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March Challenge: Health


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Three shots from me




Sore throat in kathmandu. On the last day of our trek we both picked up a nasty virus, the main pleasure of which was a really painful sore throat (not helped by the pollution in Kathmandu). Here we have the leader of the opposition checking her throat in the mirror. It confirmed what we suspected, ie it was inflamed as if pumped up and as looked like raw steak.





The Montreal marathon. Its my idea of horror but you have to be healthy to do it.





Drinking Alcohol on Bolivia, 96% pure. About as far from healthy as you can get. In the amazing town of Potosi, if  ever you are down that way its a 'must do' to visit the silver mines there (claustrophobes keep well away). Some kids start working there at ten yrs old, though most of the 'men' start there at 15 yrs old.  There is so much dust in the air that the average life expectancy is 15-20 years (my throat was burning for hours after, and that was from a 2 hr visit).  With a life expectancy like that why not smoke and drink 96% pure alcohol. Check out the documentary The Devil's Miners for a look in the mines.





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Sorry folks. I was going to post a comment but failed and could not delete post. Appologies for the confusion but your comments made me smile, thank you.



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