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Picture Quality Dilemma

Dave D

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I've just keyworded an image that recently been accepted on here, and when i view it, especially as a thumbnail in image manager, it makes me cringe just a little!! The edit and the processing isn't perfect.

However, its already sold twice on another agency, so i'll let it stay (maybe until i get to do a better edit?)


Does anybody else have these sorts of images in their portfolio?



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I have some images on Alamy that I didn't want to submit in the first place but they kind of slipped through. And sold. Sometimes I wonder. No-one seems to care about the good stuff I do, but hovers up the crumbs from under the table.

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Me too. In fact the longer I spend on an image getting it to be stunning, the better the chances are that it will look pants when I go back to it. I usually leave a couple of days between editing and rechecking for exactly this reason. I also adjust the thumbnail size to approximately Alamy size when I am looking at the 'to upload' file so I can see images that look weird at thumbnail size. 


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If I don't like the quality of a recently uploaded image I'll often improve it and upload again. When online I'll ask Alamy to delete the old one (giving all details of both images - and the reason why - it has to be the same image).

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If I don't like the quality of a recently uploaded image I'll often improve it and upload again. When online I'll ask Alamy to delete the old one (giving all details of both images - and the reason why - it has to be the same image).



Do that myself for older images I have reworked.



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This happens to me a lot. I think I can be looking at an image for so long that my eyes and brain trick me into believing it looks stunning, then when I look at it again when keywording, I wonder how I could have thought it was good when it looks so poor. What I often do now is to process/edit, then look again a few hours later or the next day, before uploading to Alamy. That gives me a fresh look at it, and often I tweak my adjustments.





If anything it is the opposite way round for me.

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Not me, folks -- every image I have is absolutely perfect. (Can any of you who are religious remind me of the punishment for blatant lying?)  :unsure:


I'm absolutely not religious but I recall from my childhood that, according to the religious education I received, there is no punishment as long as you don't die before you cough it up to a man in a box. However, should you die before you do that, then you really are in trouble, forever :(. I'm not sure if this applies to politicians but it definitely applies to photographers who lie about digitally altering their images.

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Not me, folks -- every image I have is absolutely perfect. (Can any of you who are religious remind me of the punishment for blatant lying?)  :unsure:

Eternal damnation.






And eternally corrupted memory cards...


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And eternally corrupted memory cards...



I think that's the punishment the photography gods give out to people who keyword or caption without due care and attention to accuracy, or who plagiarise others' keywords. 


At least, I hope so ;-) 

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And eternally corrupted memory cards...



I think that's the punishment the photography gods give out to people who keyword or caption without due care and attention to accuracy, or who plagiarise others' keywords. 


At least, I hope so ;-) 


I don't know what I've done wrong, then, because I had a card go ping for the first time ever a couple of months ago and lost some good pix of a German curry. Fortunately my German was up to getting a replacement, Media Markt were very helpful, and I got a refund for the card, so those lifetime guarantees do work after all.

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And eternally corrupted memory cards...



I think that's the punishment the photography gods give out to people who keyword or caption without due care and attention to accuracy, or who plagiarise others' keywords. 


At least, I hope so ;-) 


I don't know what I've done wrong, then, because I had a card go ping for the first time ever a couple of months ago and lost some good pix of a German curry. Fortunately my German was up to getting a replacement, Media Markt were very helpful, and I got a refund for the card, so those lifetime guarantees do work after all.


Back in 2004, I bought two EOS1D MkII bodies, and the best Lexar cards money could buy, one of which decided to corrupt a few weeks later. :angry:

I'd blithely (up to that point) ignored the fact that the bodies had the facility to run SD cards as well as CF cards, a built-in back up. :rolleyes: (Doh!!!!)

Got the pix back with a chunk of software combined with lots of sweat and worry, then ran out to buy several SD cards.

Never bought Lexar from that day to this though....

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Thank you, and apologies to Allan.




Thank you for admitting the error. Appologies accepted. No harm done. :)




A green for you for your honesty too.



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