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09 January 2015 Sale D53M9G Sale   5.79     09 January 2015 Alamy Distribution Commission D53M9G 30% 1.74       09 January 2015 Distributor Commission D53M9G 40% Distributor Commission 2.32  


Leaves me with $1.73 Just over a pound. We have a pound shop nearby so maybe I will have a browse!

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Sales like the one you experienced happen to anyone here more and less. Thankfully, they are just an exception in the wide panorama of sales you may have with Alamy.

I wish you a three-digit sale next time!  ;)

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09 January 2015 Sale D53M9G Sale   5.79     09 January 2015 Alamy Distribution Commission D53M9G 30% 1.74       09 January 2015 Distributor Commission D53M9G 40% Distributor Commission 2.32  


Leaves me with $1.73 Just over a pound. We have a pound shop nearby so maybe I will have a browse!



It was mentioned on another thread a while ago that with agency distribution the agency and alamy should share 50% with 50% to the photographer.



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09 January 2015 Sale D53M9G Sale   5.79     09 January 2015 Alamy Distribution Commission D53M9G 30% 1.74       09 January 2015 Distributor Commission D53M9G 40% Distributor Commission 2.32  


Leaves me with $1.73 Just over a pound. We have a pound shop nearby so maybe I will have a browse!



It was mentioned on another thread a while ago that with agency distribution the agency and alamy should share 50% with 50% to the photographer.




If they did, I might be tempted to rejoin distribution. As it is I can't stomach all and sundry squirrelling away 70% of the fees. 

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Country: Mexico
Usage: Editorial
Media: Magazine - print, digital and electronic
Print run: up to 10,000
Placement: Inside
Image Size: 1 page
Start: 01 December 2014
End: 01 December 2019
Flat rate per image. Duration: 1 month. $ 20.00



Not quite as bad as your lease, but I'll be left with $6 since it's a distributor sale. And the image size is 1page...

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Had a picture of a fake £2 coin published in the Mail.

Got $5.92.

That's $2,96 after commission.

That's about £1.84.

Only another 16p needed to make up for finding I'd been given a fake £2 coin.



I understand that small-circulation magazines in Slovakia might not pay top rates, but I find it disgusting that national UK publications seen by millions every day can get away with paying that kind of 'money'. 


No distributor involved.

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99% 1,588 images
1% 765 images

October Revolution 3,421 images
Not even 100 years ago. November 1917. (It was October in Russia, but November in our parts of the world.)


And we have just celebrated the 25th anniversary of the end of it.

Fall of the Berlin Wall 3,013 images



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I've had a few of those disappointing $5.79 "dollar store" leases. OTOH, a $250 book sale (non-distributor) showed up yesterday brightening up an otherwise gloomy month. So, hey, you never know...

Very true. I've had one of those smaller ones this month but I've also had a couple of reasonable size ones as well.


That doesn't mean I feel the small ones are acceptable (especially the Newspaper Scheme ones) but there are quite a few larger ones around to ease the pain of the smaller ones!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had another one, identical in every way to my original post, same pic, but for even less money! Also a distributer sale so I will get a few cents less than the previous. Going down! This is a reverse auction where bids go down not up! Good job I sell many prints at good prices elsewhere, have many paying projects and am lucky not to depend on stock. You have to chuckle. 


Country: Finland
Usage: Editorial
Media: Editorial website
Placement: Single Placement
Image Size: up to 1/4 screen
Start: 01 December 2014
End: 01 January 2015

$ 5.55


Last one was for $5.85

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