commenting on red arrows, Alamy seem quite attached to them and it sure as heck doesn't look like they're going away . . . and nor are the sad folk who use them anonymously



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just noticed the references to red arrows . . . again, lame, cowardly, serving no useful purpose other than an attempt by their user to somehow convince themselves that they are in some way . . . important. If you disagree with someone, at least have the guts to tell them . . . otherwise, we're not interested, go away . . . come on Alamy, publish a list of who and how often :-)



If they were de-anonymised I might even use them myself. Until then, my view is exactly the same as expressed when they were introduced - that the concept of anonymous reputation is childish.



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