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On 12/12/2017 at 10:19, geogphotos said:

I bought a Google Chrome Book


Found it possible to upload RAWs to Photoshelter while away, in addition to obvious uses.


Is the "Google Chrome" Web browser any good? I believe it's used by Android tablets as well.


Sorry, I seem to be drifting away from keywording exhaustion. B)

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16 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:


Is the "Google Chrome" Web browser any good? I believe it's used by Android tablets as well.


Sorry, I seem to be drifting away from keywording exhaustion. B)


It's fine, I use it all the time, on box, laptop and Android tablet.

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4 hours ago, Reimar said:

That's not what I understood.  From the blog: "Proximity of one tag compared to another used in a multi-word search can have an effect on where it appears in the sort order".

So  a search for Golden Gate Bridge will favor "Golden, Gate, Bridge" over the alphabetical "Bridge, Gate, Golden".  Some had suggested that "Golden, Gate, Bridge" did better than the single tag "Golden Gate Bridge," but I don't know about that.  I imagine you'd want both.  Alamy specifically discourage alphabetical keyword entry.

Really, it never seldom works the way it's supposed to.

Yesterday I had a search on 'UK house and car', but I didn't think I had that, so checked and the image had 'UK' but also 'Diamond House' and 'multi-storey car park' as keyword phrase tags. Neither 'house' nor 'car' are single keywords on the file.

The searcher had only searched 100 files, so I did the search myself and found that file #99 out of over 8,100 files in the relevancy search.

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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:


That’s exactly my understanding, too. And because of it, there was a lot of gnashing of teeth at the beginning because LR didn’t allow keywords to stay in the order you wanted. 

MDM can argue his point, I’ll argue mine. Reimar has it right.

Reimar for Exalted Leader! :D



1 hour ago, Reimar said:

Now hold on a minute there.  Have you been talking to the Russians? :D


Well as we all know, there are facts and there are alternative facts (and before anybody becomes offended at this lovely phrase please note I didn't start the political references :)). 


Anyway the alterative facts are in the following thread from February and touch upon exactly what we are talking about here. I have to say it is still not entirely clear but it is not high on my list of things to keep me awake at night. Phrase such as exalted leader, however, could be a little more disturbing.



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54 minutes ago, Bryan said:


It's fine, I use it all the time, on box, laptop and Android tablet.


Thanks. Just realized that it's the same "Chrome" that I have on my PC. Thought it might be a browser developed especially for tablets, etc. 


I guess keywording exhaustion has taken a toll on my brain.

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2 hours ago, MDM said:



Well as we all know, there are facts and there are alternative facts (and before anybody becomes offended at this lovely phrase please note I didn't start the political references :)). 


Anyway the alterative facts are in the following thread from February and touch upon exactly what we are talking about here. I have to say it is still not entirely clear but it is not high on my list of things to keep me awake at night. Phrase such as exalted leader, however, could be a little more disturbing.




2 hours ago, MDM said:



Well as we all know, there are facts and there are alternative facts (and before anybody becomes offended at this lovely phrase please note I didn't start the political references :)). 


Anyway the alterative facts are in the following thread from February and touch upon exactly what we are talking about here. I have to say it is still not entirely clear but it is not high on my list of things to keep me awake at night. Phrase such as exalted leader, however, could be a little more disturbing.



Oh, for crying out loud!

Here in the US we have a benevolent club called the Elks. We used to belong, attended some great dances. There were men who were officers of the Elks. Those officers held meetings to decide how to spend the money they raised to do good things. The highest honor was to become the Exalted Leader. Think of it as “chairman” or “president”. Just a silly name making fun of themselves. They had some ceremonies that amounted to nothing. They did good works. 

Dont dis anything I say without knowing about the customs in my country and why I reference something. If you want to know, ASK without making multiple slurs. I’ll be more than happy to explain.

My calling of Reimar to be Exalted Leader was giving him an honor, nothing else. It means I respect him and hold him in esteem. 

Now....find something else to attack me for since I had the audacity to disagree with you. I should realize by now that’s a no-no.  Geesh!


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43 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:


Oh, for crying out loud!

Here in the US we have a benevolent club called the Elks. We used to belong, attended some great dances. There were men who were officers of the Elks. Those officers held meetings to decide how to spend the money they raised to do good things. The highest honor was to become the Exalted Leader. Think of it as “chairman” or “president”. Just a silly name making fun of themselves. They had some ceremonies that amounted to nothing. They did good works. 

Dont dis anything I say without knowing about the customs in my country and why I reference something. If you want to know, ASK without making multiple slurs. I’ll be more than happy to explain.

My calling of Reimar to be Exalted Leader was giving him an honor, nothing else. It means I respect him and hold him in esteem. 

Now....find something else to attack me for since I had the audacity to disagree with you. I should realize by now that’s a no-no.  Geesh!



Did I touch a nerve. Do you really consider that an attack? Wow.  I just used the term alternative facts which has become a regular part of my vocabulary to refer to the very contradictory statements made by Alamy in that thread and I think it is very apt there as it is full of contradictions.


I am not familiar with the term exalted leaders in relation to benevolent societies in America despite having a deep grounding in American culture. On its own, the phrase Exalted Leader has a ring of political dictatorship I think and that would be more likely to cause lack of sleep for me given the madness that is happening around the globe at the moment than the order of tags in the Alamy search engine. 


And disagree with me all you like - I have no problem with that at all as long as it is based on rational debate and fact and I don't get offended by people arguing with me rationally. Moreover I am more than happy to admit when I am wrong and apologise if I have offended someone but using the term alternative facts - well for crying out loud but does that really offend you? 

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Sorry if you think you touched a nerve when in fact you did. I’m tired to death of our president being made fun of in this forum. He does enough damage to his own image without help. I don’t slur your county’s leaders, you shouldn't slur mine.  And don’t insult my intelligence by pretending it wasn’t a slur.  He will either make it through or go down in flames but snide remarks shouldn’t be a part of this forum.


I’ve done nothing but respected your country(s). Is it so wrong to expect it in kind?

And yes, you jumped on my “Exalted ruler” remark and tried to paint me black.  You have no real idea who I am or the kindness I give people.  I stand up for people of all colors, and I stand up for many other rights. I’m charitable. But when attacked, yes I’m feisty and will stand up for myself like I would for anyone else. 

Somebody else had made a regular business of using that slur, but that person is getting ready to face a tough time, and that person is in my prayers.

I spent too much of my life meek with a male’s foot on my neck, and no more.


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5 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Sorry if you think you touched a nerve when in fact you did. I’m tired to death of our president being made fun of in this forum. He does enough damage to his own image without help. I don’t slur your county’s leaders, you shouldn't slur mine.  And don’t insult my intelligence by pretending it wasn’t a slur.  He will either make it through or go down in flames but snide remarks shouldn’t be a part of this forum.


I’ve done nothing but respected your country(s). Is it so wrong to expect it in kind?

And yes, you jumped on my “Exalted ruler” remark and tried to paint me black.  You have no real idea who I am or the kindness I give people.  I stand up for people of all colors, and I stand up for many other rights. I’m charitable. But when attacked, yes I’m feisty and will stand up for myself like I would for anyone else. 

Somebody else had made a regular business of using that slur, but that person is getting ready to face a tough time, and that person is in my prayers.

I spent too much of my life meek with a male’s foot on my neck, and no more.



Normally I would disappear at this point as this discussion has become entirely irrational but I guess I should clarify before I do. As a (former) scientist, I have always enjoyed a good rational argument where each party presents their case and a rational debate ensues but this is way off course.


I have no idea what you think I said and what you are reading into my words or what slur you are talking about. I never slurred anybody. I carefully avoided any specific political reference and I never implied anything about your president. The dictatorships that sprang to mind with the phrase exalted leader are those where free speech and criticism of leaders are not allowed. Thankfully that does not include the US where free speech and the right to criticise the leader is a fundamental democratic right as it is in here in the UK. In fact democracy relies on this a mechanism of keeping things in check. But the fact is that I didn't criticise or slur anybody. 


The phrase alternative facts was coined by a Ms Conway I recall who worked for your president a little while back and it is wonderful as a description of ambiguity. I love this phrase and I think it is particularly apt for the present discussion where Alamy is in fact quoted (in that other thread) as saying two entirely conflicting things about keyword proximity. 

I also did not in any way attempt to paint you as black or any colour and I certainly did not attack you. That is bordering on literal paranoia. Have another read of what I said. It was intended as light hearted and not intended to attack or hurt you or anybody else. That is ridiculous. I have a lot more to do with my life than have irrational arguments on this forum and cause emotional pain for anybody. Best of luck.


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Hi everyone


Just to clarify, in general the order of your tags are not important, but proximity of one tag compared to another used in a multi-word search can have an effect on where it appears in the sort order. As this conversation has gone off topic, we've decided to lock this thread.




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