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1 hour ago, geogphotos said:

I can't really understand why news captions need to be detailed when others do not? 

I would suggest because you need to be able to fully describe what is happening to an editor who may have no knowledge of it, whereas with stock the 'searcher' is looking for an image to suit their subject of which they will already have awareness. I can't think there'd be many situations where someone would go in 'blind' for stock images.

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19 minutes ago, Avpics said:

I would suggest because you need to be able to fully describe what is happening to an editor who may have no knowledge of it, whereas with stock the 'searcher' is looking for an image to suit their subject of which they will already have awareness. I can't think there'd be many situations where someone would go in 'blind' for stock images.


But how to know what the searcher is looking for?


As I mentioned above with the stained glass window example - it could be the name of the church, the location of the church, the style of the art, the company that made the glass, who designed it, when it was made, or it could be the specific subject matter which is illustrated often in multiple scenes. Yes sure I put it in the keywords but I would prefer to have it in the caption where detail is supposed to go and which counts lower in search importance. Then I could just use the tags for the most significant things. 


I accept that for the majority of stock images 600 characters is not necessary. What I am saying is that quite often I find that 150 is just not enough and I have to end up compromising. 


So overall why restrict somebody?

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2 minutes ago, Jan Brown said:

Are you both originally from Bath? Or is your wife a Suffolk lass?


She's from Marlborough. We met in Charlie Brown's ( top of Milsom Street) New Year's Eve 1978. She got my phone number from me, and brazen hussy that she is ( present tense) actually phoned me and asked about a meet up. 


Well, you can tell what a gentle kind fellow I am. Hence the early arrival and mirror watching. 



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23 minutes ago, Avpics said:

I would suggest because you need to be able to fully describe what is happening to an editor who may have no knowledge of it, whereas with stock the 'searcher' is looking for an image to suit their subject of which they will already have awareness. I can't think there'd be many situations where someone would go in 'blind' for stock images.


what about images that would logically go in Live News, put i don't have access?  Or pictures from an event with multiple scenarios.  I just did some picture from a Folklore Festival,

So I want to identify the Event, the Sub event (it included Parade, Stage Shows, Street Shows, Fashion Show), the action in image, the country of performers, their group names,,,,  many cases i would need more than 150

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7 minutes ago, meanderingemu said:


what about images that would logically go in Live News, put i don't have access?  Or pictures from an event with multiple scenarios.  I just did some picture from a Folklore Festival,

So I want to identify the Event, the Sub event (it included Parade, Stage Shows, Street Shows, Fashion Show), the action in image, the country of performers, their group names,,,,  many cases i would need more than 150


Yes. I agree 100%.


Why should those of us who do not  submit to News be limited in what we want to say about the photos we are taking?


More relevant - who benefits from the restriction? Most don't want or need to use anything more than 150 characters. 


I know that I often end up with shorter captions than I could actually use out of frustration and the time pressure of not wanting to do a précise exercise. 

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4 minutes ago, Jan Brown said:

Ah yes, just remembered the Calne reference.

It's very sweet that you remember your early courtship so clearly. You must be approaching a big anniversary?


Not sure about sweet. 


But she does let me out now and again.

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Just now, Jan Brown said:

Do you find that Suffolk is a bit cut off from the rest of the country? One of the things that holds me back from moving there is that, where I am, I am well placed for getting most places in the south and Midlands whereas East Anglia seems a bit too removed from it all. 

Sorry, I've hijacked my own thread and gone very off topic. Pity there isn't a general chat forum here.


 Woodbridge, Suffolk is easily accessible from London. Obviously if your personal magnet draws you to Midlands and south then that is different. 


I would expect the drive tomorrow to be between 3-5 hours.

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42 minutes ago, geogphotos said:


. She got my phone number from me, and brazen hussy that she is ( present tense) actually phoned me and asked about a meet up. 




Mine did that as well. Very forward. Good job she did as well- I am was very shy.

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When the Caption text is past the 150 charter limit it automatically carries over to Additional info field where the entire Caption is displayed. With long captions I find I need to truncate the Caption at a logical place so I don't have word fragments or incomplete locations.


All the KEY words from the Caption should be in the Tag (keyword) field anyway so a truncated Caption is not good but not a hindrance to buyers finding your images.

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1 hour ago, dlmphotog said:



When the Caption text is past the 150 charter limit it automatically carries over to Additional info field where the entire Caption is displayed. With long captions I find I need to truncate the Caption at a logical place so I don't have word fragments or incomplete locations.


All the KEY words from the Caption should be in the Tag (keyword) field anyway so a truncated Caption is not good but not a hindrance to buyers finding your images.


One thing to remember is additional information, unlike the caption, is not searchable. Depending upon what you photograph, the 600 characters allowable for reportage can be very useful.

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3 hours ago, Mr Standfast said:

Well I'm eaves dropping. Lansdowne park

and ride is my favourite car park in Bath.


My favourite is usually the Charlotte St car park, close to the centre. Normally coming off the M4, A46, London Rd, down Walcott St, then to the right. I used to know Bath well, had friends nearby in Thickwood, but now only in Colerne. Probably spend more time in Bristol now as my daughter lives there.

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3 hours ago, geogphotos said:

Name and location of the church

Stained glass artist and date, possibly style of art

What is in the stained glass - could be several 'lights' of different biblical scenes.


Where do you generally start looking for this info ? I have a couple of images of stained glass windows but have no history. I'm guessing maybe the websites (if the church has one) is maybe a good place to start ?

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52 minutes ago, sb photos said:

additional information, unlike the caption, is not searchable.


I have started to add that in some cases, but not sure what its use is ? Does it show up as metadata in the image that the client is viewing ?

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25 minutes ago, BidC said:


Where do you generally start looking for this info ? I have a couple of images of stained glass windows but have no history. I'm guessing maybe the websites (if the church has one) is maybe a good place to start ?


Sometimes it takes a lot of research which adds to the frustration of not having enough space to use what you have found out because of the character limit.


Quite often the church does not know, the knowledge has been lost so you need to find specialist sources. That obviously takes time and is very specific. But given Alamy's provision of encylopaedic coverage somebody might want to know specific windows of particular producers which is the whole point of trying to develop a  niche.  If we are only then able to write banal captions it is clearly not ideal.

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2 hours ago, Jan Brown said:

I just tried that and, as I've found in the past, it just stops allowing me to type. Is there some trick I'm missing?

You're right about the tags, of course, but it's annoying when I'm in mid-flow and I can't fit in the informative sentence I wanted to type. Hey ho.

Caption over 150 characters is possible if you tag/caption prior to upload.

It is not useful though as the caption then does appear truncated at 150 characters and is repeated in full in the Description field which is not searchable.


Although it has changed overtime since the new AIM, I believe that it's generally agreed that caption has more weight than tags in the search engine.

It's easy to test ourselves although time consuming, waiting for the database update after each test (remove/add from caption, remove/add from tags, have both, super/ordinary tag, etc).



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1 hour ago, sb photos said:


My favourite is usually the Charlotte St car park, close to the centre. Normally coming off the M4, A46, London Rd, down Walcott St, then to the right. I used to know Bath well, had friends nearby in Thickwood, but now only in Colerne. Probably spend more time in Bristol now as my daughter lives there.

Dad always parked in Charlotte St, I always think of Trips to Bath with him when walking that way.

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