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9 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:


Thanks very much. I'll look into that one. Sounds right up my alley. I have an Acer netbook which has served me well, but it has gotten really clunky and frustrating to use.


P.S. Is it this one?

From what I can see from my OH's tablet, they're very unlike PCs in operation and geared towards selling you content. We discovered that it's frustratingly difficult just to for example, load a few PDFs onto one. Security, profiles, goodness knows what. So be aware of that.

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12 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:


Thanks very much. I'll look into that one. Sounds right up my alley. I have an Acer netbook which has served me well, but it has gotten really clunky and frustrating to use.


P.S. Is it this one?

Yes, John, that's the one.

The Source (old Radio Shack) often has this for sale (maybe for Christmas).  I got mine for $80 there, and bought one for my wife a year later for $100 (different sale).

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7 hours ago, Cryptoprocta said:

I don't mind the actual keywording, which thanks to people here I now do in Photoshop, but the new AIM is certainly even worse than the old one, which was tedious.

Still, having the keywords done in PS saves some time in AIM.

You add the keywords in photoshop?


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5 minutes ago, lisah2006 said:

You add the keywords in photoshop?


Definitely!  Or Bridge.  If you later submit images elsewhere you won't want to do this work twice, or more.

Go to File Info (ctrl F or I).  Alamy will read the IPTC metadata for Title (Description) and keywords on upload into caption and tag fields.

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4 minutes ago, lisah2006 said:

You add the keywords in photoshop?



If I can interject, I find it easiest to add the keywords in Lightroom, and I much prefer PS for most other things.


LR has a very user friendly keyword editor which suggests possibilities from previous usage, and you can program presets to load commonly encountered groups of keywords. It's also very easy to copy groups of keywords from one image to another, or indeed to a group of others.


Alamy AIM programmers would do well to take a close look.

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3 hours ago, Reimar said:

Yes, John, that's the one.

The Source (old Radio Shack) often has this for sale (maybe for Christmas).  I got mine for $80 there, and bought one for my wife a year later for $100 (different sale).


Thanks again. I'll check out the The Souurce.


Radio Shack ... I remember them well. Bought my first computer there, a TRS  something or other.

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I never thought about using LR for keywording, but will try with my next batch, good tips everyone thanks! Keywording is... I look at people with thousands of pictures and the mind just boggles at the hours spent. I am not a fast keyworder :(

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8 hours ago, Reimar said:

After a shoot I'd like to just wack them all up without keywording, but to be honest the research required is almost always quite edifying.  When traveling especially, I don't have time to listen to tour operators or read all the pamphlets, but when I get home, I can relive the tour via all the details I find out from the internet.


+1  It took me a good while to figure out in which quarters I had taken shots in the Old City in Jerusalem, or sometimes what the heck I was looking at. While shooting, I was hanging back or drifting off to the side rather than listening to the tour guide. (also sometimes found out what he had not bothered to show us :angry:)

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9 hours ago, lisah2006 said:

I'm so brain dead I had to read your sentence three times. My eyes are crossing. lol


I may be the only one who does this, but I do my keywording in the Alamy AIM after my images pass QC. My reason? I have a mystical, neurotic belief in the right brain - left brain theory, so I need to separate visual tasks from academic tasks. 

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4 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


I may be the only one who does this, but I do my keywording in the Alamy AIM after my images pass QC. My reason? I have a mystical, neurotic belief in the right brain - left brain theory, so I need to separate visual tasks from academic tasks. 

You're not. But my reason isn't as colourfully baroque as yours. I just started that way and don't have Bridge, only LR.

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16 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

You're not. But my reason isn't as colourfully baroque as yours. I just started that way and don't have Bridge, only LR.


Why Bridge? Lightroom does everything that Bridge does in relation to metadata (including keywording) and is far better in how it handles metadata for large numbers of files. Lightroom is a full DAM (digital asset manager) as well as many other things. Bridge is a file browser that does metadata - ok for small numbers of files.

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1 hour ago, MDM said:


Why Bridge? Lightroom does everything that Bridge does in relation to metadata (including keywording) and is far better in how it handles metadata for large numbers of files. Lightroom is a full DAM (digital asset manager) as well as many other things. Bridge is a file browser that does metadata - ok for small numbers of files.

I'm only quoting what I thought others had said. I've no idea about these things as I don't use them but thanks for clarifying.

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2 hours ago, MDM said:


Why Bridge? Lightroom does everything that Bridge does in relation to metadata (including keywording) and is far better in how it handles metadata for large numbers of files. Lightroom is a full DAM (digital asset manager) as well as many other things. Bridge is a file browser that does metadata - ok for small numbers of files.


27 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

I'm only quoting what I thought others had said. I've no idea about these things as I don't use them but thanks for clarifying.


You are not the first. I was just correcting a misconception that appears to have propagated through the forum.



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I was adding keywords after uploading to alamy, but now Im thinking about adding in Lightroom before upload. 


However if I understand correctly Alamy AIM still prioritises the word order of 'tags' (so word order is important), but Lightroom saves them in alphabetical order.


...Yet some people here still say they use Lightroom for keywording/tagging.?


I cant find an obvious answer to this, what am I missing please?

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2 hours ago, Josef said:

I was adding keywords after uploading to alamy, but now Im thinking about adding in Lightroom before upload. 


However if I understand correctly Alamy AIM still prioritises the word order of 'tags' (so word order is important), but Lightroom saves them in alphabetical order.


...Yet some people here still say they use Lightroom for keywording/tagging.?


I cant find an obvious answer to this, what am I missing please?

Alamy clarified this earlier this year on the forum (perhaps do an advance forum search if you want to find the post).  Keyword (tag) order is irrelevant but proximity of words inside multi-word tags is relevant as far as I know. Your question also relates to why people were advocating the use of Bridge which does apparently preserve keyword order but Alamy's statement clarified that this is indeed irrelevant - hence my post above.

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That's not what I understood.  From the blog: "Proximity of one tag compared to another used in a multi-word search can have an effect on where it appears in the sort order".

So  a search for Golden Gate Bridge will favor "Golden, Gate, Bridge" over the alphabetical "Bridge, Gate, Golden".  Some had suggested that "Golden, Gate, Bridge" did better than the single tag "Golden Gate Bridge," but I don't know about that.  I imagine you'd want both.  Alamy specifically discourage alphabetical keyword entry.

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48 minutes ago, Reimar said:

That's not what I understood.  From the blog: "Proximity of one tag compared to another used in a multi-word search can have an effect on where it appears in the sort order".

So  a search for Golden Gate Bridge will favor "Golden, Gate, Bridge" over the alphabetical "Bridge, Gate, Golden".  Some had suggested that "Golden, Gate, Bridge" did better than the single tag "Golden Gate Bridge," but I don't know about that.  I imagine you'd want both.  Alamy specifically discourage alphabetical keyword entry.


Thanks to MDM and Reimar.


Well it seems from those first two replies that the correct answer to my question is not as clearly available as it should be. There is a lot of links to this point in relation to the older version of Alamy 's image management system, where keyword order was important, but obviously thats changed a lot with the new AIM.


It sounds great if single Tags can now be in any order - I didnt see the post in question MDM.

And I understand important multi word tags should be created as one tag. This is still achievable in Lightroom using commas after each Tag and not necessarily each word.


Forgive me if the official answer is clearly available somewhere.. I would have thought such important info would get a sentence in the AIM pdf guide at least.

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1 hour ago, Reimar said:

That's not what I understood.  From the blog: "Proximity of one tag compared to another used in a multi-word search can have an effect on where it appears in the sort order".

So  a search for Golden Gate Bridge will favor "Golden, Gate, Bridge" over the alphabetical "Bridge, Gate, Golden".  Some had suggested that "Golden, Gate, Bridge" did better than the single tag "Golden Gate Bridge," but I don't know about that.  I imagine you'd want both.  Alamy specifically discourage alphabetical keyword entry.


39 minutes ago, Josef said:


Thanks to MDM and Reimar.


Well it seems from those first two replies that the correct answer to my question is not as clearly available as it should be. There is a lot of links to this point in relation to the older version of Alamy 's image management system, where keyword order was important, but obviously thats changed a lot with the new AIM.


It sounds great if single Tags can now be in any order - I didnt see the post in question MDM.

And I understand important multi word tags should be created as one tag. This is still achievable in Lightroom using commas after each Tag and not necessarily each word.


Forgive me if the official answer is clearly available somewhere.. I would have thought such important info would get a sentence in the AIM pdf guide at least.


To be honest I don't know the answer and I'm not going to spend a lot of time finding out. Doing searches would not help unless you knew the order the tags had been entered, not the order in which they are entered in a search and that would be extremely tedious and very time-consuming. The blog Reimar refers to does say what he says and seems to imply tag order is important. The forum post I was referring to was a quote from somebody who queried MS and posted here but might be hard to find. I'm pretty sure it post-dated the blog post. I think perhaps if Josef emails MS and ask and then post back here what they say it might be helpful.

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30 minutes ago, MDM said:



To be honest I don't know the answer and I'm not going to spend a lot of time finding out. Doing searches would not help unless you knew the order the tags had been entered, not the order in which they are entered in a search and that would be extremely tedious and very time-consuming. The blog Reimar refers to does say what he says and seems to imply tag order is important. The forum post I was referring to was a quote from somebody who queried MS and posted here but might be hard to find. I'm pretty sure it post-dated the blog post. I think perhaps if Josef emails MS and ask and then post back here what they say it might be helpful.


Thanks for your answers. Ill send an email and report anything concrete here. 

The main issue is, does lightroom do a good enough job of creating the tags alone. Id picked up that it wouldnt, but seemingly enough of you are using LR keywording with success on Alamy. If anyone wants to add there LR keywording workflow for Alamy that would be useful.

Thanks again.

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2 hours ago, Reimar said:

That's not what I understood.  From the blog: "Proximity of one tag compared to another used in a multi-word search can have an effect on where it appears in the sort order".

So  a search for Golden Gate Bridge will favor "Golden, Gate, Bridge" over the alphabetical "Bridge, Gate, Golden".  Some had suggested that "Golden, Gate, Bridge" did better than the single tag "Golden Gate Bridge," but I don't know about that.  I imagine you'd want both.  Alamy specifically discourage alphabetical keyword entry.


That’s exactly my understanding, too. And because of it, there was a lot of gnashing of teeth at the beginning because LR didn’t allow keywords to stay in the order you wanted. 

MDM can argue his point, I’ll argue mine. Reimar has it right.

Reimar for Exalted Leader! :D


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