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Screen Protectors? How Do You Feel About Them (Sony)?

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I had one unprotected for over 4 years and it didn't get particularly beat-up, even when putting it on the ground for straight-up photographs. You know, church ceilings and domes where you hope some twit doesn't walk over and look into the lens while the self-timer is counting down.

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Hmmm.. thought you weren't buying any more new equipment, Edo. ^_^


I've had excellent luck with JYC optical glass protectors that I've bought on eBay (from China, of course) for my NEX cameras. The last one I ordered cost $5.


I never had to use a screen protector with my Sony DSLR, but the NEX cameras are a different story. Perhaps the RX100 has a tougher screen. I don't particularly like screen protectors, but they do the job


Hope you enjoy the camera. I'm envious.

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I use a plastic sheet screen protector on my NEX 6. I bought it with the camera it and still looks OK, while the paintwork at either side of the camera body has been eroded away by the strap! I rarely use the screen, much preferring the EVF, so the optical quality of the protector is not much of an issue for me.

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Never used them on anything including mobile phones (30 years). 'Protectors' mark much more easily than the screen so you are probably always working with a degraded screen unlike with naked screen.


I have had one broken phone screen but as I inadvertently threw it down the road a protector wouldn't have helped - it was in kit form when I picked it up!

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Never used them on anything including mobile phones (30 years). 'Protectors' mark much more easily than the screen so you are probably always working with a degraded screen unlike with naked screen.


I have had one broken phone screen but as I inadvertently threw it down the road a protector wouldn't have helped - it was in kit form when I picked it up!


Martin, Sony puts a soft "true black" plastic layer over some of their "naked" screens. This coating does a good job of reducing reflections, but it scratches very easily. I've always found even the cheap optical glass screen protectors to be very tough and scratch-resistant. They do increase reflections somewhat, though. Not a big deal IME.

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Never used them on anything including mobile phones (30 years). 'Protectors' mark much more easily than the screen so you are probably always working with a degraded screen unlike with naked screen.


I have had one broken phone screen but as I inadvertently threw it down the road a protector wouldn't have helped - it was in kit form when I picked it up!


Martin, Sony puts a soft "true black" plastic layer over some of their "naked" screens. This coating does a good job of reducing reflections, but it scratches very easily. I've always found even the cheap optical glass screen protectors to be very tough and scratch-resistant. They do increase reflections somewhat, though. Not a big deal IME.



Ah, in which case I would consider it.

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You have acted fast, Ed. Congratulations on your new camera.


- and about the later discussion of plastic layer on the screen to reduce reflections - this model has an EVF - the reason I wanted this or the later model - great if you cannot see a bloody thing on the screen in the sunlight - which is often the case for me.

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Hmmm.. thought you weren't buying any more new equipment, Edo. ^_^


I've had excellent luck with JYC optical glass protectors that I've bought on eBay (from China, of course) for my NEX cameras. The last one I ordered cost $5.


I never had to use a screen protector with my Sony DSLR, but the NEX cameras are a different story. Perhaps the RX100 has a tougher screen. I don't particularly like screen protectors, but they do the job


Hope you enjoy the camera. I'm envious.


My god, John -- that was . . . weeks ago! Try to keep up. Essentially, Mark is right; I'm selling off stuff and decided to try this lighter, magic, midget gizmo. I would give you the exact list of stuff and the exact prices, but I'm afraid the OP might get pissed about me going off topic. 


Anyway, so far it looks as if the no-protector votes are ahead. And that's what I will be doing this time around -- going naked. 


I took the RX100 M3 for a walk today, used the screen on my way across town, did a mix on some food shots, and used the popup EVF in the supermarket and on the way home. I deliberately shot down 'n dirty, being casual, not careful. I didn't see anything wonderful in the take, but I'll be doing the PP tonight and in the morning, and then we'll see.


What I think right now . . . is this is a very small machine and will take some getting used to. Hopefully I'll get used to it. I like the viewfinder best, but the screen moves in many mysterious ways, so it should come in handy. 


Thank you for your opinions, very interesting and helpful. 



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What I think right now . . . is this is a very small machine and will take some getting used to. 


The small size, the weight and the metal surface make it nearly too smooth sometimes in my opinion, it can easily slide off your hand if you are not careful. I find the wrist strap, one of the attachment grips or camera bag worth considering before getting too busy (there are lots of these accessories available for the model)....

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Hmmm.. thought you weren't buying any more new equipment, Edo. ^_^


I've had excellent luck with JYC optical glass protectors that I've bought on eBay (from China, of course) for my NEX cameras. The last one I ordered cost $5.


I never had to use a screen protector with my Sony DSLR, but the NEX cameras are a different story. Perhaps the RX100 has a tougher screen. I don't particularly like screen protectors, but they do the job


Hope you enjoy the camera. I'm envious.


My god, John -- that was . . . weeks ago! Try to keep up. Essentially, Mark is right; I'm selling off stuff and decided to try this lighter, magic, midget gizmo. I would give you the exact list of stuff and the exact prices, but I'm afraid the OP might get pissed about me going off topic. 


Anyway, so far it looks as if the no-protector votes are ahead. And that's what I will be doing this time around -- going naked. 


I took the RX100 M3 for a walk today, used the screen on my way across town, did a mix on some food shots, and used the popup EVF in the supermarket and on the way home. I deliberately shot down 'n dirty, being casual, not careful. I didn't see anything wonderful in the take, but I'll be doing the PP tonight and in the morning, and then we'll see.


What I think right now . . . is this is a very small machine and will take some getting used to. Hopefully I'll get used to it. I like the viewfinder best, but the screen moves in many mysterious ways, so it should come in handy. 


Thank you for your opinions, very interesting and helpful. 





Going naked in the Naked City, that's pretty brave of you. Does the RX100iii screen have the same crappy "true black" plastic surface as the NEX cameras? If so, it might be wise to cover up. Repairs down the road could get expensive.

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I agree, Niels . . . too smooth, like a Las Vegas lounge singer. I would prefer to have the control buttons a touch taller. But I guess Sony was taking the "term" pocket camera seriously, that owners would carry it in their pants pocket, so buttons sticking out might catch and get stuck. I'm hopeful about learning where the dials are by touch. Other than once or twice while covering a war, I have never dropped a camera, and I was using the wrist strap and a Domke bag with an Upstrap today. 


The quality of the images I snapped today are very high. There is some softening at the edges, but most zooms have that.


I'm not sure what "true black" is, John. But I do think the screen on this new baby is made of sterner stuff than the NEX cameras. I do love my NEX-6, as I'm sure you do.  :)

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I carry my RX100 Mk 1 in my pocket every day, and I have had it for about 1000 days now.  I tried a Sony screen protector early on, but found it was so reflective I could not see anything except my unhappy reflection.


A large black cloth would have been a possible solution, but this camera is supposed to be inconspicuous.



I took the screen protector off and the screen has no noticeable damage.  I do carry it a small leather pouch, but I live in a windy place by the seaside and my pockets usually have some sand in.  Maybe NYC is a cleaner place?


RX100 is a great camera, I hope it goes well for you. . .. 

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When I sold my 4x5 view camera I included a black cloth in the deal. I usually wear a baseball cap, which provides some shade for my eyes and helps if I'm using a viewfinder, but not when using a screen. 


I see you're wearing a British wool driver's cap, Peter. I have the Irish version around here somewhere, called a newsboy cap in the States. I find when I wear it for a week or more I start speaking with a brogue. 


At this point we have 5 votes for no screen protector and two for using a screen protector. Oh, and if I count my own vote it's 6 to 2. Hmm. A whole lot of scratching going on.

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I have had my rx100 (i) for about 18 months and I've noticed some significant wearing off of the finish around the screen.  When not in use I keep in in a small padded zippered pouch, so I don't think it's been handled roughly.  Maybe the finish on the later models is better, but I wish I had put a protective film on it when I bought it.



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  • 1 month later...

Screen report:


I've been using my RX100-3 for about 2 months now, let's say 5 days a week. There are still no scratches, no damage, to the unprotected screen. 


When I brought it home and unboxed it (don't you love that silly term?), the screen somehow looked different, more substantial, than the screens on my RX10 and NEX Sonys, where I do have screen protectors. 


Edo  :)

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Ed, off topic a bit, how are you liking the M3? I just posted about using mine.

Are the images on your first page taken with it? Great images.


I've had mine for quite a while, now, but seldom shot it because around here, I use my Fuji, which still rocks.


I do always have the M3 tucked in my purse for the occasional opportunistic shot, though. I finally got the opportunity to give it a workout in St.Croix. Hundreds of images. Makes a great travel camera for all the obvious reasons.

Love it.

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Most everything on the first 5 or 6 pages was taken with either the RX100-3 or the NEX-6 with the very-wide Sony zoom. I have 3 Sony systems now: NEX, RX100-3, and RX10. Sometimes I take the RX10 out so I can feel as if I'm using a real camera.  :unsure:


The RX100-3 is great for restaurant food. I can do overheads without getting up, just making use of the twisting screen. 



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