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Contract Change 2021 - Official thread

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We all know what is going to happen in about a week's time.


After a couple of weeks of criticism there will be an 'important announcement' from Alamy burbling on about how 'they have listened to our contributors' and 'in response we have decided to....' and there will be some tinkering eg. dropping the £25k threshold to a lower threshold or some other fiddling with the contract.  Contributors will then fall over themselves to post messages '...thanks Alamy for listening to us....'   Alamy will be wetting their panties in glee at how gullible some contributors are.





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36 minutes ago, BobD said:

 Something similar here.




I think a number of attempts have been made to harness the joint power of individual stock photographers over the years, none to my knowledge have seen much success. It brings to mind the notion of herding cats. The Stock Coalition is a worthy attempt at the task, arising from the imposition of  a similar kind of commission scheme by SS over a year ago. I suspect the coalition has run out of steam, but it maybe that an influx of disgruntled Alamy contributors may add a little coal to the fie and inject water int the boiler. Possibly.


Many SS contributors found their way to Alamy after the SS chnage of contract, only to now discover a disconcerting sense of deja vu. 😒

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1 minute ago, Gordon Scammell said:

We all know what is going to happen in about a week's time.


After a couple of weeks of criticism there will be an 'important announcement' from Alamy burbling on about how 'they have listened to our contributors' and 'in response we have decided to....' and there will be some tinkering eg. dropping the £25k threshold to a lower threshold or some other fiddling with the contract.  Contributors will then fall over themselves to post messages '...thanks Alamy for listening to us....'   Alamy will be wetting their panties in glee at how gullible some contributors are.






Most likely.


Even in the 2-3 years i've been here it's gone downhill. I used to get middle double figures for most images now it's single figures almost every time. I'm not surprised (but I am disappointed) at this announcement. Thankfully for me it's primarily a hobby and I like seeing my images published but the days of making an effort to specifically go out and get stock photos will most likely end here for me... and when I do get them I can't promise I'll be spending sometimes hours per image making it perfect for QC.

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I can only concur with the vast majority of the adverse comments that have already been expressed, particularly with respect to your lack of loyalty to the majority of contributors who have worked so hard to ensure that their images are genuinely exclusive to Alamy. 


However, I do have one question. The Stockimo commission rates for those who were Alamy contributors before the Stockimo launch date of 4th Feb 2014 were set at the same as we currently have with Alamy (50% compared to the Stockimo standard 20%). This rate is reflected in the current Stockimo contract and on the Stockimo website. Are you also intending to change the Stockimo commission rates for 'pre-launch' Alamy contributors?


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1 minute ago, Stokie said:

What a contributor relations disaster.




This is what we get without a true business person at the top.




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2 minutes ago, Number Six said:

I can only concur with the vast majority of the adverse comments that have already been expressed, particularly with respect to your lack of loyalty to the majority of contributors who have worked so hard to ensure that their images are genuinely exclusive to Alamy. 


However, I do have one question. The Stockimo commission rates for those who were Alamy contributors before the Stockimo launch date of 4th Feb 2014 were set at the same as we currently have with Alamy (50% compared to the Stockimo standard 20%). This rate is reflected in the current Stockimo contract and on the Stockimo website. Are you also intending to change the Stockimo commission rates for 'pre-launch' Alamy contributors?



Valid question wrong forum. This is and always has been for Alamy only. Is there not a forum in existence for S------------o?




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10 minutes ago, Gordon Scammell said:

We all know what is going to happen in about a week's time.


After a couple of weeks of criticism there will be an 'important announcement' from Alamy burbling on about how 'they have listened to our contributors' and 'in response we have decided to....' and there will be some tinkering eg. dropping the £25k threshold to a lower threshold or some other fiddling with the contract.  Contributors will then fall over themselves to post messages '...thanks Alamy for listening to us....'   Alamy will be wetting their panties in glee at how gullible some contributors are.






You are probably right, but at the end of the day what Alamy thinks I'm not concerned about if it means that we will get the revenue we deserve for our work, which should be a min of 50%.

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1 minute ago, Gordon Scammell said:

Had an email from Alamy yesterday asking if I would be willing to lift restrictions on an image a customer wanted to buy.  The image is marked as 'No model release' 'No property release'


I replied that I would consider it providing I was told what the licence price was.  I am certainly not going to put myself up for legal action for pennies - despite meaningless platitudes from Alamy saying the third party will do this and that regarding rights.  I was then told Alamy cannot divulge finances etc - which i understand.


I replied in view of the new contract changes I was not willing to go out of my way to help Alamy make a sale.  Of course I lose out.  But I only lose 40%.  Gave me a little frisson of pleasure to know that Alamy loses 60%.


Petty I know - but I'll take my contentment wherever I can.

Petty can be good - I do it myself from time to time - always makes me feel better

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2 minutes ago, Gordon Scammell said:

Had an email from Alamy yesterday asking if I would be willing to lift restrictions on an image a customer wanted to buy.  The image is marked as 'No model release' 'No property release'


I replied that I would consider it providing I was told what the licence price was.  I am certainly not going to put myself up for legal action for pennies - despite meaningless platitudes from Alamy saying the third party will do this and that regarding rights.  I was then told Alamy cannot divulge finances etc - which i understand.


I replied in view of the new contract changes I was not willing to go out of my way to help Alamy make a sale.  Of course I lose out.  But I only lose 40%.  Gave me a little frisson of pleasure to know that Alamy loses 60%.


Petty I know - but I'll take my contentment wherever I can.


Well done sir :)

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I have been following this thread since the announcement and have the utmost respect for the long term contributors to Alamy which from what I understand had attracted a base of professional skilled photographers in it's early days who are deserving of far more than the contract offered before this change, let alone what has been cobbled together now.

Whether some of the newer contributors like myself deserve the same respect is part of the problem as I know that I neither have the skill, time or energy to compete with the best on here and my rediscovery of photography during this mess we have all had to suffer over the last year or more may be a common theme with some who suddenly found they had time to find something else to do with so many restrictions on activities.

I would describe myself as an enthusiast who enjoys photography and an outlet for what I create which might bring in some cash was something I had never considered before this health crises.

I abandoned SS and switched to Alamy for reasons most of you will be aware of and now face a similar conundrum here. The $0.10 minimum at SS now doesn't look as bad as it did last year given the paltry amounts now being paid sometimes as reported on here!

I have 150 images which I now can't get enthusiastic about keywording and although the weather is improving my inclination was to leave the camera at home this morning when I normally take it with me for my early morning walk.

If the way I have reacted to this is common combined with countries easing restrictions and everyone getting back to their offices then the number of images uploaded will slow from the smaller contributors like myself.

Alamy has managed to dent all motivation to continue here and when the longer term contributors are affected by such ridiculous parameters it makes you consider your options.

PA have driven greed to the fore as happens again and again with companies that lose all sense of connection with the people who helped create the entity they become.


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1 minute ago, Allan Bell said:


Valid question wrong forum. This is and always has been for Alamy only. Is there not a forum in existence for S------------o?




Allan. I agree that Stockimo queries are normally (and rightly) strictly forbidden on this forum. However, I think that my query is pertinent here as it is specific to Alamy contributors and it does relate to the contractual subject under discussion. Also, I don't think that there is a forum for the 'S-word' but I stand to be corrected.

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4 minutes ago, hotbrightsky said:

Join me in protest...




Is there a way to bulk block all images in your folio? It seems like there is a way of selecting the newest 500 passed at the top in the image manager, but can you do all somehow?

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5 minutes ago, Tony ALS said:

I have been following this thread since the announcement and have the utmost respect for the long term contributors to Alamy which from what I understand had attracted a base of professional skilled photographers in it's early days who are deserving of far more than the contract offered before this change, let alone what has been cobbled together now.

Whether some of the newer contributors like myself deserve the same respect is part of the problem as I know that I neither have the skill, time or energy to compete with the best on here and my rediscovery of photography during this mess we have all had to suffer over the last year or more may be a common theme with some who suddenly found they had time to find something else to do with so many restrictions on activities.

I would describe myself as an enthusiast who enjoys photography and an outlet for what I create which might bring in some cash was something I had never considered before this health crises.

I abandoned SS and switched to Alamy for reasons most of you will be aware of and now face a similar conundrum here. The $0.10 minimum at SS now doesn't look as bad as it did last year given the paltry amounts now being paid sometimes as reported on here!

I have 150 images which I now can't get enthusiastic about keywording and although the weather is improving my inclination was to leave the camera at home this morning when I normally take it with me for my early morning walk.

If the way I have reacted to this is common combined with countries easing restrictions and everyone getting back to their offices then the number of images uploaded will slow from the smaller contributors like myself.

Alamy has managed to dent all motivation to continue here and when the longer term contributors are affected by such ridiculous parameters it makes you consider your options.

PA have driven greed to the fore as happens again and again with companies that lose all sense of connection with the people who helped create the entity they become.



well said and once again you are clearly the type of photographer that Alamy/PA should be introducing strategies to motivate you further r- rather than quite the opposite


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4 minutes ago, Nathaniel Noir said:


Is there a way to bulk block all images in your folio? It seems like there is a way of selecting the newest 500 passed at the top in the image manager, but can you do all somehow?


You'll have to do it in batches of 500 I'm afraid.


Alternatively email Contributor Support and request they add Restrictions to your entire portfolio.


You will need to leave at least one category open. I suggest 'Consumer goods' as the category least likely to sell.

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I have been a contributor to Alamy for the last 14 years.


I first submitted images (on a CD!) when I was still working in local government.


In 2007 I took early retirement and redundancy and started my own architectural design business from home and set up a photography business selling stock. It was exciting times and both businesses grew. The photography was enjoyable, and the income enhanced my pension.


Fast forward 14 years and the architectural design business is still going strong. Not so the photography side.


Yesterday saw the easing of lockdown restrictions in the UK and there was a feeling of optimism about the future – until the Alamy announcement. I know there are far worse things than a cut in commission but yesterday I just felt down all day instead of joyful.


I will have to rethink what I do about photography. Probably like most people, I will dust my self down and carry on, like all the previous times there was a cut in commission until the point it isn’t worth it. I haven’t reached that point yet, but under this regime I don’t think it will be long before I do.


What a sad day.



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18 minutes ago, Number Six said:

Allan. I agree that Stockimo queries are normally (and rightly) strictly forbidden on this forum. However, I think that my query is pertinent here as it is specific to Alamy contributors and it does relate to the contractual subject under discussion. Also, I don't think that there is a forum for the 'S-word' but I stand to be corrected.


Point taken.




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1 hour ago, Tomtomtom said:

Yes, Thank you! But what about the delay in taking off the pictures? Regulary, when you end the contract on your side, Alamy has 45 days to take down the pictures. If you dont cancel but delete pictures, they will stay for 180 days. What if the contract is changed by alamy? I dont want to accept the changes. So we dont have a contract? So the pictures have to be taken down immediatly (thats how it goes in germany - I dont know how that works here)


It works as per the current contract.


Sadly we agreed to the existing contract which stated that amendments to it, this is technically an amendment not a new contract, are effective as long as there is a 45 day notice.   

Pursuant to  subsection 20,1,3 you may give a termination notice at any time during those 45 days which would be effective on the amendment date from my reading. 



section 20.1.3


You may terminate this Contract:

  1. where Alamy gives 45 days’ notice to vary the Contract pursuant to clause 19.1, by written notice to Alamy at any time during that 45 day period expiring at the end thereof.





where clause 19.1 is the right to amend the contract. 


Edited by meanderingemu
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27 minutes ago, hotbrightsky said:

Join me in protest...





I will not be taking any drastic action at this time but will await Ms. Shelley's PROMISED reply in the two week time frame.


Then I will decide.

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From 2012 licences from my port steadily increased year on year until 2016 and things were looking good.


During 2017 Alamy played around with the search engine algorithms  and by 2018 licences from my port were back down to 2013 levels. By Alamy’s actions I lost income from my port.


Since 2018 my licences have only slightly increased and due to dropping values of licences I will find it very difficult to achieve the $250 target in the future.


This does not make me want to go out and take more images to put up on Alamy and if Alamy thinks that their $250 target is an incentive to do that then they a much mistaken.




I am going to go out this afternoon and take lots of photos but NOT for Alamy. I do have other strings to my bow.




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