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10,000 up


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I've just passed 10,000 images with Alamy!!!


It's taken me nearly 12 years but i've made it before the end of the year, which was my aim at the beginning of the year.


Here's to the next 10,000, which hopefully won't take as long!



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On 08/04/2019 at 21:38, Mark Loken said:

Hopefully you have made some decent sales throughout all this time.


My best sale was for $1197.99!!!


On 08/04/2019 at 22:59, Michael Ventura said:

Congrats on 10,000! Been trying to get their myself....a harder goal than I thought!


It's been a lot of hard work, but i've slowed down now iv'e reached 10,000!


On 18/04/2019 at 21:34, William Caram said:

Congratulations John, that's a great effort...I really like your Egypt shots and so had a quick visual holiday away from Ballarat..😀 


It was a fantastic holiday, probably the best i've ever had. Almost 10% of my portfolio is of Egypt!


Glad you enjoyed your virtual holiday!


Cheers all, John.

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