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Is reporting of zooms broken yet again?

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Though my zooms have dropped generally from a peak of about 60 per month a year ago to 30 recently, I was still getting zooms reported

until recently.


From September 23rd to October 7th, Alamy have reported zero zooms from 2812 views.

I asked member services but they say there's no problem. Anyone else also had a sudden drop to zero?




Total Views for Andrew Michael : 2,812 Total Zooms for Andrew Michael : 0 Average CTR for Andrew Michael : 0.00 Total CTR for Andrew Michael : 0.00 Average CTR on Alamy for last month : 0.46






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This is the sort of advice I got from member services:


However keywords also play a major role for your images standing out in the search results and having chances for the customer to zoom over it ,so we suggest you have a better check of your keywords before your image goes ‘On sale’ .


Very helpful!

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How do you know of a non reported image as sold ?


Have a look at the monthly "have you found any Alamy images" thread on this forum where people who find any images published post the details of where they were sold.



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Yes, zooms seem to have stalled at 25 for the past several days so my CTR isn't looking good and the blue graph is shaped like a ski jump. But three sales showed up this morning so that's more important. The slightly odd thing is, the little box to the left says I have 2 sales, not three. It'll probably come right in a few days.

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My zooms have fallen in the last month, resulting in a very low CTR, but this is lower than the Alamy average, so I had assumed that it was just a statistical quirk peculiar to me. Three zooms in the last two days suggests things getting back on track, as I normally see an average of rather more than a zoom per day.

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For several months I was averaging a 2 or 3 zooms a week, made a couple sales and my CTR was actually decent. This continued into the first week of September when a fairly large sale dropped in....then absolutely nothing for the rest of the month. On the last day of September a single zoom and since then again nothing. Sigh.

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same as others have reported. steady number of zoom until about 2 weeks ago. Something has definitely changed - and I would guess that it is nothing to do with keywords.


Have now just emailed MS who answered "our technical team is looking into it and we'll get the issue settled".

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Wow--there may actually be something to this. Looking in All of Alamy at a single week each from June, July, August, and September, each week had over 30,000 zooms, but the week from 27 September through 3 October was under 13,000. Views were also down from around 8 million (average per week, June through September) to 3.9 million. These threads almost always turn out to be about the inevitable random fluctuations in small collections, but it sure looks like something's up this time.

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Wow--there may actually be something to this. Looking in All of Alamy at a single week each from June, July, August, and September, each week had over 30,000 zooms, but the week from 27 September through 3 October was under 13,000. Views were also down from around 8 million (average per week, June through September) to 3.9 million. These threads almost always turn out to be about the inevitable random fluctuations in small collections, but it sure looks like something's up this time.


Already done this analysis!




Ian D

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My zooms have been at a standstill for weeks. And I have one pseudo where I have some of my best released images that is zero zooms. CTR zero. Everything with that pseudo is zero. That pseudo contains a large percent of my total image count.


It is hard for me to believe that not one single image in that group has not been zoomed in over a month.


I guess I must be a terrible keyworder. ;)


Funny that I can perform a search of images in that pseudo and some of my images come up in 2nd or 3rd page. More in 5th, 6th or so, which still isn't that deep.

Edited to add.

I performed a search of several images in the pseudo with zero CTR. I have my images of St. Croix in there.

The first search Was: "St. Croix". One image showed up on page 3, 6 on page 6, a few in between.


Next search, "St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands"

I had several on the first page of results, over 30 on the 2nd page. So my images are placed high for those keywords. When I did more specific searches with above keywords but "riding, horse" or child,playing,beach, those came up nicely placed. Some were found easily just searching child,playing,beach without using location.

Obviously, my keywording is OK. I'm left with three options. Absolutely no photo buyers are interested in children playing on the beach, or St. Croix images, or specifically MY images!

Or....the zooms report is broken.


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My zooms have dropped off significantly over the last month as have the total zooms reported. IMO something has changed at Alamy - whether it is the level of activity or the data collection process is not clear. My sales over the period have been above par in value and quantity which leads me to believe that it is the data collection and reporting that has changed.


This raises two issues. Will it affect the ranking calculation and will the reduced level of reporting leave us with a sufficiently large sample for the data to be helpful. Bear in mind that the previous data on zooms was already only a fraction of the overall activity.


Watch this space!



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My zooms have dropped off significantly over the last month as have the total zooms reported. IMO something has changed at Alamy - whether it is the level of activity or the data collection process is not clear. My sales over the period have been above par in value and quantity which leads me to believe that it is the data collection and reporting that has changed.


This raises two issues. Will it affect the ranking calculation and will the reduced level of reporting leave us with a sufficiently large sample for the data to be helpful. Bear in mind that the previous data on zooms was already only a fraction of the overall activity.


Watch this space!




Maybe not as it should affect all of us.

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I had two identical search terms show up from yesterday on the same psuedo. I would have thought that they would produce identical results.


One of them had a total of 83 views, 12 of which were mine. I have more than 12 in the set so all should have shown up with the 120 results per page default setting.

The second one had 120 views, 5 of which were mine and they were 5 which weren't in the first set of views.


I've given up trying to work out how it works.


My zooms are dragging along the floor again and CTR is back at 0.00.

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This week I had an increase, to 1!


I can report similar!!


Since July I also had no zooms but then, contradictory to this thread, one did show up about two weeks ago.  My collection here is rather too small, I feel, to ride out the bumps and should not be considered a robust sample size ;-) 

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