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New payout level comes at a cost !!?

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I have:

a. access to US bank accounts, willing co-signers

b. plain envelopes full of 20-yr old Deutchmarks

c. well placed MI5 moles



I need:

#b above converted to US dollars


What can we work out?


German efficiency of course has an answer to this: here




edit: only to the b - part actually ;-)

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I still think that a "payout on demand" model would have been the best way to go. That way people could have chosen their own thresholds. Too late for that now, though. Hopefully, Alamy won't lower the new $100 threshold any further now that additional fees -- be they necessary or not -- are involved.


Why don't you open an account in Seattle, John? That would be a free bank transfer. Is that not doable? 

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I still think that a "payout on demand" model would have been the best way to go. That way people could have chosen their own thresholds. Too late for that now, though. Hopefully, Alamy won't lower the new $100 threshold any further now that additional fees -- be they necessary or not -- are involved.


Why don't you open an account in Seattle, John? That would be a free bank transfer. Is that not doable? 

Interesting idea, Ed, but it's at least a three-hour drive to Seattle, plus a tank of gas. Then there would be account management fees to pay to the US bank. So it might not be too cost-effective. I've been philosophical about absorbing the $15 wire transfer fee my Canadian bank charges on the $175+ payments, but when the payment threshold drops to $100, I'll have to rethink the options, especially if Alamy starts charging a "sending" fee. Some image licenses don't even net $15 these days. Sometimes I miss the old "your check is in the mail" times.

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Do you realise that if you make 2000 dollar on Alamy you are now going to pay 68 dollar to get that money.


This is incorrect. Paypal typically charge a 2% fee but depending on where you are and the currency you deal in fees are capped. Alamy do not dictate these fees.


Fee information is here:




We have also sent an email out regarding this change. If you haven't got it, the wording is here:




Where does Alamy get the idea of the typical 2% by PayPal, fees are not capped at all; its a percentage with no cap
$0 to $3,000   2.9% + $0.30   $3.20 fee on a $100 sale
$3,000+ to $10,000   2.5% + $0.30   $2.80 fee on a $100 sale
$10,000+   2.2% + $0.30   $2.50 fee on a $100 sale
and its 3.4% in Europe. Its not typical at all, the lowest fee doesnt even come down to 2%. For most of us it will be 2.9% and in EU 3.4%
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I still think that a "payout on demand" model would have been the best way to go. That way people could have chosen their own thresholds. Too late for that now, though. Hopefully, Alamy won't lower the new $100 threshold any further now that additional fees -- be they necessary or not -- are involved.


Why don't you open an account in Seattle, John? That would be a free bank transfer. Is that not doable? 

Interesting idea, Ed, but it's at least a three-hour drive to Seattle, plus a tank of gas. Then there would be account management fees to pay to the US bank. So it might not be too cost-effective. I've been philosophical about absorbing the $15 wire transfer fee my Canadian bank charges on the $175+ payments, but when the payment threshold drops to $100, I'll have to rethink the options, especially if Alamy starts charging a "sending" fee. Some image licenses don't even net $15 these days. Sometimes I miss the old "your check is in the mail" times.

If you're curently paying $15 you should be well ahead with Skrill, or even Paypal.

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Looking back over old postings on this subject contributors have been nagging time after time after time for the threshold to be reduced. I for one posted that this will come at a price. Now that Alamy has implemented what the majority have asked for there is an outcry that they are passing on the cost. Welcome to the real world.



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There should be a provision for non US non UK "foreigners" to opt for a higher payment, no charge, threshold.


I am not  wanting to quit Alamy in the hope that in the very near future they will offer a higher payment no charge threshhold,  till then i am no longer adding images to my account in protest to not having the choice.


It cannot be hard to flag the contributors whome do not want the lower payout and pay them as per normal.


The big players with Alamy must be very unhappy with the latest decision.



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Since Alamy seem to deem it fair to keep changing our contract with them, maybe we should change their contract with us !


My costs keep rising so I'm changing my commission fee to 95% / 5% in my favour.


I suggest you start selling images for higher prices to cover your costs rather than keep screwing over your suppliers.

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There should be a provision for non US non UK "foreigners" to opt for a higher payment, no charge, threshold.


I am not  wanting to quit Alamy in the hope that in the very near future they will offer a higher payment no charge threshhold,  till then i am no longer adding images to my account in protest to not having the choice.


It cannot be hard to flag the contributors whome do not want the lower payout and pay them as per normal.


The big players with Alamy must be very unhappy with the latest decision.




As protests go, that's like putting a gun to your head and saying "do what I want or the photographer gets it".


The "big players" here are making good money, every month. They will look at this thread, shake their heads and wonder at the collective lack of ambition on display...

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I don't remember Alamy asking anyone if thy would take a $100 threshold at a cost?


If one earns a salary and gets paid monthly and the boss asks if we would like to be paid weekly we may all agree. But after instigating it he said 'Oh by the way I will now be charging you for this service and there is no going back" then there would be an outcry.


I am an infrequent UK seller and am happier with a $100 dollar threshold, but not at the expense of others. This move is out of order and there should have been information provided beforehand that there would be a charge and there should have been an option or a vote.

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Alamy isn't a democracy, it's a business with business decisions to make, and this was one of them

Either it has a new payment system or it doesn't. Evidently it is damned either way. What it won't decide on, I don't think is to have two payment systems.

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Alamy isn't a democracy, it's a business with business decisions to make, and this was one of them

Either it has a new payment system or it doesn't. Evidently it is damned either way. What it won't decide on, I don't think is to have two payment systems.

This is not about being a democracy it is about fair practice.

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My question is why ALAMY lowered the payment threshold from $175 to $100 when most of contributors would not benefit that much from?

There have been many requests for it over the last couple of years. It featured highly in both 'Ask James' video presentations.

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My question is why ALAMY lowered the payment threshold from $175 to $100 when most of contributors would not benefit that much from?

There have been many requests for it over the last couple of years. It featured highly in both 'Ask James' video presentations.


Absolutely - there was a fair bit of wittering about the threshold for 'Ask James', while legit questions about the Scheming Newspapers Arrangements were quietly kicked into the long grass - I am far more concerned that current arrangements allow newpapers to syndicate commercially our images by including images which they have licensed in their syndication arrangements for no extra charge, and to pay a single license to cover every title and every type of media in a group.


Sort that lot out and you'd probably reach the old threshold anyway....

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Just to re-iterate: 


- There is a free payment option for everyone by using Skrill. Alamy will absorb any fees associated with this, as stated in our email to you.


- If you are paid USD or GBP via funds transfer into the US or UK this is also free.


- If your paypal account is set to USD and you are in the US, the maximum fee you will be charged by paypal is $1.


- If your paypal account is set to GBP and you are in the UK, the maximum fee you will be charged by paypal is $7.


- If your paypal account is set to EUR and you are in Europe, the maximum fee you will be charged by paypal is $8.

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Do you realise that if you make 2000 dollar on Alamy you are now going to pay 68 dollar to get that money.


This is incorrect. Paypal typically charge a 2% fee but depending on where you are and the currency you deal in fees are capped. Alamy do not dictate these fees.


How do you arrive at the approx. 2% fee? In my reading of the Paypal fee tables (in Dutch), the fees for receiving euros could be less than 1% (for an international private transaction in which no credit card is involved; 0.5% fee+ €0.35 fixed cost), or 3.9-4.4% (+€0.35 fixed cost) for a commercial transaction. Can Alamy confirm that Paypal fees will be charged as for private transactions? Additionally, Paypal charges a hefty fee for currency conversions (3.5% for €). At which stage is currency converted? Will the Paypal conversion fee be additional to the transfer fee? Many thanks.


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I am an existing paypal user and as I said in my first post in this topic, the charge for the reciever is 3 percent. I am worried because Alamy seems to be getting more and more money but the photographers get less and less. To me it seems as if photographers are really at the wrong end of the stick without a real choice. Sure, we can stop uploading, we can choose another agent. Alamy will not suffer short time, we will, as photographers. We seem to have far more duties then rights... 


Alamy is one of those companies with a management that does not understand the first and best rule of economics: Happy cows give more milk. 

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I am an existing paypal user and as I said in my first post in this topic, the charge for the reciever is 3 percent. I am worried because Alamy seems to be getting more and more money but the photographers get less and less. To me it seems as if photographers are really at the wrong end of the stick without a real choice. Sure, we can stop uploading, we can choose another agent. Alamy will not suffer short time, we will, as photographers. We seem to have far more duties then rights... 


Alamy is one of those companies with a management that does not understand the first and best rule of economics: Happy cows give more milk. 


Please read our post on the previous page regarding the fees paypal charge. They are capped but are dependent on where you are and what currency your account is in. For example, if your paypal account is in USD and you are in the US, the maximum fee they will charge you is $1. 


There is a free option for payment in Skrill.

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Belgium here.

I am being paid in Euros via bank transfer. What's it going to cost me? I have nothing to do with Paypal nor Skrill.





Please read the information on the links provided via email and in this thread. Euros via bank transfer are charged at $3.10.


If you do not want to pay this fee, you have a free payment option in Skrill.

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Just to re-iterate: 
- There is a free payment option for everyone by using Skrill. Alamy will absorb any fees associated with this, as stated in our email to you.
- If you are paid USD or GBP via funds transfer into the US or UK this is also free.
- If your paypal account is set to USD and you are in the US, the maximum fee you will be charged by paypal is $1.
- If your paypal account is set to GBP and you are in the UK, the maximum fee you will be charged by paypal is $7.
- If your paypal account is set to EUR and you are in Europe, the maximum fee you will be charged by paypal is $8.

Well that looks clear enough - thanks Alamy - I would doubt that any of the above is not accurate.

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Belgium here.

I am being paid in Euros via bank transfer. What's it going to cost me? I have nothing to do with Paypal nor Skrill.





Please read the information on the links provided via email and in this thread. Euros via bank transfer are charged at $3.10.


If you do not want to pay this fee, you have a free payment option in Skrill.


But on Skrill it's said I'll be charged up to 10€ for sending money from it.


I won't pay for receiving there, but to get my money on my bank account it seems to be a very different story. So, either receiving directly from alamy, or using Skrill I'll always have to pay to receive my money.


- We don’t charge you when receiving money back into your Skrill account

- Sending money costs 1% of the amount sent but is capped at a maximum of €10."



Honestly, to me this is just a tortuous way for alamy to make yet another commission cut to their contributors. Since cutting the commission itself would create a bigger uproar, you just found a way to pass an expense to the contributors dressed up like a good thing, so you can keep more money...

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